Part 1 – The Beginning

Let me be very clear: We monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States. We don't have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence.

- Janet Napolitano

Chapter 1

Monday, November 20, 2017

As much as he would never admit it out loud, some days Spencer Reid was kind of almost a little glad that his mother was the way she was.

It was late November, just before Thanksgiving, and the BAU team was on a break. Hotch was in New York with Beth and Jack and his recently paroled brother. Morgan was in Chicago with his family. Alex was in Boston with her husband. Garcia had flown out to California for a reunion with some of her cousins. JJ and Henry had gone down to Louisiana to visit with Will's family while they waited for Will, stuck at a training conference in Seattle, to join them. And Rossi had taken the opportunity to schedule a small book tour, which was taking him through New England at the height of leaf season.

Unfortunately for all of them they all decided to leave early, which was why they were all out of town when the forecasters predicted that everything from the upper Northwest to the Eastern Seaboard was going to be getting a blizzard's worth of snow over the next few days. There was a very good chance that airports across the country were going to be closed for the better part of a week. Being stuck anywhere but home was not something to be enjoyed, so when Spencer called his mother only to find her lucid enough to understand the weather and paranoid enough to tell him to stay home and plan to visit another time, he did not complain.

Now he came in from his last set of errands, and looked around his small apartment with pleasure.

He had it well stocked for the coming storm. He had food he could heat at the fire, should the power go, and ample treats and snacks. He had everything he needed for an emergency, water and batteries and what he needed for the fire. He had several bags of books to read, and he had extra power for his tablet, which would provide him everything from music to movies to Dr. Who. He even had a new set of flannel pajamas. He was all set to curl up and spend the holiday relaxing as much as physically possible. The only thing missing was someone to enjoy it with. Maybe someday, he thought, maybe even next year. Maeve would be furious if I lost hope.

Just as he put his packages down his phone rang. "Dr. Reid." There was silence on the other end of the line. No, not silence, the sound of someone breathing. "Hello?"

Finally a voice spoke. "Son, I'm sorry."

What the hell? "Dad?"

"I…it was a mistake, and I'm…I didn't know…." His father's voice sounded near tears.

"Dad, it's all right." Spencer said. "Just tell me what happened. We can fix…"

"No. It's too late. I just…if I had known I never would have…I'm sorry."


"I moved your mother." His father said

Up until now Spencer had been concerned. He had never had the best relationship with William Reid, but he was still his father after all and his mother still loved him so he was at least willing to help. But when his father said that his mother was involved with whatever this was Spencer felt a chill go right up his spine, followed by a hot rush of blood to his head. "You what!?"

"I had to. I'm sorry."

"Dad she's been at Bennington for years! She's been stable there! She's comfortable there!"

"I know. I know."

"Where did you take her?"

"Seaside Ridge in Sebastopol, California. She'll be a lot safer there."

Spencer relaxed slightly. Seaside Ridge was a very nice place, as good as Bennington. It had been one of the top three on his list back when he was looking for a place for her originally. At least she was in a safe, well-managed place that could ensure her continuity of care. But moving her at all was risky and potentially damaging, especially when there was no need. "That's a good choice. But why did you do this Dad?"

"It's not safe in Vegas. Or it's not going to be safe in Vegas"

"Why not?" A thought came to him. "Dad, where are you?"

"Carson City. I have to go son. I'm sorry." The phone clicked off.

"Hello? Hello! Damn it!" Spencer threw himself on the couch in his fury. Everything was going so well, what the hell was his father thinking? And why wasn't Vegas safe?

No, first priority, make sure Mom was okay. Fly out and check on her. Then he could go to Carson City and tell his father off in person.

Spencer got up and went to clean out his fridge to give to his neighbors. There went the vacation.