Mikasa's POV

The wind picked up my hair and gently flowed it backwards. The endless ocean out in front of me, with the blinding sun shining brightly on the waves edges. My maroon scarf flowing behind me towards the cruise's pool. The day had finally come when I could travel around the world without having to worry about what was left behind. Memories that I no longer wanted or needed, all I want is to start fresh and create new memories. Though there is only one memory that I could never leave behind no matter what, but it always brings about other sad memories. This scarf is proof of what I went through, so I always bring it with me no matter where I go.

Before I notice the sun has gone down and the captain is calling all passengers to their rooms for the night. My footsteps are quiet and soft on the carpet below, I take slow, long strides while making my way to my room. The only people left are me and another passenger, who is also taking his time. He is pretty tan most likely from being out on the deck, the stranger is wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of white swim trunks. I notice he is pretty built and has brown hair that reaches to his ears. His eyes hide behind his hair, but I can tell we are both probably staring at each other. I can't keep my gaze off of him, and I dont know why... *BAM*


I hold my forehead, what hit me? I look up and I see that I ran into a wall... I hear laughter...

"Look where your going" He holds in another laugh

He faces my way. I start to blush madly, he probably thinks im a klutz. My head faces him... His hair uncovered his eyes...

'Beautiful' Is the only thing I can think of.

They are a unusual shade of turquoise, I've never seen anything like them. I snap out of my trance and ,I quickly realized that he was watching me glaring at him. I face forward and started walking. I pull my scarf and cover my mouth.

"Yeah, I'll watch where im going next time..." I quietly whispered.

I turned a corner, bursted into a quiet sprint, and into my room where quickly closed the door. I rested my hand ontop of my chest, my heart was beating very fast, it felt like it was about to leap out of my chest.

'I wonder who he was?' I think to myself.

I sigh and lay on the my bed, staring at the white ceiling. I turn off my light and try to sleep, but he wont leave my mind alone, and so I spent the night staring out the window. The night sky was shining brightly with millions of stars, millions of years away. The ocean waves slowly rocked the boat, and finally lulled me to sleep.

I wake up with a start. Im panting, gasping for air, and my heart is beating way to fast for my liking. I wait for it to slow down, and I wipe the sweat off of my forehead with my sleeve. That dream... Why can I never leave it behind... It continues to haunt me, and it never stops, it repeats, and repeats. Never any different from the first time I had it.

*Flashback time*

" Hey mother how are babies made?" A child with long, black hair asks.

"Uhhh I forgot why don't you ask your father?" Her mother replies with a relieved sigh.

"Then father, how are babies made?" The girl turns to her father and asks.

"Mikasa, why don't you ask Dr. Jaeger?" Her father said with haste.

*Knock, Knock, Knock* Somebody repeatedly knocks on the door.

"Oh, that must be Dr. Jaeger right now..." Her father smiles and heads over to the door.

"Hello Dr. Jae..."

The man cuts off in the middle of the sentence. His head tilts down and he fell to the cold wood floor. A man is shown holding a knife covered in her father's blood. Both her, and her mother gasp.

"Don't make any funny movements."

The man comes closer to the mother and daughter. Her mother takes a short glance at her sewing scissors. She quickly grabs the scissors and tries to stab the man who had just killed her father. Mikasa stands up and tries to get up and reach her mother, but she barely misses her sleeve.

"Run Mikasa! Run away! AS FAR AS YOU CAN!"


She can't move, her knees buckle, as she watches the scene unfold infront of her. Blood is splattered everywhere. A body hits the floor and faces Mikasa. Her mother and her father are both sprawled out on the floor, with dull eyes that look like they can look straight into your soul. Tears start to slowly fall onto the bloody floor, and the girl can no longer think straight. She's traumatized, and has no hope what so ever. No one can possibly save her from this endless pit of darkness that has no ray of light. The man slowly walks up to Mikasa with a smug grin.

"You better be a good girl and be quiet..." The man whispers

He took his right hand, made it into a fist, and swung it at her face, knocking Mikasa out cold.

When the girl woke up, her hands were tied behind her hands. The floor it was cold, her life was never going to be the same. She had smeared blood next to her mouth, from that punch the man gave her. Mikasa was in a house, not her house, but an abandoned one. No one would find her here. All hope was lost, she lay there, given up on life, just waiting for what horrible things would happen next. Her eyes dulled, knowing that she would probably never live a peaceful life with a happy ending, just like all of her fairytales.

A door creaked open. A boy around her age had appeared from behind the door. The kidnapper realized that some one had opened the door. He quickly ran up there.

"Why are you here!" The man had yelled

"Ummm... I got lost and I happened to see this cabin..." He had fake tears about to fall of of his chin. He saw a girl laying on the floor. He could tell by her dull eyes that she had given up on life. 'How could a girl be like that? How could someone give up on life?' The more he had thought, the angrier he got...

"Well you shouldnt go wondering around in peoples homes, okay?" The man placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

The boy held a knife behind his hand, and swiftly stabbed the man in the heart. The man dies instantly, and falls onto the boy. He then moves the dead man to the floor, and makes his way to the girl. He slowly puts the girl into a sitting position, and cuts half of the rope, his hands then undo the rope.

"Im cold..." The girl can only whisper.

The boy takes his maroon scarf off of his neck, and wraps it around her head.

"Its warm isn't it?" He smiles.

"Yeah, it is..." Her eyes come to life, once again.

"My name is Eren" He smiled brightly.

"My name is..."

Before she can answer someone knocks on the door. 'Crap...Thats probably the police, my dad most likely called them, I have to leave...'

"Don't tell anyone about me, okay? I might get sent for questioning, so I will be taking my leave."

