Sorry for the wait.

If you offered to beta me then please check your PM's as the email address in your message didn't come across.

As always this un-beta'd so all mistakes are mine. Please don't complain about them unless you're prepared to help.

Kurt sat at the computer in his office going over lay outs and pictures for the site, deleting what couldn't be used and making notes on for the article he wanted to go with the pictures when there was a tap on the door. "BUSY."


The door opened and Kurt secretary poked her head in, "I'm sorry Kurt but Mr Smythe is here, apparently he has 'some very important contracts for you to sign'." she rolls her eyes not believing a word she has just said told.

Kurt looks up, "Where is he?"

Liz steps in the office closing the door, "I made him sit his bony butt down and wait."

"Was he being difficult?" Kurt sighed.

"No actually he just sat down." They both laughed.

"Well give me five minutes to just finish this and I'll be out." Liz turned to leave, "Oh and tell him next time call ahead and check if it convenient."

"Sure do realize that may set him off again? He was pretty pissed when you wasn't here for your appointment yesterday."

As she left the room Kurt responded, "I'm counting on it."

Kurt sat listening and slowly counted to himself, 'One, two, three..."

"WHAT? THAT JUMPED UP..." Kurt office door flew open, "Who do you think you are? We had an appointment yesterday that you blew off for girl time at the spa and after you tell me to bring the contracts over today..."

"Actually I said send them over. I didn't ask you to come with them. Have you not heard of couriers, they collect the paperwork for you then bring them to me, I sign them and they bring them back to you. I can give you the number of the one I use if you like?" Kurt didn't look up from his computer screen.

"Of course I've heard of couriers, I'm not stupid. What if you had questions? smart ass."

Kurt held up his phone waving it in the air, "The phone an amazing tool, my the question is..." Kurt looks up at a seething Sebastian, "Why keep wasting your time trying to see me? You've apologized, what else do you want? You want my forgiveness? Okay you have it, I Kurt Hummel officially forgive you Sebastian Smythe for being a totally ass to me back in high school. So can we now be professional at work and civil outside so we don't make our friends uncomfortable?"

Sebastian handed him the papers, "Yeah we can but can't we try and be friends too?"

The down trodden look on Sebastian face almost got to Kurt, "Why? Because you've changed?"

"Well yeah, you gave others a chance when they changed."

"That would be the case if you had totally changed but you haven't."

"What do you mean? I have..." Sebastian looked hurt.

"What's the first thing that came out of your mouth about my appointments yesterday?", Kurt didn't wait for the answer, "Oh yes , you accused me of going to have my nails done and just now ' girl time at the spa'. That's you all changed, cause if I remember correctly you used to reference me being girly as your go to insults back in Ohio. I mean once Dave apologize he stopped calling me names, well except Fancy but if I'm honest I like that one. And If you care to notice I've not insulted you once since you barged in here acting like a spoilt child who hasn't got want they wanted. You can't force me to play nice with you." Kurt looked at the papers and then signed.

Sebastian stood stunned as he watched Kurt, "I'm sorry, I don't think. I don't mean it. I get pissed and it just comes out."

" I'm sure it does the same way it does with Santana but the difference is with her I know she cares about me and if anyone else spoke to me in that way she'd kill them. With you, you made it clear that you didn't like me from the moment we met and nothing changed that. And now you expect me to just be okay and start afresh because you're sorry but then within seconds you use the same old insults when I piss you off."

"You're right but you made it very clear you wasn't going to like me when we first met as well."

Kurt started laughing, "Stop looking like I've killed your puppy. You want a chance at being friends?", Sebastian nodded, "Right here's the deal, you stop the insults and the tantrums or I will let Liz have your balls surgically removed and made into earrings, and I will give you a chance, deal?"

"Deal. Lunch?"

"Not today, as I said earlier I am actually busy, but I'm guessing you're going to be at Dave's Saturday night?"

"Yeah , I'm cooking. Any requests?"

"You cook?"

"Yeah if it wasn't for me Dave would live on noodles and chips."

