I don't own any of the original characters (though I wish I were responsible for such a wonderful show) that credit belongs to the BBC and all of their wonderful writers.

*****************Doctor Who – Episode 4x13 - Journey's End ©BBC******************

(Darlig Ulv Stranden)

The Tardis materializes on the beach of Bad Wolf Bay. Jackie and the Half-human doctor are the first to step out.

"Oh, fat lot of good this is. Back of beyond. Bloody Norway? I'm going to have to phone your father. He's on the nursery run", Jackie says to Rose, before turning to the half-human Doctor and saying, "I was pregnant, do you remember? Had a baby boy".

"Oh, brilliant. What did you call him?" he asked her.



"No, you plum. He's called Tony."

Rose interrupts them, she has just realized where they are.

"Hold on, this is the parallel universe, right?" she asks the Doctor.

"You're back home." He replies.

"And the walls of the world are closing again, now that the Reality Bomb never happened. It's dimensional retroclosure. Donna adds. She looks at the Doctor, "See, I really get that stuff now.

Rose looks at the Doctor in confusion, "No, but I spent all that time trying to find you. I'm not going back now."

"But you've got to" the Doctor tells her "Because we saved the universe, but at a cost. And the cost is him" the Doctor gestures to the half-human Doctor "He destroyed the Daleks. He committed genocide. He's too dangerous to be left on his own."

"You made me", the half-human Doctor argues.

"Exactly", the Doctor tells him. "You were born in battle, full of blood and anger and revenge." He turns to Rose, "Remind you of someone? That's me, when we first met and you made me better. Now you can do the same for him".

"But he's not you" Rose sobs.

"He needs you. That's very me" the Doctor tells her calmly.

Donna interrupts "But it's better than that, though. Don't you see what he's trying to give you?" She turns to the half-human Doctor. "Tell her. Go on."

The half-human Doctor looks at Rose, "I look like him and I think like him. Same memories, same thoughts, same everything. Except I've only got one heart."

"Which means?"

"I'm part human. Specifically, the aging part. I'll grow old and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you, if you want."

"You'll grow old the same time as me?"


The Doctor looks at the half-human Doctor, "And don't forget this." He tosses a small object to him. "Chunk of Tardis. This world is in need of defending. Grow your own."

"That takes thousands of years."

"No, because..." he begins.

"..if you shatterfry the plasmic shell and modify the dimensional stabiliser to a foldback harmonic of 36.3, you accelerate the growth by the power of 59!" Donna finishes.

"We never thought of that!" the Doctors say together.

Donna shrugs, "I'm just brilliant."

The Doctor looks at Rose and the half-human Doctor, "The Doctor. In the TARDIS. With Rose Tyler. Just as it should be."

"But I didn't think, what about you? You gonna be all right?"

"Oh, I've got madam". He says, gesturing to Donna.

"Human with a Time Lord brain, perfect combination! We can travel the universe forever. Best Friends! And equals, just what old skinny boy needs, an equal!" Donna adds, excitedly.

The Tardis starts making a distressing sound. The Doctor looks at the group, then glances at Donna. "We've got to go. This reality is sealing itself off forever."

"But, it's still not right, because the Doctor's still you" Rose tells him.

"And I'm him" he says, nodding towards the half-human Doctor.

Rose glances at the Doctor, then the half-human Doctor. "All right. Both of you, answer me this. When I last stood on this beach, on the worst day of my life, what was the last thing you said to me? Go on, say it."

The Doctor looks at her, "I said, Rose Tyler."

"Yeah and how was that going to end" she persists.

"Does it really need saying?"

Rose turns to look at the half-human Doctor. "And you, Doctor? What was the end of that sentence?"

The half-human Doctor glances at the Doctor, then looks deep into Rose's eyes before leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Rose Tyler, I love you."

Rose jumps into his arms and kisses him passionately. The Doctor looks at the two of them, with a resigned look on his face. He and Donna turn around and get into the Tardis and it dematerializes, leaving behind Rose and the half-human Doctor. The half-human Doctor holds onto Rose's hand as they watch it disappear.

"Well, Rose Tyler, what do we do first?"

Rose smiles at him, "Well first, you need an identity. A license, birth certificate…a name."

"What's wrong with 'The Doctor'?" he asks.

"You know perfectly well that humans can't just go around calling themselves 'The Doctor'". She laughs. "We have some time to work on it, I'm sure Dad can get all of the papers we'll need."

Hand in hand, they walk towards Jackie. She's on the phone with Pete and laughing about the antics little Tony has gotten up to while she was away. "Alright, love. Give him kisses from mummy and we'll see you in a few days." She ends the call and turns to look at Rose and the Doctor. "We'll be staying here for a couple days, until your father can get here. He's calling the motel and getting us rooms, he'll wire some money as well." She looks at the Doctor, "Doctor…I just can't believe you're here for good. Now Rose won't be moping about all the time and won't spend all of her time working."

"Mum…" Rose says, exasperated.

"I'm glad to be of assistance, Jackie" the Doctor tells her with a cheeky look on his face "Which way do we go then?" he hugs Rose to his side.

"This way, I think. We just need to find the road and follow it into town. There's a nice little town about a mile away. Very quiet and peaceful. We can use peaceful after the last couple days we've had".

"Too right" the Doctor tells her.

They start walking towards the nearest town.