So I know I already wrote an epilogue for this story, but a reviewer requested that I write about the baby. In this epilogue part 2, the baby from the previous one (confusing yet? :-P) won't be a baby anymore, but at least it will be a glimpse into the life of Klaroline with a child… or children?

Thanks for continuing to read :)

Disclaimer: I do not own TVD, The Originals, or any of their characters.

Caroline sighed as the phone continued to ring off the hook. Her daughter, Emma, was crying hysterically because the little girl was running around the room and tripped and fell. It was Friday, Caroline's day off, but honestly, who was she kidding? She never truly got a day off. She decided that her three year old took priority over the obnoxious ringing, and bent down to pick up the small child.

Emma was her mother's mini-me in every way from the blonde spiral curls, to the big blue eyes, all the way to the tips of her little toes. Klaus liked to joke that she was just as dramatic as her mother as well, and in this instant, Caroline believed it. She didn't think that the child could have hurt herself that badly by falling on carpet, but she still wanted to make sure.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Caroline brushed the little curls from her daughter's face.

Emma rubbed her swollen red eyes, tears still filled them. She shook her tiny head.

"Where does it hurt?" Caroline felt like she was having to yell over the noise still coming from the phone.

The little girl pointed to her knee. "Right here."

Caroline was about to kiss it to make the pain go away when she heard the answering machine finally pick up the call. The voice on the other end after the beep caught her attention even more.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson, this is Scott Weston from William's school. William is in the office right now, and I need you both to come to the school as soon as possible."

Caroline groaned and didn't even bother listening to the rest of the message. She quickly placed a kiss on her daughter's knee before placing the child on the couch. "Mommy has to call Daddy really quickly. Just sit here until your knee feels better."

Caroline walked over to the phone and immediately started to dial Klaus' number. He answered on the second ring.

"Hello, love. How are my girls doing today?" His velvety voice came over the phone.

"Niklaus Mikaelson! Your son is in trouble again, and we have to go to the school." Caroline was walking around gathering her cellphone, her keys, and her purse as she spoke to her husband.

"If our son is the one in trouble, why am I the one being yelled at?"

Caroline rolled her eyes. "You know exactly why! Just meet me at the school, please. I'm leaving now."

The truth was, it wasn't a surprise that they were getting a phone call from the principal. As much as Emma was like her mother, Will was like his father. He was always in trouble. Klaus didn't think it was a big deal, but Caroline was worried that their son would be disliked. She knew that Klaus was always a loner, and she didn't want that to happen to their son. It wasn't that the two boys were bad. People just didn't know how to take their personalities. They were passionate about the people they loved, and no one could tell them what to do. Unfortunately, a teacher's job is to tell their students what to do. Caroline wondered if this would continue to happen until Will graduated. He was only in second grade.

Caroline pulled into the parking lot at the Elementary school. Klaus had beaten her there, and made his way over to her car as soon as he saw her park. He opened her door for her and waited for her to step out before giving her a kiss hello.

"Did the principal say what happened?" He asked Caroline as he rounded the car to get Emma out of her carseat in the backseat.

"No, he just said we needed to both come in as soon as possible. What could Will have done this time, Nik? They said if he got in trouble one more time, they were going to suspend him from school."

Klaus planted a kiss on his little girl's forehead as he carried her into the building, Caroline by his side. "Don't worry about it, Caroline. We will figure something out if we have to."

"Nik, he can't keep getting into trouble. We have to do something." Caroline's concern for her son was only growing. "I can't be like you. I have to worry!"

Klaus led Caroline into the all too familiar office, and was greeted by the secretary, who knew them well by this point. "Principal Weston called us to come in."

"Hello, Mr. Mikaelson! It's so good to see you again." The small brunette was always overly friendly with Klaus, not attempting to hide her flirtation even though Caroline was standing right there. The secretary began flipping her hair, her eyelashes fluttered, and a giggle escaped her lips.

