Jboy44 "story is set after new Vestroia"

In a graveyard stood a head stone marked, 'Daniel Kuso' but the ground below the Grave was moving. A hand burst through the grave and it was soon followed by another till the body of the dead Dan Kuso of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers had risen from the grave. He was panting showing his k-nine teeth that had grown into fangs, his eyes glowed read with demonic slits in them, and all color had left the boy's skin leaving his skin completely ghost white.

He placed a hand on his head as a memory came back into his formerly inactive brain.


He and Runo where crossing the street when a car came speeding ahead. Thinking quickly Dan pushed Runo out of the way getting her to safety, but he was hit.

-Flashback end-

Dan held his head with both his hands and cried as another memory entered his mind.


He was in a hospital bed dying when a man in a black suit sunglasses red coat and a red hat stood over him saying, "Soon you will be reborn as a child of the night," the man then moved his head to his neck and bit him.

-Flashback end-

After that came darkness before waking up in a coffin. Dan fell to his knees and looked at his hand to see his fingernails transformed into claws and felt pieces of dirt and wood under them from being used to dig through the coffin and the dirt.

Dan let out a scream as his tears formed a puddle big enough for him to see he had no reflection.

Dan fell even lower to his knees as he cried. He was undead the fangs he now felt in his mouth and a thirst for something he knew was unholy proved he was a vampire. He didn't want to believe it but yet there he was fresh out of his own grave.

Dan then heard a laugh as he stood up. He turned around to see the same man from the hospital. The vampire that bit him standing three feet away with his face hidden by the shadow of his hat, but Dan could still see a devilish fang filled smile, and glowing red demonic eyes.

Dan fell back down on to his butt and backed away till his back meet his head stone and he screamed while he did this.

The man smirked and laughed a devilish laugh, "Boy I'm only here to tell you more about what you are but it seems you have already figured out you're a vampire so just a few simple tips to start you off. First the sun's light will kill you, as will silver, garlic, and anything holy. You will only get the classic abilities of a vampire based on the number of people you turn. You can only enter a place if someone welcomes you in. You won't age out of your 20s and finally someone will only become a vampire if they die within 24 hours of being bitten. For now I will let you figure out how you will proceed."

The man then broke apart into a swarm of bats and flow away.


We see Runo in her room on her bed crying in a black dress, she had just returned from Dan's funeral. It was a big deal the original brawlers minus Alice who sadly couldn't make it all came. The Bakugan Resistance and the bakugan themselves returned to earth to make it.

When it was over the bakugan chose to stay on earth with their old partners all except Drago of course who choice to stay with Runo while Hydranoid chose to mail himself to Alice.

Drago and Blade Tigrerra stood on her head board silent unable to figure out how to help the girl.

Meanwhile outside her house was Dan.

Dan placed a hand on the door, as he tried to remember where she kept the hide a key, "wait is this even a good idea. Can I even go in I mean sure she said I was always welcome but does that count as an invite."

Dan looked under the rug to see the key, so he grabbed it and remembered this week Runo's parents where away, "even if this goes right, I'll be alone in a house with my girlfriend who is grieving over me being dead so either way I'm screwed."

Dan then unlocked the door and tried to open it only to be stopped by an unseen force, "damn it," he then relocked the door and walked around back, "looks like it's the old climb into your girlfriend's second floor window at night trick."

Dan climbed up the side of the house, very easily thanks to the new claws, but before he made it to the window he stopped as he heard Runo's cries and it saddened him, made him want to see her, and hold her again, but the thought of her not liking him now that he was a monster also crossed his mind.

Dan looked at the window and stopped for a moment on what to do as he whispered to himself, "do I leave and live forever not knowing if we could have still been together, or take the chance of her hating me… Well if she hates me I'll just stand outside till the sun rises and burns me to death."

Dan moved forward and knocked on the window but Runo did not even hear it over her cries. He then let go of the wall of the house and landed back on the ground flat on his feet. "Hard way it is."

Dan grabbed a rock and threw it at the window sadly it went right through it. "Ah crap."

Runo saw the rock brake her window and with eyes filled with tears she got up and opened the window and without looking yelled out, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I'M MOURNING THE DEATH OF THE MAN I LOVED."

Dan put his hands in his pockets and yelled back, "WELL THAT'S A NICE WAY TO TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM."

Tigrerra and Drago hopped over to the window seal as Runo looked to see Dan who just gave a one handed wave.

The two bakugan rolled into their ball form and fell backwards onto Runo's floor as they passed out, but Runo fainted and fell out of the window.

Dan quickly ran over, caught her, and held her unconscious body bridle style. He looked at her in the black dress and blushed a bit as he said aloud, "why did it my death to see her in something like this."

Dan laid her down against the wall of her house and said aloud, "hopefully she'll wake up before the sunrise." The young vampire then placed his hands in his pockets and looked at Runo the woman he loved. He looked her up and down all the while fighting the voice in the back of his mind telling him to bite her.

Runo started to wake up as she put her hand on her head just to hear Dan say, "don't faint this time."

