Well, here I am. Spending my last day of summer at my best friend Ethan's house with my other best friend Benny. He and Ethan were currently in the kitchen while I was keeping an eye on Jane, Ethan's little sister, who was watching Dusk, this lame vampire movie that my sister was also into. I had to keep fixing my thick glasses which were too big for my face.

"Look at all this." Ethan exclaimed from the kitchen which made me turn my head to him. There was a ton of candy on the table. "Did you rob an ice-cream truck or something?" He asked Benny, who appeared with more food.

"Tomorrow, we officially join the high school brotherhood." Benny commented, pulling out a chair and sitting down, Ethan doing the same. "We are men."

"No, you're not." I muttered, turning back to the horrible vampire movie that was playing on the TV. Jane chuckled from where she was on the floor but didn't tear her eyes away from the screen.

"Let's make this the Sunday to end all Sundays." Ethan said excitedly. "Remember when we were in Grade 5, and you put 176 of these marshmallows in your mouth?"

"Yeah right. It was 186." Benny scoffed.

"No way." Ethan said. "I did 172, you did 176."

"You barely hit 150." Benny practically whined.

I tuned out their bickering as I sat up on the sofa, leaning over Jane to steal some of her popcorn and shove it into my mouth, the butter and salt attacking my tastebuds at the same time. I jumped a little when I heard loud banging coming from outside. I looked down at Jane who had seemingly noticed it too.

"Hey, Ethan." Jane tried to get his attention but he was too busy trying to shove marshmallows into his mouth. "Do you hear that?" She rolled her eyes and got up from the floor, talking to her doll. I raised an eyebrow and got up off the sofa, following her outside. She didn't even notice I was behind her.

Turns out the banging was a kid hitting tennis balls into the garage door with a hockey stick. I came up behind Jane and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, keeping her close to me. She was startled but I just smiled warmly down at her and she relaxed, turning back to the teenager, me copying her.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" The kid asked with a smirk.

"Trespassing." Jane answered, trying to look fierce but terribly failing.

"Why don't you make like an egg and beat it?" He told her.

"I'm going to tell my big brother." Jane threatened.

"Really? I'm so scared." He spoke in a high voice but then he scoffed. "I've seen your brother. He might be older but he's not big." He snatched Jane's doll right out of her hands which made her gasp. "Fetch." He taunted, pulling back the hockey sitck and hitting the doll, making it slam against the garage door.

"Abby!" Jane cried, pulling out of my grip and running to get the doll.

"Ethan may not be big but I am." I said menacingly, pushing the red-haired kid back a few steps. "You should beat it before I beat you."

"Whatever, nerd." He chuckled. I growled and then turned to see Jane had picked up her doll. I jumped as I heard a whooshing sound and the sound of wood clattering against the sidewalk. I turned back around to see the hockey stick on the ground and the bully gone. I tilted my head and wrapped an arm around Jane's shoulder as I felt her burrow into my side.

Drops of blood then hit the ground and Jane screamed from next to me. I could feel myself getting light-headed. I hated blood. The sight, the smell, the taste. It was gross. Wow, I'd suck as a vampire. The flash of headlights stopped me from collapsing as I saw a car pull into the driveway. It was Ethan's parents. I sighed in relief.

"Jane? What's wrong?" Ethan's mom cried as she ran to Jane. I removed my arm so she could hug her daughter. "Are you hurt? What are you doing outside?" Jane had stopped screaming by now and she was crying. "Maya? What are you doing here? Are you alright?" She turned to me. I guess I was looking a little nauseous.

"I'm fine. Just a little startled, that's all." I reassured her.

"Ethan!" His mom screamed and I heard the door open, seeing Benny and Ethan exit. The latter emptied his mouth of marshmallows as he looked at his mother in confusion.

"Hey. You're home early." Ethan pointed out. Benny gave a nervous wave. "How was date night?"

I didn't hear the answer because then I stumbled backwards and collapsed, my eyes rolling into the back of my head and my world turning dark.