After that little ordeal with Pacifica, life for Dipper has been great. Dipper has never realized how smart Pacifica is until now. Dipper told her all about his adventures and she actually listens! Plus, Dipper thought that Pacifica was the hottest girl he has ever met. Her body made him a little nervous sometimes, but he never let that get in the way of their relationship. The only downside was: he had to keep it a secret from Mabel.

Mabel had been very oblivious to Dipper's relationship with Pacifica. That's mainly because she's off doing something with her friends. The only reason Soos was able to keep his mouth shut for so long is because he didn't know. Everytime Soos would start to get a clue, Dipper would flash his laser pointer outside. This would cause Soos would run after it for miles. Sometimes Dipper wondered if Soos was really this dumb, or hiding his true intelligence. However, Dipper never let it bother him very much.

Another thing was also Dipper's mind. Grunkle Stan was missing. Dipper hadn't seen Grunkle Stan since he lost his journal. He was missing his book a bit. Nowadays, Soos or Wendy made the twins dinner. Soos usually burned it, and Wendy usually undercooked it. "Better than nothing, I guess." Dipper said to himself. He was a bit tired of being lonely. "Except, now you're not anymore. You have Pacifica!" Dipper exclaimed.

A few hours later, Mabel came back to the Shack. "Hey big bro-bro. What's the haps?" Mabel said in a phony boy voice. "Oh, hey Mabel. Can we talk about something?" Dipper asked. Mabel's face looked instantly serious as she looked at her brother's tired eyes. He looked especially worried lately, as if something were bothering him.

"Sure thing, Dipper. What is it?" Mabel asked as she walked towards her younger twin brother. "Mabel. What would you say if I told you that I was in love? The girl I like is smart, funny, and nicer than she comes off as," Dipper explained to her sister. Mabel's serious expression instantly turned into a brace-filled smile. "Dipper. I know you like Wendy. You don't have to te-," Mabel started. Then she saw her brother's expression darken a bit. "Nevermind Mabel. I just remembered that I discovered something journal-worthy today," Dipper said as he walked back upstairs to the attic. "But Dipper, you don't have your journal," Mabel said. By the time she got the word "don't" out, Dipper was gone.

How was Dipper ever going to tell her sister the truth about Pacifica? Was it destined to be forbidden love between the two? Dipper's heart ached as he thought about how every attempt at love seemed to end badly for him.

Dipper flopped down on his bed and thought about every girl he had liked that summer. For a while, his main love interest was Wendy. After that, he was a bit interested in the Summerween Clerk. That was only for a quick five minutes, though. Then, later that day, his heart skipped several beats when he embraced Candy. Now he had a thing for Pacifica Northwest, with whom he shared his first kiss with. Mabel could never know.