Caroline would have been a lot angrier at the situation, but Klaus never seemed to acknowledge the other woman other than what was necessary. When Caroline brought up the fact that the brunette was obviously attracted to him, he just kissed her passionately and said, "good for her, too bad I'm already taken."

Instead of going off on the girl, Caroline just closed the gap between herself and her husband and Klaus instinctively wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her close. "Can we just go in?" Caroline asked, annoyed for the unnecessary delay.

The brunette looked at Caroline for the first time, obvious disapproval on her face, before turning her attention back to Klaus. "Sure, Principal Weston is waiting for you two."

"Thanks so much," Caroline replied sarcastically.

When the two walked into the Principal's office, their eyes both landed on their son who was sitting in a chair at the side of the room, his legs swinging back and forth and his head down. The Principal stood from his chair.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson. Thank you for coming." He extended his arm to shake hands with them both. "Have a seat." He gestured to the empty chairs directly in front of his desk.

Caroline and Klaus took their seats. Klaus placed Emma on his lap and handed her his cell phone to keep her quiet. Will wouldn't even look at them. They could tell by the tense set of his jaw that he was angry, just like his father.

"What happened?" Caroline looked between her son and the principal, not sure who would actually explain.

"That's the thing," The principal began, his hands intwined on his desk. "We don't exactly know. We had to call you in because William pushed a child down today at recess. However, we have no idea why he did it. He will not tell us."

"William Henry Mikaelson! Why did you do that?!" Caroline was out of her seat and in front of her son in seconds. She squatted down in front of him so she was eye level, but he wouldn't speak. "Will, I asked you a question."

Will looked at her, and then over at his father before looking down again. A single tear ran down his cheek, and that's when Caroline's heart broke. He was so much like his father that Caroline knew he had to have had a reason, even if it wasn't the right thing to do. He acted tough on the outside, but deep down, he got hurt easily.

Klaus stood up and looked at the principal. "Would you mind stepping out for just one moment?" He knew that his son wasn't going to answer them if the principal was in the room. It was just how his son was, how he was in school.

The principal looked confused but shook his head. "Not at all."

Klaus waited for him to close the door behind him before he set Emma down on the seat and went over to his son. He knelt down beside his wife. "William, I believe your mother asked you a question."

Will looked up at his parents. "He was making fun of Vickie."

Matt and Rebekah had a daughter that wasn't much younger than William, and her name was Vickie.

"That's why you pushed him down?" Caroline looked into her son's blue eyes.

Will nodded. "Her class was at recess with us, and this boy in my class started making fun of her. She started crying, and I got mad."

"Oh, sweetheart." Caroline grabbed her little boy's hands, and looked over at Klaus. She could see by his expression that he didn't know what to say to Will. She knew he would have done exactly the same thing if he was in his son's position. Caroline turned back to Will. "I know you just wanted to protect Vickie, but you can't push other students down. Remember how we told you that fighting was bad?" He nodded. "Well, pushing people down is bad too. You should have told a teacher and let him or her handle it."

"But she was crying, momma." Another tear streamed down Will's face.

Caroline felt her own eyes starting to tear up, so she turned to Klaus again. "Nik?" She was asking for help, or support at the very least.

"Listen, son, I know that you thought you were helping Vickie, but that doesn't mean that what you did was alright. It's not okay to hurt people." Klaus chimed in.

Emma walked over and squeezed between her parents. "Yeah, bubba, it not okay to hurt people." Then she climbed up into his chair and gave him a hug. "No more cry."

Caroline couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of her. She felt Klaus squeeze her hand before he stood up. "I'll go get Principal Weston," he told her before walking away.

After the principal came back in, Caroline and Klaus explained what happened at recess, and why William did what he did. Principal Weston was glad that they had gotten everything straightened out, but it didn't mean that there wouldn't be consequences.

"I'm sorry, but this kind of behavior is not acceptable here no matter what. Also, William has been in trouble so much lately that he will have to be suspended for three days." Principal Weston explained.

"Three days?" Klaus almost yelled in disbelief. "He was protecting his cousin!"

