So this chapter is alot longer and alot more detailed. i hope you guys are enjoying the ride. But the twist and turns have yet to come up. i really hope yo enjoy this chapter of this installment. Also thanks Cyclone20 for the idea you gave me. i really appreciated the advice.

Hiccup was sitting up in his room, eyes dull and lifeless. He was mortified and unable to speak to anyone but himself. He kept repeating the words She's dead to himself: over and over, until his voice was hoarse. Every once in a while a sob would escape his lips. He was not alone in his grief however. Astrid was there, comforting him, consoling him. She had her head on his shoulder. She could feel every little sob or sniffle shake the boys tiny frame. When Hiccup stopped rambling, Astrid decided to talk to him.

"Hiccup. I know this must be hard, and I want you to know that I'm always here for you. So when ever you feel the need to talk, don't be afraid to ask." Astrid said softly into Hiccups ear. She didn't like seeing him this way. This was not the heroic smart alec that she knew. This was a sad little boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Hiccup let out a long sigh. It was not a sigh of relief or annoyance, but rather, a sigh of grief and exhaustion. The news of his mom's death took all of his energy. His movements were slow and labored. He had to have Astrid help him up the stairs to his room. He hated this feeling, the sadness, the remorse, the grief. He hated all of it. He needed to get away from it all, from this oppressive house, from the constant crying.

"Ride. I need to go for a ride." Hiccup said to himself as he looked over to Toothless who was currently lying down on his rock bed. Toothless popped his head up at the mention of a ride.

Hiccup managed to get up on his own. Astrid didn't want him going for a ride, let alone on a speed demon like Toothless. "Hiccup I really don't want you riding Toothless so soon. In your condition you could get hurt." Astrid protested. She was always worrying about Hiccup. It was her responsibility to help him now.

"Astrid, you're not gonna stop me! I'm going for a ride! I need it." Hiccup said back to Astrid, his voice raised as high as it would go; which wasn't very loud. He was deadly serious. That was the first time he had talked in that manner to Astrid.

Astrid was shocked at Hiccups actions. She never expected Hiccup to talk to her like that. He sounded like her drunkard father. She couldn't let that stop her though. "Fine. Then I'm going with you, and there is nothing you can say about it." Astrid said sternly. She stood solemnly in front of Hiccup.

"Ugh, stubborn girl! Fine! You can go! Happy now?!" Hiccup snapped. He was infuriated. He just wanted to go ride Toothless, alone, but Astrid wasn't going to let that happen. She would pester Hiccup to the ends of the Earth if it meant keeping him safe.

"Yes I am. Now let's go." Astrid said happily as she grabbed Hiccup's hand. She was glad that he saw things her way. So glad in fact that she pretty much dragged Hiccup out of his room, down the stairs, and out of the house. Toothless following right behind them.

When the couple was outside, they noticed their friends were out walking. Tuffnut and Ruffnut were trading punches. Snotlout was admiring his own muscles, and Fishlegs was explaining something to them. Apparently they had no interest in what he was saying, like always. Astrid decided it was a good idea to talk to them, Hiccup just shrugged and went along with the crude viking girl. Toothless did as he always does and followed Hiccup.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Astrid asked happily. She was being cheerful to get her mind off the current state of affairs. She could do it so easily, but Hiccup was another story.

"Nothin' just admiring myself. Hey, we should get together and drink again tonight." Snotlout suggested happily, while pushing on his bicep. Hiccup and Astrid always thought he was full of himself.

"Yeah we should. I rather enjoyed my self last time. Although I didn't drink much. I enjoy watching others drink." Fishlegs chimed in. He was always the jittery type. He liked to be in conversations, even if they didn't concern him.

"Well I don't know. Hiccup's going through a bit of trouble. And..." Astrid spoke, until hiccup cut her off.

"That sounds just fine. We'll be there. Now we were about to go for a flight. Coming Astrid?" Hiccup said cheerfully. His demeanor completely changed in a few seconds.

