Chapter 55

Morgan looked up to the head of the stairs when he heard Will's quiet gasp. Every fiber of his being was aware of the fact that ever since they crossed West Side Road and got into the boat hidden in the brush at the edge of Pelican Bay they had been on enemy territory. Everyone was a potential threat until proven otherwise. He was just glad that the two station masters here knew the current codes, he was starving and this breakfast sandwich was hitting the spot.

But what was better was the sight of Will going to his knees and a familiar towheaded boy practically throwing himself out of the room and into his father's arms. "Henry!" Will said on a sob. "Oh thank God! Thank you God!"

"Daddy!" Henry said as he started up his own tears.

"Is he serious?" Janet asked.

"Oh yeah." For all that they were in harm's way Morgan felt the grin growing on his face.

Next thing he knew he being overtaken. "Derek!" Henry cried out as he threw himself down the stairs and into his friend's arms.

"Hey kiddo! Hey, keep your voice down. It's gonna be okay." Morgan hugged him tightly then set him on his feet. Henry looked to be just fine, taller, browner, stronger. He was growing like a weed as his momma would say, and looking so much like his daddy it was scary. Kid wasn't going to have any problem hiking back with them. Hell, he'd probably enjoy the trip. "Here, eat up your breakfast, we've got to get going as soon as we can."

"Where are we going?" Henry asked before taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"Place called Christmas Mountain." Morgan looked back up the stairs. The woman in Will's arms couldn't be JJ, could it?"

"Where they grow Christmas trees?"

"Yeah. Best trees you'll see."

"Cool!" Henry went to work on the sandwich in earnest.

By now they were coming down. Where Henry was hale and strong JJ had gone frail. Her face was too pale, her body too light, where her son was all smiles nightmares danced in her eyes. Morgan could tell that she had given everything and then some into her son, and it showed. But had she left enough for herself? "Derek?" She said, as if she wasn't sure it was really him.

"Hey momma." He grinned to show her that it was all right, waited longer than he expected while her eyes filled with tears and at last was rewarded with a hug. Damn it, she felt frailer than she even looked under all those layers of clothing. He met Will's eyes and saw the same concern. Could she even make the trip?

"You need to eat Jayje." Will said. "Come on, we got to get going."

"All right." But she wasn't feeling it. Derek watched as she practically had to force the sandwich down, her face going faintly green at the effort.

"You want to change honey?" Will asked gently. "I brought some pants and things for you, might be more comfortable to walk in."

"" JJ shook her head. "It's better..."

"It's better if she stays like that Dad." Henry explained. He reached out and rubbed JJ's arm to calm her down. "It's okay Mom."

She smiled at her son and pulled him in close for a moment. As she was just finishing Sam stepped back in. "You folks better get going." He said. "Starting to see light on the top of the mountain."

"All right. Thank you, for everything." Will said as they got back into their packs.

"Just get them home safe, son." Sam replied.

With little to do they went out to the back dock and got back in the boat. "Jayge, you get down under the tarp with Derek." Will said. "Henry, you stay up here with me. Anyone sees us we're just a father and son out for some fishing.

The boat was electric, nearly silent, and the surface of the lake still dark. With any luck no one even saw them making their way up to the end closest to the mountains. Derek lay still as they went; he could feel the wire tightness in JJ''s body as she lay next to him. This was a woman who once beat his ass three times around the practice ring at Quantico, who had feigned romance to kick over an Unsub without a thought, now she was so terrified of being this close he didn't dare touch her.

One of the most dangerous parts of the trip was crossing West End Road. There was ample cover on the lake side for them to hide the boat and proper the charger for the engine where the sun would reach it, and once on the western side they could disappear into the forest, but the road itself was open and well patrolled. They were going to have to move fast. Before they did Will got them down close. "Henry, until we get there I want you to stick close to Morgan. Stick like glue, you understand? And if he tells you to do anything you jump, all right? This is not safe what we are doing, but it's the only way home."

Henry nodded. "Yes Sir."

Will turned to his wife. "JJ, you stick close to me, all right?"

She nodded and whispered out a "Yes Sir."

Will and Morgan exchanged looks again. Yeah, that was disturbing. "Meet you on the other side." Will said.

"You better partner." Morgan tugged Henry after him and duck walked to the brush at the very edge of the road.

To the south it was long, straight, you could see a patrol coming. But to the north there was a curve, and the forest muffled engine sounds. A patrol jeep could catch sight of you before you knew it even in the pale gloaming before dawn Morgan waited, listened carefully, but there was nothing but the sound of birds and wind. "Okay, quick and low. Ready?" Henry nodded. "Go!" As quick as they could they scampered across the road and into the brush on the western side.

They waited, watching where Will and JJ were likely to come out. As Derek watched Will's head and shoulders came out, but then there it was. Will ducked back just a heartbeat before he would have been caught by the jeep going by. It was so close...they waited as two more went by and then they waited until the sound died down. And then all at once they ran, JJ first and Will right after, darting into the woods to land beside Morgan and Henry. It seemed like another jeep went by just as they landed. They all held their breaths but it didn't stop. Thank heaven it didn't stop.

After a few moments the road was silent once more. "Okay, let's go." Will said.

As the sun touched the treetops they started hiking west.