Authors note: Okay! Here it is! the final final chapter. it has been a pleasure writing for all of you and i thank you for reading! Please check out some of my other work. Also, review what you think of this chapter and the whole story! enjoy!

The sun was setting which meant the party was beginning. I was in my room, fully dressed and ready for the celebration, packing up my belongings for when I leave back to the New York Institute in the morning. I set my bag and weapons on the love seat couch in the corner. I'm sure that's everything, but I'll do a final sweep when I wake up tomorrow.

A knock on my door and Jace walked in.

"You ready?" He asked. "How do I look?" Jace was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"You couldn't resist could you?" I smirked.

"You're the one who gave me the idea of honoring the dead. I just went with it and I am rather satisfied with myself. I do look good in white."

I rolled my eyes. "No comment." I walked to the bathroom mirror to do one last check to see how I look. I wore, similar to Jace, jeans and a t-shirt. Though my shirt is blue not white.

Jace came up behind me. "You know, I much prefer this Alec rather than that other one I've been dealing with for the past week."

The Alec staring at me in the reflection was an Alec that was well rested and had fuller cheeks. An Alec that was stronger in every way possible and looked it too. He appeared brighter and much more approachable and without a doubt, happier.

The boy in the reflection smiled, and it was a sincere smile that made people smile back; like Jace just did. "I do too." Said the reflection.

The celebration was held in the main square, everything looked to be well cleaned up and people laughed and smiled as if nothing had ever happened. And that's what I find so funny, looks can be deceiving and I know, in this case, that is exactly what all this is. Deceiving.

Music played, people danced, ate and drank. I spotted Magnus emerging from a crowd of people and approach me. He looked beautiful as ever, with his glittery hair and dark makeup and colorful clothing. I flashed a smile as he approached.

"Hello darling." He said with a grin that made me want to fall into his arms and kiss him endlessly.

"Hi." I said a little breathless.

"Okay well I am off to find Clary while you two have your eye sex." Jace smirked looking rather uncomfortable and wandered off. I felt myself blush, I hadn't realized we were staring at each other.

Magnus sighed. "I sure have missed that."

"Missed what?"

"That blush of yours, you know it was one of the first things I fell for when I met you." And that, of course, made me blush even harder and Magnus laughed. "Adorable." He stated simply.

"Alec!" I heard a familiar voice call and knew immediately who it was. I turned around and felt small arms wrap tightly around me.

"Hey Max." I smiled down at him and hugged him back. Gosh it was good to see my little brother again.

"I missed you." He looked up at me.

"I missed you too bud." I pulled him away and turned us to face Magnus. "Do you remember Magnus?"

"Hi Magnus." Max did a small shy wave at him and hid slightly behind me.

Magnus squatted down in front of us and smiled kindly at Max. "Do you like magic, Max?"

"He loves magic." I answered for him when he didn't.

Magnus smiled and held out his hand, palm down, and all the pebbles on the ground around us began to rise to Maxes eye level. After a long moment of Maxes gazing amazement, Magnus slowly clenched his fist and the floating pebbles shattered, one by one, into a million rainbow colored pieces and blew away with the wind like dust.

Max giggled at this and made Magnus and I smile. He stood back up.

I looked down at Max. "Is Isabelle around?"

"I think she is with Simon and Clary."

"Simon? How did he get in here?"

"Isabelle probably summoned him." Magnus answered.

I shrugged it off, I shouldn't be surprised that she found a way to get a Downworlder in here. I'd love to see Selenas reaction to that.

I took Maxes hand. "Lets go find sissy."
The three of us walked into the crowd of people and found Isabelle, Clary, Simon and Jace on the other end of the square. Max immediately ran to Jace and Jace picked him up in a big bear hug.

"Alec!" Isabelle exclaimed and hugged me tight. "It's so good to see you."

"You to Iz." I said holding her close. She pulled away and then noticed Magnus. She looked from me to him again with questionable eyes.

"Are you two-"

"Yes." Magnus and I answered in unison.

Isabelle smiled. "Finally!" She said and hugged Magnus too, the both of them got to talking about everything that has happened as I turned to Clary who was leaning against the stone wall with Simon.

"Hey." I said.


"How you holding up?"

Clary shrugged. I leaned against the wall next to her and looked out to the crowd of people. "You know, it may suck now. But believe me when I say things will get better. It did for me, even though I couldn't see it at the time."

Clary gave a half smile. "Thanks Alec."

I smiled back at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, I held her that way until Jace finished his conversation with Max, who ran off with some kids his age, and noticed us. "You trying to steal my girl, Alec?" Jace asked playfully.

"Your girl? She's my girl." I stated the obvious.

"Whoa, Clary are you stealing my boy?" Magnus cut in with a full grin.

"Clearly he is my boy." Simon said and reached across Clary to take my hand. We held each others hand firmly.

"I am not alright with this." Isabelle said.

"It's alright Izzy, you can be mine." Clary said, breaking through mine and Simons hold and stood next to Isabelle. Both girls held a grin.

"Now that is something I would be okay with." Simon said winking at them.

"Okay moment ruined." I said, laughing. Everyone else joined in and we all shared a chorus of laughter.

It was this laughter that made everything we went through worth while. This laughter made us all forget what we were doing here and everything we went through to be here. This was the laughter that gave us hope for a brighter future that was sure to come.

It was this very moment that I looked at all my friends and felt so grateful to have them in my life, even through the ups and downs, I know in my heart that they will always be here and that we will be able to share these kind of moments again and again for the rest of our lives.

This is my family and I love them.

After the celebration, the six of us separated to have our own "couples night" as Isabelle put it. The four of them stayed at the Institute and agreed to cover for me if anyone realized I wasn't there.

I stayed with Magnus at his place that night. During the whole celebration I just wanted to touch him and feel him and never let him go.

Now here I am, doing just that.

Magnus broke away from the kiss first and looked me in the eyes with a hard serious gaze.

"I once told you I loved you and that it didn't change anything."

I frowned in confusion, where was he going with this?

"I lied to you." He said as he gently brushed hair out of my eyes. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood," He spoke slowly and just above a whisper. "I love you with all my heart and that changes everything."

I smiled up at him. I could see the love he felt for me in his eyes and knew he was sincere with his words. I tried to blink back tears, although this time they were tears of joy.

My emotions for this one man were overwhelming, I couldn't help myself. Magnus kissed away my drop of joy as it rolled down.

"I love you Magnus. Forever and always." I whispered softly.

I pulled Magnus down into a kiss because I needed him to feel my love for him in a way that words cant explain.

And that is exactly what I did.