A/N: So! As I was promptly informed, the previous chapter made it really hard to distinguished which lines belonged to whom.

Which is funny, because I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case when I finished the document the day before uploading it. I mean, I took a look after I was told about that problem, and indeed is rather confusing, but I clearly remember joining each line of dialogue with the sentence that describes which character is talking.

I purposely wrote the dialogue as a separate sentence at first while I was coming up with lines to use for each character, but I'm pretty sure I fixed that right after I was finished with the chapter as a whole.

Did it got undone after I uploaded it?

Well, regardless of what happened, I should have taken a better look at it before posting it. So yes, I'm willing to take responsibility for that.

I already fixed the problem and now it should be a lot easier to understand who is saying what. I didn't change every single piece of dialogue, only the ones that really caused some confussion and I won't be telling you to go back and read the chapter again of course. But stil.

As a way to make up for it, I took some time in between theoretical tests and lab practices in college to write this little chapter. Think of it as both, a preview for chapter two as well as an omake.

It was originally meant to be the opening scene for chapter two, but I reworked it so it could be a stand alone entry. Besides, when coming up with the draft for chapter two I had trouble deciding between using this scene or one involving Guildenstern and decided for the former with a toss coin. But I guess now I get to use both. So at least something good came out of it, right?

My sincerest apologies for whatever inconveniences my blunder caused you, and if you're still willing to give this story a shot despite that, then all my gratitude to you as well.

I don't really know who was the one who help me realized my mistake since it showed up as a guest, but nevertheless I would like to dedicate this short chapter to him/her/it.

Thanks a lot my friend!

Extra Scene:

One and the Same.

"Hey, I think I just found Manfredi" Ifrit commented casually. He said that as he was crouching on the ground, having lifted effortlessly a large and random piece of rubble and taken a look at what was beneath.

"That's funny..." came a nonchalant reply with the voice of Vergil. "I think I found him as well" he added as he took a rather brief look at something that was down a giant hole in the ground, just a few steps to his right.

Now, the thing that should be noted here is that, both the Dark Slayer and the Inferno Lord were a few yards away from each other, with Alastor standing at a point in between them. How exactly they were able to still find the same person under such circumstances is something that might be best left unanswered. And speaking of Alastor...

"Say, don't you guys think it might be best to pay attention to that" the Azure Dragon expressed calmly, not once taking his gaze away from the skies above.

"Oh... Right. Him..." and while Ifrit's reply showed that he indeed acknowledged that statement, he still seemed less than thrill about it as he moved his eyes to look at what the other two were staring at.

Monstrous centipedes, which sizes could easily overcome large sky scrappers, were flying all over the artificial island where the Ithavoll group's main branch was located. The clean sky and bright sunlight that showered from above made the grotesque, rust-like, red texture of their segmented bodies and the gold that adorned their sharp limbs all the more visible. And let's not get into too much detail about the purple miasma that oozed out of their bodies. A great deal of the creatures just seemed to go in and out of portals they created as they flew by, not only helping them in the siege of the island but also making all the more easy to hide their true numbers, as it was almost impossible for most to tell whether the centipede that emerged from one of the reaps in space was a new one or the same that escaped seconds ago.

But not all of them relied on such a tactic. A few simply opted to either, go underground while tearing apart buildings a streets alike, or go underwater and hiding from plain sight.

"This is gonna be a pain" exclaimed Ifrit in annoyance.

"Wasn't he all excited about this happening less than an hour ago?" and Alastor couldn't help but to question that, turning slightly so as to look at the blue-eyed devil standing to his right out of the corner of his eye.

"Wouldn't know, I wasn't there..." Vergil's comment came in a distant tone, seeing as he was far more focused ion studying what was happening right above their heads. Although he did make it a point to casually add "Besides... I hardly bother paying attention to what you people say most of the time" A comment that was promptly ignored by the others.

"Anyway, That was until I remembered how much of a sneaky bastard Claudius is..." but just as Ifrit tried to give his own answer, his annoyed expression changed into one of mild amusement. He even snapped his fingers absentmindedly before saying "...Hey... you know who would be rather useful to have here right now? Pandora. I mean, one look at those things and she would just go berserk on them..."

Alastor even seemed to consider that idea, but ultimately, his reply only showed how skeptical he was about it. "Wouldn't she end up destroying the whole island as well"

"Well, she did destroy our barracks back in Gallia when she thought she saw a cockroach" Vergil finally joined their little conversation after he was done examining the bizarre display in the sky.

"Ah. I remember that..." Alastor was the first to reply, given he was the closest to the blue-eyed devil. "In the end, it turned out to be a salamander... With Pandora freaking out again once she found out..."

"Right. It was weird though, salamanders usually don't go out during the dry season" Ifrit added with a grin, completely missing the point on purpose.

"[Please note that, that little bit of trivia was entirely made up, since our author has no actual knowledge about the habits of the Caudata order. If it turns out to actually be accurate, then it's merely by chance. Sorry for the trouble!]"

"What's wrong?" Alastor couldn't help but ask after noticing the twitch on Vergil's left eye, the very same eye that was still covered by bandages and therefore shouldn't be all that noticeable.

And with said devil replying in an angry tone "Nothing. Just a headache"

"Heh... Still giving ya trouble, I see. That shameless jerk..." of course, Ifrit just couldn't let the chance to irk Vergil a bit pass by.

"Like you wouldn't believe..." Vergil muttered under his breath before returning to look at the sky. "Does it really matter what they are, though? When you think about it, centipedes are really no different to spiders or snakes..." he added while turning to glare at the two fallen dragons with a hard stare.

And much to the Dark Slayer's satisfaction, their faces were rather pale as they stared into space awkwardly. After a little while, they somehow got their act together, even while still being visibly upset.

