'Sir, your friends are waiting in the lobby.'

"Tell them I'm coming."

'Yes, sir.'

Tony took the elevator to meet his fellow heroes in the lobby. He greeted them. "Long time no see!"

"Cliché much, Tony?" Natasha greeted him.

"Why did you call us here?" Bruce asked.

"I'm planning on a vacation with you guys."

"What? A vacation? Who gave you the idea?"

"It wasn't Pepper."

"You suck at lying, Tony." Clint said.

"So, the vacation, for how long?" Steve asked.

"About half a year."

The rest were dumbstruck. "You must be crazy." Bruce muttered. "What?" Clint asked "Half a year? Who does that?"


"Well, if you're planning on a vacation of the Avengers there's someone missing." Natasha pointed out.

"Well, the Avengers' not complete without Point Break, right?" Tony Stark asked.

"Who? Is it Thor you're talking about?" Doctor Banner said while glancing up from a book he was reading. "Of course! Who do you think, Doctor?" Tony said mockingly. "I'm sorry. I'm not good with your made-up nicknames, Tony." "I know."

"Well, Thor said about a gatekeeper called Heimdall, and he said in his last visit that the… Bi- Bifloss? Bifroose? Whatever that is, it's almost done." The captain said.

"You mean, Bifrost. Yes, he said that. So now what?" Black Widow asked as grabbed a fruit from the bowl.

"Well, you saw Thor yelling at the sky, calling that guy to return him back to Asgard using the… Bifrost. I think Heimdall could also use it to make him come here."

"So you're saying we'll call out in the sky, like crazy people and ask him to let Thor come over here for a sleep over?" Tony asked.

"Umm… something like that." Captain said while munching on an apple.

"I'm in!"

The Avengers waited in the penthouse, after shouting for an hour to Heimdall and Thor, wishing that it would work. They all looked at the window, time by time, waiting patiently for the thunder god to come with his trusty hammer by the roof of the Stark tower, the ugly building, as some call it, the place where the Avengers hang out.

"I'm waiting for too long! It's so boring!" Tony Stark said while he plopped on a couch.

"I agree with Tony." The archer said while heading to the mini ref to in the corner of the room.

"So, are we just going to shout like crazy to the sky again?" Bruce asked.

"NO!" They all answered. "Besides, it's getting dark already." Steve said.

"Wait, don't you hear that?" Black Widow asked. "What?" They asked as they used their ears to hear whatever Natasha was talking about. Then, they heard the rumble of thunder they were waiting for to hear. "That, was what I'm talking about." They all scrambled out, heading to the roof. After a few minutes, the thunder god touched down.

Clint squinted in the dark and saw a figure with Thor, he asked. "Thor who's that with you?" "Have you forgotten all about me, Barton?" The figure came up to the light, showing his black hair, shining green eyes and a familiar face with a smirk. "Surprise." Loki said as he spread his arms. "LOKI?!" They all exclaimed. "Why the hell are you even here?!" Tony demanded.

"My friends, let's go inside first before we all talk. Sounds good?" Thor suggested. All of them grumbled as they went inside. "Thor, back to the question, why did you bring him," Clint pointed at the god of mischief, "here?" "Heimdall told me that you need the Avengers complete. So, I brought my brother here." "I'm not your brother!" Loki said. "The Avengers wouldn't be here if my brother didn't show up in Midgard with his army of the Chitauri." Thor said as he ignored Loki's interruption. "So, why did you summon me here, my friends?" He asked.

Steve answered. "Tony here was planning on a vacation and - -"

"I wanted to have the vacation with you guys!" Tony interrupted. "Ooh, how exciting." Loki sarcastically added. "Stop it, Reindeer Games. You're not even invited to join us and you come showing your sorry butt here." "I didn't have a choice, Stark. That oaf pulled me back here in this realm of mewling mortals." "So, I was planning to have a vacation with you for half a year." Tony continued.

"Sounds good. But why does it have to be that long?"

"We're going to travel in different countries!"

Thor nodded. "Where are we going for the first trip?"

"That's what we're thinking about." Tony took a large envelope and put it into a table. Steve picked it and opened it. "Where did you get all of these?" He said, showing some travel brochures.

"I don't know with Pepper."

"Well, how about this?" Natasha said as she pulled out a travel brochure of Paris.

"Not bad. But you could pick another." Bruce said.

"Uhuh, you're not. It's the one first picked and suggested, so it's okay." Tony said.

"So that's how you pick travel destinations?" Steve asked.

"No, but only for this time. Well, is everyone okay traveling to Paris?"

Everyone nodded except for Loki who was glaring at him.

"Okay, let's pack our bags."

"I have no need for packing bags. As long as I have my brother at my side and Mjolnir in my hand, I'm good to go." Thor said as he pulled his brother closer to him. "Get off me, Thor." Loki said. "You might want to reconsider that. We're traveling for half a year, remember? Sometimes, use your head, Thor." He said as he shoved Thor. Thor nodded in defeat and said "You're right, brother." Loki rolled his eyes. "I'm not your brother!"

"So, everybody, we're off to Paris!" Tony said.

The Bifrost is working now and Loki's already a little forgiven but not too much!
Please review! XD

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