Kurt looked surprised, "I'll give you a tip then, Rachel's a veggie."

"Oh shit." Kurt started to laugh again, "Not funny Hummel."

"It is and here's another one Santana allergic to sea food."

"Oh fuck now I've got to change everything.", Sebastian looked at Kurt, "I should get going but thanks for everything."

Kurt knew Sebastian wasn't talking about the food tips but about giving him a chance, "Don't thank me, thank your room-mate. He's the one who convinced me that you have actually changed."

Sebastian nodded and walked out the office as Kurt watched him go, "You like him?"

Kurt snapped out his thoughts, "What? Oh no, no I don't."

"Yes you do. He's sparked your interest and not just the 'he's gorgeous lets fuck' but in the 'let's get married' sort of way."

"You have no idea what you're talking about and no job if you don't get back to work."

"Okay boss have it your way but don't get pissed when I say told you so at the wedding."


Liz closed the door laughing.

"Hey Yogi got a minute for your ex beard?" Santana called down the corridor walked towards Dave.

"Keep it down Lopez. You're in a hospital." Dave turned looking at the women walking towards him.

"No shit, I wondered what that big sign out front was for and anyway this is the section for the fruit loops so their all tranked up."

"Tanna you can't just walk in"

Santana cut him off, "Told the cutie on the desk that my Ma was a patience, there's always someone with the name Lopez on these wards. By the way the cutie out front swing my way?"

Dave took hold of Santana's arm guiding her towards a door marked staff only, "You've not changed one bit and no I don't know if she swings your way but I'll make sure to warn her off."

"Now that's not a nice way to treat an old friend. I'll ask her to feel my pulse when I leave." Santana winked at Dave.

Dave rolled his eyes," As much as this is fun, I've got work to do. So spit it out, what do you want?"

"Okay. I hear we're coming to yours Saturday and I've got to play nice with Smythe as Tinker-bell has decided to give the creep a chance and I hear that this was your doing. So to cut to the chase, what I want to know is are you setting him up cause I'll take you both down if he sheds one tear Saturday?"

Dave took a deep breath,"Me and Kurt settled our differences way back in senior year. When I was hospital I only had two visitors, my Dad and Kurt..," a look of guilt washed over Santana's face,"I didn't say that to make you feel guilty, I know you had your own stuff to deal with, Kurt told me about what happened with your grandmother."

"Well it's her loss."

"It is." Dave knew Santana didn't want to talk to him about any of that stuff so he quickly changed the subject back," Anyway as I was saying me and Kurt stayed in touch for a while, you know text, email and it helped me get through some tough times. I met up with Sebastian after I was home from hospital and he had gone through some stuff and he apologized and we became friends. We ended up at the same college and have been room mates since. He's change. He's not the same guy as he was in high school I promise you that. Nether of us are out to hurt Kurt."

"You I believe, I'm not so sure about the criminal chipmunk. There's something about him when he's around Kurt that I don't trust. He lost to Kurt on more than one occasion and he may have you fooled into helping him get revenge."

"So you think he's been planning this for years..." Dave starts laughing.

"Okay Yogi, remember Sue Sylvester was my mentor and as we speak someone in Alaska is about to spent the next five years in jail for upsetting her sister forty years ago."

Dave went pale as it dawned on him that what Santana was saying was most probably true,"Shit."

"Yeah watch your back, she took a real shine to Lady-lips back in the day." Santana stared chuckling, "So is your boy toy for real?"

"He is not my boy toy and yes he is for real. Kurt is his biggest regret and he wants to make it right."

"And he wants in those tight pants?"

"He wants more than into Kurt's pants, I think Kurt is his one."

Santana's jaw dropped, "Well I figured he want that sweet ass but 'the one'. Saturday gonna be so much fun Davey boy."

Santana started to head for the door, "Tana come back. Don't screw this up for them. SANTANA LOPEZ COME BACK HERE."

Santana waved over her shoulder as she kept walking,"Sshhh, Davey hospital remember. See you Saturday."

Dave dropped his head, "Oh fuck.."