"What?! Hiccup!" Astrid was astonished. How could he cheer up so quickly? Or is it a front? Either way, Astrid went along with it.

Hiccup and Astrid waved to their friends goodbye. Then Hiccup jumped on to Toothless. He proceeded to help Astrid on the saddle. Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccup's waist and snuggled her head into his back. With one command Toothless took off running to the nearest cliff. He jumped off, and Hiccup used the foot pedal to pull out Toothless' artificial tail flap. Then just like that, they are in the air, flying smoothly. Astrid was clinging onto Hiccup.

"Why are you so clingy for?" Hiccup asked coldly. He really wanted to be on Toothless alone today, and he was going to let Astrid know it.

"I may never be able to get used to Toothless' speed. He really is the fastest dragon." Astrid said loudly so Hiccup could hear her. Her voice was shaky.

"Oh, you mean this speed?" Hiccup asked in a sarcastic manner. He then switched the foot pedal so that Toothless would get a sudden burst of speed.

The sudden burst of speed caused Astrid to cling onto Hiccup harder. He wasn't finished with her though. This was payback for not listening to him, so he let Toothless have a lot more freedom. He set the pedal to the final setting. Then out of no where, Toothless accelerates up to an insane speed. Everything around them was a blur. All of Berk was blurred together into one giant montage. Hiccup noticed Dead Man's wish; a giant part of the ocean filled with rocks and naturally formed stone pillars. Hiccup had the great idea to steer Toothless towards the place, to much dismay from Astrid. She was screaming into Hiccups ear.

"Hiccup! You have to stop! If you don't we'll all be killed! Hiccup can you hear me?! You have to stop! NOW!" Astrid started to tear up. Was this it for her? Done in by her boyfriend and his dragon? That's not the way she wanted to go out.

Hiccup ignored Astrid and kept heading towards Dead Man's wish. He wanted to feel alive again, and this was the only way he knew how to do it. He was sure he would die going in there at hid current speed, but he didn't care anymore.

Astrid saw the look in Hiccups eye. He wasn't going to stop, so she did the first irrational thing that came to her head. She just let herself slide off Toothless. She closed her eyes as she started to plummet to the ocean below. She could only hope Hiccup would come save her. In this moment Astrid's life flashed before her eyes. She sees her in the future, with a man that has long auburn hair, and a baby in his hands. There were baby black dragons running around too. Astrid smiled.

*** Back With Hiccup***

" Astrid! Ohhh! You damn idiot! Toothless we gotta go get her!" Hiccup cursed as he slowed Toothless down enough so he could turn him around.

Once they were directly above where Astrid was, Toothless dove. He was struggling to catch up with the falling girl. Hiccup noticed this and unhooked him self from Toothless. He then jumped off after Astrid. He wasn't going to let someone else he loves die.

Astrid opened her eyes for a moment and saw Hiccup. He was off of Toothless, and falling after her. She extended her hand, so that she may be saved by the one she loved. She cheered him on. "Come on Hiccup! You can do it!" Astrid yelled.

Hiccup heard her words, and tried as hard as he could to get closer to her. He made some progress. He extended a hand of his own to catch the crazy viking girl. Their hands were centimeters apart, so close yet so far. Hiccup stretched his arm as if his life depended on it. Astrid did the same. Their hands connected and they pulled each other into a tight embrace. Toothless shot off a plasma bolt at the water below the couple. The bolt caused the water to distort, giving the two a softer landing so they didn't get injured. Toothless landed in the water right after the couple. He popped back out with the two love birds on his back. They were soaked from head to toe. Hiccup was infuriated with the viking girl.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! I already lost my mom, I don't want to lose you too!" Hiccup scolded Astrid as if he were here father. He was really mad, yet alive at the same time.

"Ok I won't, but next time we go for a ride, don't try to kill all of us." Astrid retorted with a smile. She had to admit, she did have fun, but Hiccup didn't need to know that.

