by Adri Mars


Card Captor Sakura © CLAMP/Kodansha. The only thing I own here is this fanfic's plot and whatever original characters I may create here.

QUICK NOTE: I write all my author notes at the end of each chapter, so please, don't forget to read them once you reach the end of this page. :)

If this is the first time that you'll be reading this fic, you need to read its prequel, STUFFED ANIMAL, first. Otherwise, you wouldn't understand many of this fic's concepts and such considering this is an AU fic. Other than that, thank you for joining me again in another adventure! :)

From an excerpt from THE BOOK OF KEROBEROS

Nemesis. Enemies. Rivals. Opponents.

Similar words with many differences.

Our wonderful town of Tomoeda is just like any other town.

Where there are friends and allies, there are also enemies and rivals.

Tomoeda, ever since its foundation, has its share of its nemeses.

They could be from neighboring towns to towns across the islands of Rising Sun.

They could be from smaller towns of other countries, far and wide.

But the people of Tomoeda are conquerors of borderlines.

These borderlines are those that segregate and form the feeling of hate.

The Tomoedan people conquer them with the power of true love.

And for many generations and centuries, love has always conquered.

All but one— its next-door neighbor, Nijibe.

Nijibe did not want any peace with Tomoeda.

Reasons why this is so, we'll never know.

Even the roots of this rivalry still remained a mystery.

Even for a guardian like me, your humble servant, KEROBEROS.

I too have my own rival, my nemesis,

A special guardian of Nijibe.

Tomoeda isn't the only town full of whim and magic, so to speak.

Nijibe has their own as well, which isn't a bad thing.

Why Nijibe wants Tomoeda to go down so much, we'll never know.

But as long as anyone attacks, Tomoeda will defend.

We do this because we love our town, our homes, our lifestyle, and most of all,

The people who created this beautiful town.

Love is all we want for these unfortunate Nijibeans,

But its people want more power, more money, more prestige, more recognition.

Is there a way for us to end this rivalry once and for all?

Even if that's so, can a friendship based on rivalry be even possible?

Many found love amongst each other, and yet in the end…

Tragedy strikes upon them, whether it may be heartbreak or death

This is why many forbid their children to fall for this curse

And have seen one another as the cause for these atrocities based on love.

If I, your guardian KEROBEROS, only had the power to end it all, I surely would

If only would my people believe in me again…



Life is a competition

But competition with the spirits of hard work and effort is always rewarded

When you pour your heart and soul to the spirit of competition

A special appearance will come to you

Only the true chosen ones by the spirit of Master Clow Reed

Shall I, your HUMBLE SERVANT, will appear

So, onward Tomoedans, gaze straight forward

Your HUMBLE SERVANT now awaits

A/N: Consider this a "teaser" to the sequel. Yay for the prologue chapter, even if there really isn't anything much in there LOL. ^^

I know, I know. I've given plenty of continuous plots at the epilogue of "Stuffed Animal." For those who just came in here from "Stuffed Animal," I present to you its sequel— Troop Pegalion! For those of you who just joined in, I recommend you reading Stuffed Animal first. Once you're done, please return back here. ^_^

For those who don't know what the title stands for, a pegalion is a made-up word by Takashi Yamazaki (from the last chapter to the epilogue of Stuffed Animal) that means half-pegasus, half-lion, describing Keroberos as the mascot of their summer camp troop of soccer players and cheerleaders. Ever since then, the term "pegalion" also became the official new mascot name of any Tomoeda team many years later.

UPDATE 3/2016: I know, it has been over a year since I abandoned this fic, but once again, I am trying to do an entire rewrite of it. I did not like the direction that this was going to and I wanted to focus more on our beloved characters again from Stuffed Animal and maybe save the whole next generation scenes at a later/different fanfic. For the time being, let's continue on with the sports camp and everything else!

I'm not sure how long this story is going to be, whether it will be ending at the end of the sports camp or proceed until they all go back to school. We'll just see what happens. There will be a lot of different focuses in this story aside from the usual, but it still is a Sakura x Syaoran romance (as well as all other pairings like Tomoyo x Eriol, etc.).

I'm almost done with the brand-new Chapter 1, so stay tuned! It's coming! - Adri Mars