Caroline laid her hand on his arm trying to calm him down. Here comes the protective side that he passed on to his son, which is why we are here in the first place, she thought to herself.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mikaelson, but it's school policy. I understand that he thought he was helping Vickie, but that doesn't excuse his actions."

"This is ridiculous!" Klaus shot up from his chair and scooped Emma into his arms. "Let's go William." He grabbed his son's hand and led him out the door.

"I'm so sorry." Caroline looked at the principal, embarrassed. "You can see where William gets his temper."

The principal shook his head and waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. We'll see William after three days."

Caroline nodded and then disappeared out the same door that her husband and two children had just exited.

Klaus was standing beside Caroline's car in mid conversation when Caroline walked up. "Was that necessary, Nik?"

"You can't be serious. You think he should be suspended from school for three days?" Klaus looked at his wife, surprised that she didn't agree with his thinking.

Caroline sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Listen, Nik, I understand he was just trying to protect Vickie, but he can't go around pushing other kids. You have to agree with that."

"I do, but suspension? That's a bit extreme. He's in second grade."

Will was looking at his feet, not wanting to meet either of his parents' eyes.

"We knew he couldn't get into trouble again or this was going to happen. He needs some type of consequence, so let's just accept it and move on." Caroline took Emma from Klaus so she could put her in her carseat. "Are you going home now or back to work?"

"I'm going home." He opened the door for Will to climb in the backseat beside his sister.

When the doors were shut and the kids couldn't hear them, Caroline looked at her husband. "I know that you don't agree with the suspension, but we need to stand together on this. Will has to know that he can't do this again. Can you please not argue with me about it?"

"I'm sorry, love. I'm just angry." He kissed her on the forehead.

Caroline stretched up on her tip-toes so she could reach his mouth. After their lips parted, she smiled. "Thank you. I'll see you at home." And she climbed in her vehicle and they started their short journey home.

That night, after she got Emma to sleep, Caroline wandered into Will's bedroom. She smiled and leaned against the doorframe when she saw Klaus sitting on the side of their son's bed.

"I'm sorry, daddy." Will's small voice broke the silence.

"It's alright, but you can't do it again. You're like me. We want to protect the people we love, but sometimes it gets us into trouble. We have to learn from our mistakes." Klaus explained.

"I won't do it again. I promise."

"I know you won't." Klaus leaned down and kissed his son on the forehead before tucking him in. "Now get some sleep. I love you, William."

"I love you too, daddy."

Klaus turned and saw Caroline standing in the doorway, the smile still on her face. "What's that look for?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I just like seeing you with the kids." Before leaving, she walked over and placed a kiss on Will's cheek. "Good night, sweet boy. I love you."

"I love you too, momma." He smiled before closing his eyes.

Caroline walked over to Klaus and wrapped her arms around his torso as they made their way out of the room. "I'm tired, too. I think it's time to call it a night."

Klaus nodded in agreement as they headed to their bedroom.

When they climbed into bed, Klaus pulled Caroline against his chest, holding her close. "I don't know what we are going to do with Will. I wish he wasn't so much like me." He whispered into her hair.

Caroline pulled him closer. "Don't say that. I'm glad he's like you."

Klaus looked down at her disbelievingly. "He's always in trouble. You can't tell me that you don't wish he was more like you."

"Why would I want to change him? He's one of the most loving children I've ever met in my life, and he's ours. He's perfect." She looked up to meet his eyes. "Both of our children are."

He kissed her lips gently. "You're right. Thank you for giving them to me."

"Thank you for being the best father they could ever ask for." She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes, letting sleep overcome her.

Klaus fell asleep thinking about the wonderful family he now had, confident that he would never feel alone again.

I know it's not much, but at least it's a little peek into their family. I hope you enjoyed it! This is definitely the end now, haha. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, followed, and added this story to their favorites. I'm glad that you all seemed to like this story. You can leave requests in the reviews if you would like, but I'm not making guarantees. I don't know when I'll get to write another story because I don't want to start something and then not finish it in a decent amount of time. However, I will read your ideas and maybe eventually be able to start something :)