Sorry guys, but I'm going to end it here. I won't finish all of the characters. I'm so done.


I sighed as I walked out of the meeting room that was in America this time. I had just finished visiting all of the countries. A few years had passed since I started and it was a while since I last visited the gang. Germany told me that I could visit but, even so, I don't think it would be a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I want to see them… it's just… I haven't aged one second in the past six years. I should be 19 or 20 years old but I still look like a 14 year old. And it's not only that but it's going to be awkward. Sure, I knew everything that was going on in Tulsa (I am Oklahoma after all), but I won't be able to talk about what he was doing. It's going to suck.

A hand was placed on my timid shoulders in a comforting way. I knew who it was. America. He probably could sense my nervousness. I gave him a small smile, signaling that I was okay.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked. Usually, America was really hyper and obnoxious, but, still, he was caring.

"Yeah…" I answered. I needed someone to explain why I haven't aged. Alfred took me to his car and we drove back to Tulsa. I had asked Darry if he would meet me in the park. He had agreed and was about to comment on why my voice wasn't older but I hung up. Now both America and I were sitting on Alfred's car waiting for them to join them in the park. Which each passing second, I felt more nervous. What were they going to think?

A black truck with greasers in the trunk pulled in next to ours. They all hopped out and probably most were going to tackle me in a hug when they noticed something.

"You haven't aged a bit!" Sodapop exclaimed. I wasn't shocked at that but I was shocked at there appearances. They all aged tremendously. I almost didn't recognize them.

"It's nice to see you again too!" I greeted, flashing a smiled. America laughed next to me.

"You…you're that guy that sometimes drops Ponyboy odd." Darry said. "You haven't aged too."

"Aging is overrated!" America said before laughing again. "Dude, I nearly forgot that your name is Ponyboy!"

I didn't blame him; it felt odd hearing my real name again. I'm used to being called my state name now. "Well I haven't used that name in years." I smiled sheepishly.

The gang looked at us in confusion. "Why don't you look older and what do you mean?" Steve asked.

My smile dropped and I remembered what Romania told me all those years ago. "Being like us is painful as it is lonely. You are immortal but you have to watch your family, friends, and whoever is close to you age and die while you are still not aging." He had said to me. I couldn't bare to watch them die. I wanted to die with them.

"Ponyboy, are you okay?" Johnny asked, stepping forward. I nodded but I could tell America knew what was wrong and looked sad too. He has been through this longer than I have. I wonder how he could keep a smile on his face. But right now he was so serious. I knew I had to tell them and it would change them forever.

"So you are finished with the program." Darry asked. I nodded. I knew where this was going. Darry looked around, probably looking for my stuff. "Where's your stuff?"

"I don't have it."

"Why? What's going on?"

Here it goes… "I actually came here to talk to you guys about that…You see… I'm here to say goodbye."

The whole gang was started but thought it was a joke. "That's not a funny joke…" Two-Bit said, not laughing for once.

"It's not a joke…"

"He's telling the truth." America commented.

Darry glared at the country. "I knew I shouldn't have let him go. I knew it didn't have anything to do with school You kidnapped him!"

I wanted to laugh if we weren't in this situation, so I just muttered, "Isn't that the truth?"

"Hey! It's not my fault that I forgot I was shaking your hand and ran off!" America explained, flapping his arms.

"How do you forget someone is shaking your hand?" Dally asked.

"Well I was late for a meeting and didn't want to eat Arthur's scones!" Both America and I shivered and felt a little sick. I had tried the scones before…I rather die than eat another.

"That may be a good excuse but you didn't have to drag me to New York in a minute… With that speed you could have dropped me back home and gotten to the meeting a few minutes late…"

"That's impossible. No one can get from here to New York in as minute." Darry said.

"Well he can, and so can a lot of people. But the ride was bumpy because he ran there!"

"You probably could have let go of my hand." America argued.

"You have a grip of iron. I had seen you pick up a car with a bare hand without struggling!"