"Fair enough. Let's get back to my house and get dried off before we both catch a cold." Hiccup said as he pushed the pedal. Toothless sped up to a comfortable yet fun speed. It was obvious Toothless enjoyed today's activities as well.

The couple flew back to Hiccup's house in no time. When they got to the front door Hiccup stopped. His happiness quickly reverted back to sadness. "I really don't wanna go in there. Chances are dad's still here. Then I will be forced to do chores, or maybe I'll get another lecture." Hiccup said in a depressed manner.

Astrid noticed his expression and though of something. "What if we just run straight in, and ignore your father. Then the quicker you get your clothes off, the quicker you can bathe in privacy. I will get my clothes off and just take one of your shirts. I'll even distract him for you too." Astrid suggested happily. She really didn't mind doing things for Hiccup. That's what she was there for.

Hiccup pondered the idea, and ultimately agreed. Hiccup put his hand on the handle then counted to three on his fingers. Once he hit three he opened the door and they ran in, and with out paying any attention to Stoic, went into Hiccup's room. There Hiccup took off his fur vest and green tunic. Astrid was surprised by what she saw. Hiccup had muscles. Even though they were small, they were still noticeable. He must've gotten them from working with Gobber most of his life. Once he got his prosthetic removed, he pretty much ripped off his pants. He hopped on one leg to the bathing room in his undergarments.

Astrid watched as the boy quickly hobbled out of his room. She couldn't help but chuckle. It was a hilarious sight to behold after all. "That's actually kind of funny. I wonder if I could get him to show me his leg sometime." Astrid said to herself. She was genuinely curious as to how well it healed. She still remembered the day that Hiccup fought the Red Death. She was so scared that she would lose Hiccup. The next morning was the first time she kissed him as well.

Astrid stood up and shook her head to escape her thoughts of the past. She had to hurry up and undress, but before that, she had to find one of Hiccup's shirts that fit her. She opened up one of his drawers and rummaged through it. "Does he have anything other than green? He has no sense of style. Wait a minute, what's this?" Astrid pulled out a black shirt. It was long sleeved and looked as if it were for a tall person. It was just a little too big for Hiccup, too small for Stoic, and it looked like a man's shirt, so it couldn't have been Val's. Astrid wondered who's it was for a bit, before giving up and throwing it on the bed. She would wear that.

Astrid started with her armor. She undid the laces to her shoulder pauldrons. She took them off and threw them on the bed. Then she undid her red skirt and let it fall to the floor. Now she pulled of her boots and leggings. She was now in her underwear, but not for long. She took that off too. Next was her shirt and bindings. She practically tore off her shirt, and her bindings were quickly removed. To others beliefs, Astrid did have above average breasts. She just hated having them because they get in the way of combat, so she ties them down with bindings.

Astrid was now completely naked in Hiccups room. For some reason she felt comfortable with it. She probably shouldn't stay nude though, Hiccup would have a heart attack if he walked in a saw her naked, so she put on the black shirt. It fit her almost like a dress, it went down to the middle of her thigh. She checked herself to make sure everything was adequately covered, then sat on the bed. She looked around Hiccup's room. It was filled with stuff about dragons. He even had a few drawings of Astrid on the wall. She thought they were pretty good. Eventually She got bored of looking around the room and decided to take a nap. She pulled her hair out of its braid and then laid down on the bed and dozed off.

***With Hiccup***

Hiccup was sitting in the tub. His arms hanging out each side. He was relaxed, and for the moment, at peace. He wished he could stay like this forever, but that was impossible.

"Man, why can't every moment be like this? I wish all my problems would melt away. I have so much to do. I was gonna ask Astrid to marry me, but then the thing with mom came up, and I was a real asshole to Astrid. I wouldn't be surprised if she flat out rejects me. Then there's dad. He will probably work me to death from now on. He most likely blames me for mom dying. Well I guess I still live up to my name. Hiccup the Useless." Hiccup said to himself. He really did hate where his life was heading now. He was going to end up alone, and hopeless.