Runo then saw him and thought he was a fake. "I don't know what can't of sick joke your pulling but you're not Dan you…," she was unable to finish for Dan grabbed her wrist and kissed her in the only way he could to her prove it was him.

Runo's eyes filled with tears as she returned the kiss but too soon as she need air so she broke away and tearfully asked, "How?"

Dan, point to his now red eyes and said, "If my pale skin and red eyes aren't enough than here's another hint." He then smirked to show off his fangs.

Runo just stared not understanding. So Dan sighed and said, "Hint number two I couldn't go into your house even though I found the hidden key because I can enter places I'm not invited to."

Runo's smirked, "Okay Dan quit messing around like this." she then went to slap him only for Dan to grab both of hers wrist before she could blink, and then Dan's eyes glow red and he hissed making Runo's eyes widen as he pulled her into his arms.

Runo blushed as her head was on his chest but he heard no heartbeat. Then it all started to click. Needs to be invited into places, fangs, red eyes, no heartbeat, and dead but alive. She shivered in Dan's arms. Runo closed her eyes and in shock she said, "No that can't be."

Dan rolled his eyes as he held her tight and led her to one of her house's first floor windows. "Just look at the reflection in the window and tell me what you see."

Runo looked into the window and she saw her own reflection but not Dan's she then gasped as struggled to free herself from Dan's arms.

Dan held her tighter as tears fell from his eyes. "Runo calm down please it's still me."

Runo watched, the tears coming from her eyes and remembered reading somewhere that tears were the mark of humanity but she just cried and begged, "Please don't bite me."

Dan held her close and let go of one of her wrists and took her chin into his hand and made her look him in the eye. "I won't Runo. I want to but I won't. Now please don't be scared Runo and please no more tears. I hate seeing you cry."

Runo shut her eyes tight and cried so she wouldn't have to look Dan in the eye. She was scared after all she was in the arms of an undead monster who had the face of the man she loved.

Dan looked at her shivering and struggling to get out of his arms so he placed his hand on her face with sent a chill down her spine. "Runo, Please…" He didn't finish his sentence before he chose to close his eyes and gave Runo a loving kiss.

At first Runo tried to fight but soon gave in and returned the kiss making Dan lose his grip on her.

More tears fell from Runo's eyes as she felt Dan's tongue licking her lips asking to be let in. So she opened her mouth letting his tongue in.

Dan's tongue traveled into her mouth and explored every inch of it. Something both of them enjoyed. They stayed like this for a while but soon Runo needed air. Almost as if he read her mind Dan broke the kiss.

Runo buried her head into Dan's chest and cried as she thought 'Dan Why do I have to love you.'

Dan placed a hand on the back of her head and held her tight with the other hand as he said, "its okay Runo. I'm here now and I'm not leaving you again."

Runo cried out, "But how can we make this work?"

Dan held her closer, enjoying the feel of her warm living body against his own cold dead one. "We'll find a way, we always do."

-Meanwhile in Russia

We see Alice in her home alone. Her grandfather went in to town only to be stuck by a sudden snowstorm.

Alice looked out a window at the raging snow storm. "Just great first I can't get a flight out to go to my friend's funeral thanks to the runways here being iced over. Now my grandfather can't even come home. Can this day get worse?"

Then out of the snow she saw someone, no something in the snow. It was down on all fours, larger than a man, covered on fur, with claws on its hands and legs, and finally she saw a tail.

Alice moved away from the window as she covered her mouth to help her hold in her screams as she thought, 'what is that thing'.

She then peeped back through the window to see it was closer and looked to be a giant wolf that's front paws where hand-like and it was growling loud enough for Alice to hear it in her house over the winds of the snow storm. Alice gulped in shock and fear as she saw it heading for the front door.

Alice looked at the door just to see five claws pop out through the wood and rip off the door. Letting the giant wolf walk right in. Alice screamed but then a bullet went through the giant wolf's chest making it fall to the ground dead and the corpse transformed into a human. When the corpse fell. Alice looked through the doorframe and saw standing in the storm was Masquerade, in his own body holding a hand gun in his right hand.

Alice stood there shocked for a minute as it all clicked, okay now a giant wolf that turns into a man is a werewolf so a werewolf broke into my house then masquerade appeared out of nowhere holding a gun and killed it.

Alice then said aloud, "why most my life be so weird." She then fainted.

Masquerade put the gun away inside of his coat, "I knew I couldn't keep all this a secret forever but that doesn't matter. Right now what does matter is the fact that she'll freeze to death from this storm and having no front door. Good thing that I technically live here so I can enter without an invite."

Masquerade walked into Alice's house and picked her up bridle style, and looked back at the werewolf corpse, "I'll take care of that later," he then walked off deeper into the house passing by a mirror that didn't show his reflection.

Soon he came to Alice's room, he opened the door and placed the girl on her bed.

Masquerade put a hand on to her face making the unconscious girl shiver, "I'm sorry this had to happen to you Alice. I really wanted to stay out of your life after all the hell I put you through but trust me it's for the best I'm back. I just hope you believe me."