And if my day was bad enough, it just got worse. I could hear the screams again. It's another tornado. I could feel it roaming my lands and wrecking buildings. It wasn't too big but it was enough for me to drop on my knees and holding my ears in attempt to mute the screams.

"What's wrong?" I couldn't tell who it was but it was caked in worry. A hand touched my shoulder. I knew it was America again because we were connected in a way. He could hear the screams too. A large sized cut started to go down from my forearm and curving to my wrist and blood started to drip down. America, on the other hand, only had gotten one the size of a paper cut.

"Twenty-seven…" I murmured. I could feel the stares.

"I know…" America answered. The pain had stopped now and I stood back up. I could already feel the wound healing.

"What the fuck happened?" Darry asked. I had forgotten they were there. Well, now I know I had to tell them.

"Twenty-seven people just died in Oklahoma just now." I answered.

"How do you know that?" Soda asked.

"I felt them die. There was a small tornado in Norman."

"This is why Ponyboy had to say goodbye to you." America added. "We will explain, but why don't we show you everyone like us."

"Like you?" Steve asked.

"We're not exactly human." I answered. "We are more like a personification of the nation, or, in my case, a state. Think about a boat, for example. Us personifications are the boat while the people are the ones that steer it."

"And if the people crash, the boat will sink, taking the passengers down with it." America said.

"That's why we aren't aging. If the boat is still alive than we are alive. The boat would age of course, but only if it has been through a lot. And maybe the boat would be replaced."

"But, dudes, since we are telling you top government information, you would have to come with us so that we can show you. The others should still be at the meeting."


America and I walked into the meeting haul with the gang. They didn't believe us at all so we had to show them the other countries. The scratch was gone by now, to their astonishment. Wasn't that proof already?

"Hey guys! We're back!" America shouted.

"Oh welcome back America and Oklahoma…Who are they?! They aren't supposed to be here." England said, glaring at them.

"Dude, we already know, please don't make scones!"

England was irritated by his choice of words but by now all the nations have noticed them. Chit chats filled the room

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Germany's voice erupted over everyone. Everything was silent now. Germany grunted as he stood up.

"Germany…" I started when he came over to us. He sighed.

"I know… How much did you tell them?"

"What we are."

Germany nodded and turned to the gang. "Listen up, if you didn't know but Oklaho-"


"Right, Ponyboy here can't go back with you."

"And why not?" Soda asked.

"It would hurt him more. He would have to watching you all die while he is still at the body age of 14. Trust us, everyone else in the room knows what it's like to be abandoned and having to abandon. China, for example, taken the time to raise the East Asian countries only for all of them to abandon him in the end. Norway had to leave Denmark with Sweden, and had to leave his brother, Iceland behind. But when he came back to get his brother, Iceland didn't exactly trust him anymore."

"Hey, let's talk about this over some tea and scones. I made a fresh batch just right now!" England interrupted. The whole room shivered.

"Haha! No thanks Iggy! They have to go now… Hahaha…" America started to push them out the door. The gang struggled but no matter what, they couldn't do anything to move America. Russia even came and helped the American push them out. Johnny turned to me but before the door closed behind them, he saw my tears falling. "Goodbye…" I said. The door slammed shut. That was the last time I had ever seen them. I could hear them chatting to each other, but I could never joined them. I wonder if I never gone outside that day, I wouldn't be with the world today.

Many years later, I still looked the same and they had all died one at a time. Each of there death brought sorrow to my heart.


I sat down in a cemetery. The gang's graves lay in front of me. All of them had a fresh rose lying on top of them. I couldn't help but cry. My hot, salty tears fell on top of the picture book I was given. I had looked through all of the pictures again but had stopped on the one where the gang visited the world meeting. I wish I had died with them. Why me…?

"Oklahoma, hurry up or we're going to be late!" America called out. I rubbed the tears away from my eyes and stood up.

"Coming!" I called out and ran to America. We started too walked away but I glanced back to the graves. I swore, I saw the gang standing there. But they were gone after I blinked. It was probably my imagination.