Chapter 11

Sam had returned to work a few weeks after delivering the boys. Jack was home each day trying to get Madison potty trained while keeping the boys fed, burped, and clean. When Sam got home each night she helped of course because she knew it was a lot of work for him to handle.

One night a few months later, Sam got home late and found Jack asleep on the floor in the living room with Madison curled up asleep on his lap and a twin on each side with a bottle hanging out of their sleeping mouths with the tv still playing a hockey game. Sam quick grabbed her camera and snapped a shot. None of them woke up so she snickered and tiptoed away so she could shower and change into her pajama's. Then she grabbed a blanket and 2 pillows as she gently rearranged him and the children onto the floor so they'd be more comfortable before she snuggled up on Jack's chest. Her heart was so full of the love she had for the man she had waited so long for as she thought of how perfect their little family was.