Alice heard Masquerade's voice and chose to play dead in hopes he would do away, 'if I don't move he'll leave' she thought, but the thought made Masquerade smirk.

Masquerade grabbed hold of her arms and held her down. "Nice try princess but I can read your mind, I know you're awake."

Alice opened her eyes and struggled to get free but she saw her own reflection in her bed room mirror but what she didn't see was Masquerade holding her down making her freeze and her eyes widen.

Masquerade got on to the bed and used his body weight to hold Alice down as his eyes glow red under his mask. "Now hold still and let me explain."

Alice filled with fear just nodded yes.

Masquerade gave Alice a devilish fang filled half smile. "Now then Alice I don't have a reflection because I'm a vampire. How I don't know. I just woke up like this after I left your body. Don't be afraid me after all I've been staying in your home every day since I gave you Hydranoid.

Alice's eyes widened again as she remembered over the last three years she'd been seeing shadows of a person but not finding him and feeling like someone was watching her.

Alice closed her eyes and blushed as she thought a 'vampire's been stalking me.'

Masquerade growled out, "I haven't been stalking you I've been trying to stay out of your life. I only come here because it's the only place I can enter to not die by the sun."

Alice jumped and tried to struggle thinking that he was going to hurt her.

Masquerade sighed as he let go of her arms and got off of her. "I'm not going to hurt you Alice, the only reason I have a gun is those werewolves have been coming around here every night for a couple of years."

Alice backed away till her back hit her head board and fearfully asked, "W-w-why?"

Masquerade crossed his arms. "Let's see now it start two years ago."


Masquerade who didn't have his mask on was outside of the house one night when he saw five human sized wolves coming towards the house. He quickly went to go get a closer look. One of the wolves spoke to him. "Out of the way vampire we have come to claim the girl who lives here as our pack leaders mate."

Masquerade raised an eyebrow. "Hold it right there talking wolf, okay that sound weird, but let me get this straight. You are here to kidnap Alice and force her to be your leader's bride?"

Wolf number 2 stood up on his hind leg. "Yes now get out of our way or die."

Masquerade pulled out the transport card, "if you say so transport." He then vanished in rainbow light only to appear behind the standing up wolf, and he slashed the back of its neck with his claws making it fall to the ground dead.

The other four attacked, so he transported again to attack from behind again, but this time the others jumped him making him drop the card, and it flew off into the wind.

The group's leader looked at the sky to see the sun on the rise. "You may have stopped us to night but we will be back," The wolf then slashed the part of Masquerade's face that was above his nose, making Masquerade scream in pain as the wolves left.

-End flashback-

Masquerade held on to his mask. "I hid under the snow till night fell and I found out injures vampires and werewolves inflect on each other don't heal at least not on their own anyway. To recover the following night I…I bit you." he forced out the last part.

Alice screamed and covered her neck before she thought, wait if he bit me why am I not a vampire.

Masquerade looked down. "You don't turn unless you die within 24 hours of being bitten. You didn't die so you didn't change. Anyway when I was healed I could feel a scar on my face. That's when I figured out werewolf injures still scar even after being healed and since I couldn't run around with half a face I reformed my mask. Every night since then I've been killing the werewolves who come after you."

To prove he wasn't lying Masquerade removed his mask and showed across his eyes where five claw marks, parts of his eyes where even darker colored due to the scares, and there was also four claw marks going at an angle allowing them to be hid by the lens of his mask.

Masquerade looked at Alice who just covered her mouth and was wide eyed, "I don't know how bad it is and I can't really look in the mirror. So I finally get a face of my own only to have a mutt sent by a horny mutt rip it off."

Masquerade removed one of his fingerless gloves to show that between his hand and wrist was a large piece of skin that was a scar making it look like the middle of the arm was bitten out then replaced by darker skin. "I also had part of my arm bitten off by the mutts and again I bit you to have it regrow but sadly the area that was originally bitten still had the scars."

Alice's eyes welled with tears was it because she was a vampire's lunch a lot or was she in pain for Masquerade. She wasn't sure herself at the moment.

Masquerade undid his coat causing Alice let out a scream and almost jump out of her skin till Masquerade said, "I'm just showing the larges area of scars so keep your head out of the gutter."

Alice blushed from embarrassment as she watched Masquerade remove his vest showing his bare chest which was while nicely muscled, it was also almost covered by claw marks, and in the areas where they crossed over each other the scars were darker, making it look like his skin was white, grey, and pitch black in almost random places.

Alice felt her eyes tear up again and she blushed as she touched a set of claw mark scars that went from the under right corner of his chest to the lower left corner, it crossed over so many scars it looked to be pitch black.

Masquerade backed away and put his vest back on. "If you think that's bad you should see my back and uh sorry for biting you."

Alice's eyes where still filled with tears as she said, "It's okay I'm still alive and human, and from the scars it looks like you wouldn't even be a pile of bones if you didn't bite me."

Masquerade put his coat back on. "Okay then. Well I best go hide that dead body and fix your front door before morning." He then left.

To be continued