"Wow, the place is full of Christmas spirit!" Steve said, smiling as he wandered in the room, eyeing every Christmas decor.

"Seems that Captain will burst from excitement already!" Thor said, patting Steve on the back.

Then, Pepper came inside the room, giving everyone pleasant smiles except for Loki and Tony. Her eyes showed terror, but she kept her smile and said, "You're - -"

"Loki. You may have heard of me, Lady Potts."

"You could just call me Pepper."

Then, she faced Tony. "Why is he here?" She nervously asked.

"That's the question I'm still asking myself. Lightning Bolt brought his brother here with him, saying the Avengers weren't complete without him. Since he's the one who united us all, bla bla bla."

"Okay… So, everyone, just stay here for a while. Tony and I need to talk." Then, she dragged Tony out of the room, still eyeing the raven haired god.

"Who wants to eavesdrop on Stark and Lady Potts' conversation?" Loki asked with a smile as he produced a clone of himself.

"Go eavesdrop alone." Natasha said.

"Hey, come on, it's Stark. Like something bad will happen. Anyone who would also like to join us?" A clone of Loki asked.

"Okay, I wouldn't want to miss it." Clint said.

"Just remember, brother, the blame would be yours." And Thor also joined.

"Alright." Steve said.

Bruce stuttered. "Um, okay. I'm going too."

"Lady Romanoff, you're the only one left now." Loki said.

"Fine." Natasha finally surrendered.

Then, all of them gathered in front of the door outside the kitchen and peeked in.

"Hey, I can't see." Clint said.

Thor sighed. "Keep your voice down, they'll hear us."


"What?! Ugh, it's gonna be a boring Christmas and New Year!" Tony exclaimed.

"That's what you get after not letting me join your trip. And don't worry about the boring celebration, I'm sure your tricky friend has it covered." Pepper muttered. "Even the super villains get to go with you on vacation."

"I was going to let you come, but you said you were busy."

" Really? When did I say that?"

"Last two months?"


"Here we are. Today, you are now seeing the Pathetic Prideful Mortal-being-who-always-like-to-drink Boyfriend in its natural habitat." Loki said while grinning as he heard the argument.

"Nice one, brother. You'll make a good zoo keeper. Zoo keeper, is that the correct term? At least that's what I heard from the show on the box machine that produces moving pictures with voices." Thor said.

Then, Loki elbowed Thor who so clumsily fell, revealing themselves to the arguing couple. A hiss followed from Loki, "Thor!"

"And, just like that, the God of Thunder fell." Steve nervously stated. Loki agreed by giving Thor a face palm.

"Were you listening?" Tony asked.

"Oh, no. We were just playing hide-and-seek." Loki sarcastically said.

"I'm going to make you pay, Loki."

"Bring it on."


"Yes. Do you really think you can humiliate me?"

"Yeah. First, promise me that you'll do whatever I tell you."

"Why in Hela's name would I do something you would ask me to do?"

"Nice question. Hmm... Wait, I'm still thinking... Aha! I know, if you won't do what I'll say, I'll make Thor do something to you, something you really don't want, ever, in exchange of Poptarts. Hear that Thor?"

"It's a good bargain." Thor said.

"And it's all I've got. Come on, Lokster. You still owe me for throwing me out of the window of my own house. Just for once!" Tony cried out.

"Alright. Do your best shot, Stark." Loki said.

"Come on, Reindeer Games. Cheer up! Where's your Christmas spirit?" Tony said as he presented his creation to everyone.

"Stark. You - -"

"Oh, no need of saying thank you. You really look good in your reindeer suit!"

Loki was wearing reindeer horns, a puffy green ball for his nose, and a reindeer costume. "I made your nose green, instead of red, cause I don't want you to be Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer but Reindeer Games!" Tony proudly said.

"Okay, everyone, go wear your costumes." He told everyone.

"They have their costumes too?" Loki asked.

"Yeah, but not as embarrassing as yours."

"I'll make you pay, Stark. You're going to regret this."

"Just do it after Christmas! Wouldn't want to spoil the fun, would we?"

Loki sighed as he saw the others in their costumes. Everyone except Tony and Pepper was an elf. Tony, himself, was Santa and Pepper as Mrs. Santa Claus

"You should have made Thor Santa Claus! He looks like an elf wrestler in those." Bruce said.

"Why are we even wearing costumes? It's not even Halloween and there are no kids around. It's Christmas, hello?" Natasha asked Tony.

"If we won't wear costumes then Loki would be so forever alone in his cute reindeer costume. I'm sure you don't like having a pissed-off God of Mischief on Christmas."

"Pissed-off doesn't cover it." Loki said. "And why am I the only one as a reindeer?"

"I just like it."

"I'm going to take it off."

"No. It's Christmas, come on! Why not be joyful and jolly? Besides, if you do, I have Thor on my side. He really doesn't want to disappoint his beloved Poptarts."

"Alright, people. Let's eat first, before we open presents, shall we?" Pepper said as she headed towards the dining table.

After eating, everyone was full. The table was once full of roast turkey, salmon, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, Christmas pudding and other pastries, but the food was no more. Everybody was full.

"Let's go open up some presents!" Steve finally said after a good while of silence as rest for their full stomachs. "Yep, let's go." Clint agreed.

To be continued in Part 2!

Here you go, guys! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to those who reviewed!

RDGames43 - I saw what you did there! (Reindeer Games is the best!)

Mizra67 - Here you go! And where were you in the Phil. BTW? (Kid Loki gives me the feels... :'( )

Magia - Thor! Is that you? XD

TheOneandOnlyGoddessofAwesome - Okay! Let's add Singapore to my list! Thanks! (If you've been there, please PM me so that I can know more about Singapore!)

Sherlock River Hekate - Thank you!

Please review!