Hello again! I'm back and this is my second fanfic. Thanks for the reviews for my first story, 'A hui hou kaikua'ana'. If you haven't read it yet, check out my profile. Anyways, here's a new story for you all. Hope you enjoy :D

She stood in front of the large building, looking up at the tall statue in front of her, and took a deep breath. This was it; she couldn't chicken out now. She had come all this way to ask him to do this for her. She couldn't turn back now. Gathering up all her courage, she walked up the steps and pushed the large glass doors open. It was incredibly busy inside, but then again, it was a police station. She smiled as she looked around. This was a good idea; there would always be security here for her.

An old looking cop spied her and walked over to her. "Can I help you, ma'am?" he asked.

"Yes, please. I'm… I'm here to see Detective Williams," she said quietly and nervously. "Is he here?"

"Yes, he's up in the Five-0 offices. Can I take a name, ma'am?"

She smiled sadly at him. "Knelson. Bethany Knelson."

The cop nodded. "Alright, I'll call ahead and let Detective Williams know you're here."

"No!" she half-shouted, drawing the attention of several people. "Please don't. It's a surprise," she said in a quieter tone.

The cop looked at her suspiciously, but then sighed and nodded. "Very well. I'll take you up to his office."

Bethany nodded. "Thank you."

Danny sighed as he looked down at the form in front of him. One day, he swore, one day he would find a way to stop McGarrett ordering grenades and rocket missiles and whatever other weaponry he thought they needed. It was costing them a fortune. This was the third acquisition form he'd filled out this month! One day, he would manage to stop Steve from buying it all.

A soft tap at his door permeated his thoughts, but he didn't look up from the form. "Yeah," he answered distractedly.

"Danny, there's a woman here to see you," the voice of Duke Lukela came across his office.

"Mm-hmm," he replied in the same absentminded tone. "Send her in. Thanks, Duke." He filled out a few more areas of the form when he heard a quiet, nerve-filled voice.


He looked up and saw a woman about his age standing there. She was a little shorter than him, and had shoulder length curly black hair. But her eyes were what captured his attention. He would recognise those dark hazel eyes anywhere.

"B-Bethany?" he stuttered, hardly believing she was here. The smile that formed on her face when he said her name told him it was her. "Oh, my God, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed as he got up and went around his desk, pulling her into a hug as he reached her.

Bethany put her arms around him and hugged him back. "Hey Danny. Oh, it's great to see you again."

"And you too," Danny replied. He withdrew from the hug and looked at her. "You know, you haven't changed a bit since we last saw each other. And that must've been nearly 15 years now."

"I know. Time flies, doesn't it?" she said, sitting down on the sofa. "You're the spitting image of your father, you know that?"

"Yeah, people have told me that enough times," Danny said sitting down next to her. He looked down, thinking how to phrase his question. "Look, Bethany… Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything, but…"

"But what?" Bethany asked, knowing full well what he wanted to ask.

"Why are you here?" Danny asked finally. "And don't tell me you just wanted to catch up with old friends. People don't fly 5000 miles just to 'catch up' with people; they have a reason to do so. So I say again: why are you here?"

Bethany sighed and looked away from Danny. The fingers of her right hand started tapping against the back of her left hand. Danny reached forwards and stilled them by placing his hand over hers.


The black-haired woman looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I need help, Danny… and you're the only person I can trust."

So what do you guys think? Send me a review and tell me what you think. Cheers xx