The girl watched the boy named Eren leave out the window, and run into the forest, away from this dreaded house. The police men found Mikasa and started questioning her right away. They found out that both of her parents had been killed, and she had no other relatives. The girl was to be sent to and Orphanage where she would live there for three years of hell. That is until she snapped, and got kicked out for giving a kid a bloody nose and a few broken bones.

*End of flashback*

My heart finally calmed down, I sat on the bed, and I sighed. The memory that would forever last, I remember like it happened yesterday...


That guy reminded me of that boy...Eren...I would have to ask for his name if I meet him again. Hopefully he doesn't remember me walking straight into that wall. For peats sake how could I not have noticed a giant wall... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I covered my face with my hands and placed my elbows on my legs. Sometimes I have doubts if im actually smart and not dumb. I get up, and walk to the bathroom, I look into the mirror. My hair is a mess, half of it is having a 'Cow lick' while the other half is reaching my neck. I try to straighten it, but it keeps jumping right back up, so I decide I should take a shower.

After the shower I dress into my uniform, I had recently just finished college, so I still had my clothes from then. What I end up looking like is a black skirt, a white dress shirt with a pocket, and my maroon scarf. It should be time for breakfast so I take my wallet, and shove it into one of my skirt's pockets. I take the long way to the 'cafeteria'. I order some bacon, eggs, and a glass of orange juice. As I wait for my food I notice that this place is pretty crouded so it would be hard to find that guy. After a few minutes of waiting, a waitress with my food comes and drops it off. The food is average, but its better but what I usually eat at home. I take a sip of my orange juice, when I spot that guy leaving the cafeteria, quickly I pull out my wallet and place a 5$ tip. I chase after him into the hallways of the ship, but I lose sight of him, he must of gone through one of these paths. I look at my right side, and see him. He turns a corner and a black object falls out of his pants. I pick it up 'A wallet? I really have to catch him now. I start to catch back up, when he runs, while dragging another person with blonde hair, into a door all the way down a hall that is about 20 metres long. I take a few minutes to walk to the door he dissapeared into, and I proceed to knock on the door. A few seconds pass when I hear a mumble and the door opens. I stare at him, he's at least a inch or two taller than me.

"Um, I saw you drop your wallet, while you were running down the hall." I hand him his wallet.

'I feel heat rising into my cheeks. 'I hope he doesnt think of me as a klutz, after running into that wall.'

Chapter 2

Eren's POV

Earlier that day

The wind gently blows against my hair, even though im sitting in the farthest place from the front of the ship. I sit down in a white lawn chair, and watch the children and parents play in the cruise's pool. An alarm beeps and the captain's voice is ringing throughout the ship.

"Will all passengers please make their way to their rooms for the night." The captain repeats it once again.

By the time I start to get out of the lawn chair every one is already gone... 'Thats weird, am I just that slow?' Whatever I need to get to my room before I get into trouble. I turn a corner, and I walk down a long hallway full of rooms. I notice, not everyone has gone to their room, theres this one woman who is taking her time with long, slow, strides. I can't help stare at her, she's wearing a white dress shirt and a black skirt, but the weird thing is its the middle of summer and she is wearing a scarf? It was like 99 degrees out there, how can someone stand wearing a scarf when its that hot? I notice something... We're both staring at each other...!



I hold in a snicker. She lifts her face, and blushes very badly. 'I don't think even I can run into a wall with out noticing...'

"Look where your going..." I laugh again.

I face her way, she's staring at me again, but I can't help but stare too. Her eyes, there black, but they are also filled with a lot of other colors, I start to blush...? I guess she saw me staring at her... As she left I heard her say 'Yeah i'll watch where im going next time...' It was barely audible, but I heard it. She walked faster and turned a corner, I tried to catch up to her, but by the time I turned the corner she was gone. I'll probably see her tomorrow, I'll ask for her name. I felt my face brighten as I smiled to myself. I made my way to my room, and quickly locked the front door after I got inside. My skin was getting sticky from all of the sweat from being outside, so I decided I should take a shower. When I got out and got dressed I walked to the 'Living room' part of the room. I was watching T.V. when I heard the door unlock.

"Hey Eren, I see you got here before me" Armin smiled brightly.

"Yeah, you can go take a shower, I already took one." I replied.

"Ok, thanks for letting me know" Armin said as he walked to the bathroom.

Armin has been my best friend since I was around 5 years old. We always dreamed of leaving our home town, so we took this cruise together. Unfortunately, we were to poor to pay for two rooms so we bought 1 room, and ordered an extra bed to be put in here.

I sat watching T.V. for about 10 more minutes when Armin came out from the bathroom. He had a towel draped over his shoulders, under his hair.

"Hey Eren do you want anything to drink or eat?"

"Nah im good for food, but maybe some Dr. pepper would be good." I replied to Armin.

Armin went to a mini-fridge and brought out a single can of Dr.P, he then dropped it on the couch, next to my right leg.

"Thanks, I was to lazy to get it myself."

I could hear Armin chuckle from the kitchen. After I finished drinking my soda, I placed it in the trash, turned off the T.V., and headed for the bed. Armin was already out like a log, so i took the bed on the left. I couldn't sleep, most likely cause I was stupid enough to drink soda before I went to bed. So I started thinking, cause I would usually fall asleep by doing something boring.

'Lets see, what happened today that I can think about... The pool? The temp? That one lady?' I had started to blush without realizing.

'Is it possible I like her?...No, no, no, that was the first time meeting her, I can't possibly like her.'

'Have I met her before? I don't think so, but one thing is that scarf, I had one like that before...But I gave it to a girl named Mi-something and her last name was Ackerman? I need to calm down its been six years since that incident, she would have most likely lost it by now. Man... I just need to go to bed' And with that I had fallen asleep.