After another hour of soaking Hiccup decided to get out of the tub. He found his now dry undergarments and slipped them on. He had a hard time with this since his leg was missing. He had to use the tub for balance. The hardest part was getting out of the bathroom however. He had to hop and hobble just to get to his room's door.

When he finally made it to his room he saw Astrid sleeping on his bed. He smiled slightly. He hopped over to his dresser and picked out some pants and a shirt. He leaned against the dresser and pulled the pants on. Then he put the green shirt on and hopped over to his bed and sat down beside Astrid. He grabbed his prosthetic and slipped it on over his stump. He tied the leather straps and stood up to assure he had it on properly. He sat back down and looked at Astrid. He saw her to be as beautiful as Freyja herself. She had the fiery attitude to match. That's what he loved about her. He wouldn't ever ask her to change.

Hiccup looked out of his window and saw that it was getting dark. He tapped Astrid on the cheek. "Hey wake up sleeping beauty. It's time for us to go." Hiccup said softly.

Astrid mumbled and opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Hiccup. "Go where?" Astrid asked sleepily. She just wanted to go back to sleep.

"We have to go and meet Snotlout and the others. We are hanging out again tonight." Hiccup explained. He was getting impatient. He wanted to get out of the house.

"Oh yeah, that's right. We were supposed to meet them at the camp." Astrid said, more awake now. She got out of the bed and put her dry leggings on. Then she slipped her feet into her boots.

"Well it looks like you are ready. Now lets go." Hiccup stood up and grabbed Astrid by her arm. He pulled her out of his room and down the stairs. This time Stoic wasn't there. That was good for Hiccup. He ran straight out of the door, this time he left the sleeping dragon in his corner.

Astrid had wrapped her arm around Hiccup's if anyone didn't know better, they would think they looked like a married couple. The most surprising thing though was the clothes that Astrid was wearing. Her hair was down, she was wearing a black shirt without armor and she was wearing skin tight leggings, without a skirt. Everyone in the village looked at her with their mouths agape.

It took them a good ten minutes to get to the camp. When they got there every one was present. They had just opened a bottle of Mead and were already passing it around. Hiccup sat down on a log in the circle, and Astrid sat beside him. Everyone in the circle was staring at Astrid. Snotlout was the first to speak.

"Hey Astrid? Did your boobs get bigger or something?" Snotlout asked casually. Astrid jumped up and punched him in the jaw. He fell back and was clutching his face. Astrid sat back down with a pout on her face.

Hiccup laughed a little at his cousins insensitive attitude. He got what he deserved, and Hiccup liked it. He loved having a powerhouse for a girlfriend. It came with so many benefits. He just wished she wouldn't punch him in the arm so much.

"Well let's start the drinking!" Snotlout said as he jumped back up, as if nothing happened. He grabbed the nearest bottle and chugged it. This gave Hiccup an idea.

"How about we play a drinking game guys?" Hiccup asked happily. He had an idea to make tonight fun, and he would hardly have to drink.

"What game did you have in mind Hiccup?" Snotlout asked. Curious as to what his little cousin had to say.

"Ok, the rules are simple. We are classifying dragons. If you get the classification wrong, you drink. Since Fishlegs isn't a heavy drinker, he will give us the dragons we have to classify." Hiccup explained. Fishlegs nodded in agreement.

"I accept the terms of your game Hiccup. I never lose to you." Snotlout pounded his chest and flexed his muscles.

Hiccup and Snotlout were the first up, both had a bottle in hand. Hiccup was pretty much guaranteed the win, but that didn't stop him from getting his cousin loop legged drunk.

"Ok, here's an easy one. It's for Snotlout to answer. What class is a Deadly Nadder?" Fishlegs asked.

"That's easy. A Nadder is in the Strike class." Snotlout said with full confidence.