"Okay... That was completely uncalled for" came Alastor's remark, complete with an offended tone.

"Yeah! Is precisely because of that attitude that we're your only friends" with Ifrit's own angry retort not that far behind.

Fittingly, Vergil's response to that came in a very neutral voice "To me, it looks more like I am your only friend"

"Shut up... We have friends..." Alastor exclaimed in panic after being caught off guard by Vergil's words.

"I mean, sure... most of them are dead, but still..." and Ifrit really didn't help their case either.

"Okay. I'm going to stop you both there... You're rather unbearable to watch right now..." the Dark Slayer said out of pity, much to the annoyance of his friends. And as if to add to the previous blow he then said "And in case you didn't notice, back then I was being sarcastic..."

This only earned a double sigh of exasperation out of the other two. An act that Vergil paid no mind to in the end as he continued "In any case, this is a perfect chance for you to face up your fears. After all, you did miss your previous chance when HUNK killed both Phantom and Echidna..."

"Like you're one to talk. The only time we were ever attack by a giant... bunny of doom.. you weren't around, lucky bastard..." Ifrit still tried to argue. Unfortunately, by that point such an act was pretty much a lost battle.

"Oh yes... I was indeed very fortunate for being in a coma for two weeks..." came Vergil's sarcastic remark. And just for good measure, he then added "That was me being sarcastic again, by the way"

"You know what! You're just like Sparda! A..." but alas, Ifrit's angry remark was pretty much killed before it could even be finished.


All thanks to the sudden call they receive from a very displeased Eva. And since the whole thing was transmitted directly into their minds, the overwhelming killer intent it carried was all the more intense.

"Right... Uhm... We're on it, okay..." Alastor commented as he tried to appease her. He then turned to look at the other two...

"…!" only to find Vergil gone.

"What th..." He managed to blurt out in bewilderment as Ifrit simply shrugged back at him.

Indeed, Vergil actually took off seconds before Eva could contact them, already knowing what was about to happen and not feeling in any condition to deal with that.

Not really having that many options left, the Azure Dragon simply said "...Sigh... Whatever, let's just get going..."

They both took a look at the sky, and began to shiver the moment all those dull centipedes morphed into forms far more disturbing in their minds.

"Great... Now I feel something crawling on my back" Alastor commented as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Wait... What's that on your shoulder?" and Ifrit's comment certainly didn't help one bit.

"What..." of course, Alastor couldn't help but to get extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't move" and for whatever reason, the calm demeanor and voice the Inferno Lord exhibited as he reached for his left shoulder only made it worse.

"What! What!" by then Alastor was pretty much on the edge, cold sweat coming down like bullets.

"Look! Is a hair! You're getting bald..." Ifrit then proclaimed as he held the evidence for his old friend to see, all the while the biggest, saddistic grin he had showed so far in that week was shamelessly adorning his face.

Alastor just stared in disbelieve at both Ifrit and the rather short hair he was showing him alternatively for a few seconds...

And then he punched Ifrit's face hard.

And he did a far better job than Geryon before.

Sure, the bolt of azure lightning that suddenly came down despite the clear sky was promptly dealt with by a crimson fiery claw, but that didn't change the fact that Alastor's punch alone still managed to smack Ifrit hard enough against the ground to literally pulverized some of the debris scattered around. And let's no forget the rather loud and sickening CRACK! sound that was heard the moment the Azure Dragon's fist hit its target.


Again Eva commanded them, causing Alastor to reply with a short and angry "...Right..." before taking off to the sky in a single leap empowered by his own lightning.

As for Ifrit, he was actually laughing as he effortlessly did a back-flip from his position on the ground in order to return to a standing stance. He then dusted himself up a bit before addressing Eva "Jeez... Relax, boss. I know you're still as gorgeous as ever, but that doesn't mean you should get careless. All that stress is gonna get ya soon enough..."

The Inferno Lord only took a pause in order to start walking leisurely in a completely different direction as the ones the other two devils went, and then he added "...I mean, it's not like we're dealing with a nuclear threat or some crap like that..."

Once finished, he simply shot out in a burst if flames,

And whether he did it intentionally or not, that last comment was pretty much a challenge against one of the must basic laws of the universe.

Which law is that? I hear you asking. Well, it's quite simple really...

Devils, hated by Fate, but loved by Irony...

Just as a random scientist deep within the artificial island's underground lab (as ridiculous as that may sound) was about to confirm.

"Uhm... Guildenstern, sir... We may have a problem..."

Omake. Genre savvy (?)

Ifrit: Jeez... Relax, boss. I know that yo- ... [Signal Lost]

Leviathan: Uhm... Aren't you going to listen to what he said?

Eva: Not really. To be honest, I hardly bother paying attention to what they say at times like this.

Beelzebub: Is that really okay?

Eva: (Shrugging) Most of the times something does end up happening. And I can already tell this is one of those times. I just want to spare myself the headaches until it's absolutely necessary.

Azazel: R-right (=_=)

A/N: So, upon further examination...

...And by that I mean accidentally opening the wrong folder...

...I think I finally discovered what went wrong.

I actually keep a copy of each chapter I work on in both, my computer at home (where I do most of my work), and my laptop (which I usually use whenever I'm at school).

Long story short, due to me pulling an all nighter in order to finished a budget report for my work and a presentation about the life cycle of the Taenia solium the night before uploading the chapter, I mixed up which version of the chapter I actually finished and which I uploaded. I know it doesn't change anything, but I thought I owed you guys some exploitation.

All I can do now is promise you to never repeat the same mistake.

Again, I'm really sorry for that.

Next: Part II - Revelations.