(A/N: Hello there! This is an idea I had while listening to 'The Eagle Has Landed' by the British heavy metal band Saxon. Give it a listen! It's about a different, real astronaut, but it fit very well in my opinion.)

Take a giant step for mankind on a distant lunar sea

As you travel across the universe, will you take a step

Take a step for me? Will you take a step for me?

Leo Valdez had always been a dreamer. The gears in his head were always churning and the wheels always turning. So it didn't really surprise anyone when he designed a mission for NASA to put a man on Mars.

"That's... wow," Jason said, leaning back in his lawn chair. "That's impressive man." Reyna gave a nod from beside her husband, and Leo knew he had both Praetors' support.

"I mean, I don't know if they'll even accept it or if we have the funding... but..." Leo trailed off, drumming his feet just like the old days when he had a new idea for the Argo.

"It had to be Mars, huh?" Frank's baritone chimed in. Leo glanced over at his friend with a smirk, which the Chinese-Canadian returned with a laugh. "Well, good luck."

Leo just wished Hazel were here to see it.

Voyage of an eagle, blasting to the stars

You take the hopes and dreams of men, to find yourself

To find tranquility, to find tranquility

"Wake up."

She was right there!

And then she was gone.

Another sleepless night of work. More designs, more corrections, more perfection. It had to be perfect. Leo wouldn't let her down, not again. More fire, more flame. Gods, he could still feel the blood on his hands... He could still hear Gaea laughing. He could still feel Percy's arms wrapped around his waist as Leo screamed and clawed, screaming her name.

That's probably what woke the rest of the cabin up when they found their Counselor drawing a certain daughter of Pluto's face ritualistically.

Travel across the universe and placed the lonely flag

Out there in isolation at the final

The final frontier, at the final frontier

Red, white and blue. Hazel had always loved the flag. Reminded of her a comic book hero his great-grandfather used to read about. Leo laughed so hard when she nearly fainted over seeing him at the movie.

The young son of Hephaestus marched forth, taking slow and even breaths. With two bulky gloved hands wrapped around the pole, two bulky booted feet crunching another planet below, bulky visor dimming his vision, he stepped forward. She would be so proud right now. They all would be.

As Leo sunk the greatest symbol of America into the red soil, he uttered three single words.

"I love you."

The world's in celebration as we wait for your return

You took a giant leap for mankind on another

On another world, on another world

Leo was the most popular man alive on that day. So many cheers, toasts, applauds, so many smiling faces. Annabeth, the only person who could understand any of the concepts. Percy, who never minded Leo calling late into the night. Piper, who always made sure he ate and slept or else. Nico, the only one who lost more than Leo and the only one Leo could open up to. Jason, who fought every day in politics to get the program funded. Frank, who would sit with Leo and say nothing, simply mourning.

So many faces. But Leo only searched for one.

In the back of the crowd, smiling so sweetly with those melting chocolate eyes, was Hazel.

"I love you to."

Take it easy, take it slow, don't go fast, don't let go