"That's incorrect. Nadders are in the Sharp Class. Now take your drink. This ones for Hiccup. What class is the Crystaltooth in?" Fishlegs asked Hiccup. Snotlout reluctantly took his drink.

"I believe its in Mystery class." Hiccup gave his answer knowing full well he was right. He just wanted to tease Snotlout.

"That's correct. This next one is for Astrid. What class do we classify the Red death in?" Fishlegs asked. He knew the answer and the only other person that would know is Hiccup. He still couldn't refrain from asking though.

"Uhhhm, well it is a sea dragon. So I'm gonna guess, Tidal class." Astrid said, unsure of herself. She thought it was a good guess.

"That's correct, but you could have also said Mystery class. This one is for the twins. What class is a Zippleback in?" The twins broke apart from wrestling at the mention of a Zippleback.

"Duh, its Fear class." Tuffnut said as he gave his sister a high five. The two did have their moments where they could get along.

Everyone was staring at the twins. They were completely dumbfounded. How did the twins know the answer? Fishlegs continued the game. Still surprised by the twins.

After about three hours or so Snotlout was out cold. He didn't get a single classification right. Hiccup only had to drink once, because he answered one wrong on purpose. Astrid had to drink twice, and the twins, well, they were drunk but still standing. They were spouting nonsense and things the others couldn't understand.

"Well, I think I will call it a night. Can you guys make sure Snotlout gets home?" Hiccup said as he got up and stretched.

"Yeah sure. I can do that." Fishlegs said. The twins just mumbled. They were almost brain dead.

"Ok then, Astrid you coming?" Hiccup turned and looked at Astrid. She looked up at him and took his hand. She stood up and wrapped her arm around his. They started walking. Astrid waved back at their group of friends. Hiccup waved a small wave too.

As there walking Astrid had her head on Hiccup's shoulder. She was humming a song. Hiccup was just enjoying the moment. He needed more days like this. As he was walking he spotted Gobber's forge. This gave him an idea, if it worked he would be the happiest person alive.

"Wait here! I have to go get something!" Hiccup said as he ran into the forge. He didn't give Astrid any warning. He just ran off.

Astrid did as she was told and sat there. She looked towards the marketplace. It was lit up with candles and lanterns. People were celebrating another successful day. She thought it was beautiful, the way the light casts black silhouettes on the ground.

***Inside the Forge***

"Where did I put that thing? I have to find that ring I made." Hiccup said to himself as he was rummaging through some of his stuff he had in the back room.

He kept looking. Moving around papers and current projects. He was having no luck finding the ring, until he saw a glimmer out of the corner of his eye.

"Aha! There it is." Hiccup said as he grabbed the ring and ran out of the forge. With a huge smile on his face. He was happy, truly happy for the first time in a while.

Hiccup saw Astrid standing in the same spot she was before he left. She waved at him. He ran as fast as he could to her. He was out of breath once he got there.

"Hiccup, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Astrid asked. Hiccup just put up a single finger as if to tell her to wait a moment. She complied. Once Hiccup caught his breath, he asked a question that would change both of their lives forever.

"Astrid Hofferson, will you make me the happiest man alive? Astrid, will you marry me?" Hiccup said as he held out the ring to her. It was gold with sapphires in it. It had a dragon with both of their names making the body and tail engraved into it. It must've taken Hiccup weeks to make this ring.

"Yes. Yes. Yes! I will marry you Hiccup." Astrid said as she pulled Hiccup up and into a passionate kiss. He let his hands fall to Astrid's waist.

Once the kiss was broken, Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hand and slipped the ring onto her ring finger. Then he hugged her. This is how Hiccup wanted to spend the rest of His life. In the arms of the woman he loved. Astrid Hofferson. Astrid wanted the same thing. To live in peace with each other.

So yeah chapter 2 was a doozy. I loved writing it though. every scene played out in my head. Well like i said before, you're opinions and questions go into the review box below. also if you happen to give me an idea, i will give you credit in the chapter that i use it in.