"My dear daughter Ofelia, you and Bloom are destined for greatness, you both shall rule Domino and meet your own prince one day, you must always have love in your heart and shouldn't fear to yourself, stand up for what you believe and you shall be a fine queens one day, for now rest my little princesses."

"Daddy and Daphne will come to say good night to my beautiful twin daughters", the queen said to the baby twins, Daphne and their father walked in, Daphne looked into the cradle, "Look at my twins sisters daddy, they are so pretty, I cant wait to play with them" the queen laughed "Daphne you will be a great older sister", the king kissed the twins on their forehead, "I love you my beautiful daughters."

I opened my eyes, and I whispered, "Daphne, my older sister? I have a twin named Bloom?" My room door opened, "Honey time to go to school" said my adopted mom Vanessa. "Ok, I'll be ready in half an hour" I replied. She left my room and closed the door

I got off my bed and showered, I put on my clothes a black shirt with dark blue jeans and brushed my red hair and washed my teeth, I grabbed my black nail polish and started painting my nails black, I always had my nails black. As I walked into the kitchen my stepsister Mitzi was sitting down on the table eating breakfast

She was wearing a purple top showing her belly, and khaki shorts up to her knees, my younger stepsister Macy was wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans, "Macy were you spying on what I was going to wear again?" I asked her as she ate her cereal.

"Please don't get mad Ofe, I like how you dress and I want to dress like you," she explained. "Yeah you like to dress like a loser Macy, come on get a fashion sense!" Mitzi told Macy. I got mad and curled my fist up into a ball as if I was going to punch her, then suddenly Mitzi breakfast exploded in her face, me and Macy laughed.

"Mitzi What the Hell? Stop playing with your food!" Vanessa yelled at Mitzi while entering the kitchen. "Ofe honey please walk Macy to school" she said to me. "Yes! I Sooo don't want to be seen walking to school with this loser" I looked at her with evil eyes and then Mitzi's orange juice spilled all over her clothes.

"MITZI! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" Vanessa slammed the wet cloth on the table while cleaning the juice. "But mom it wasn't me!" Mitzi shrieked. "Come on lets get going I don't want you to be late Macy," I told my stepsister as I grabbed a banana and started to eat it and head for the door with Macy following behind me.

"Ofe why are you the only one in our family with red hair?" I looked at Macy while she asked. "Well Macy I'm not your real sister" Macy looked at me in a confused way. "What do you mean Ofe?" she looked at me with wide open eyes. "Well Macy I'm adopted, I'm your stepsister, why do you think Mitzi hates me so much?"

Macy thought for a second and looked back up at me. "I don't hate you Ofe, I love you as a real sister" she told me while she hugged me. "Aww thank you Macy, now go inside your going to be late," I kissed her cheek and screamed after her 'I love you' while she entered school.

I ran to my school, ughh school I thought, Conceited girls trying be the popular ones, bullies bullying on the nerds, and Mitzi making my life miserable. But those were the least of my worries, what happen today in the morning, did I do that? Its impossible, it was like Magic. Ughh Ofe what are you thinking? I need to get to class!

"Ofe! Ofe! come quick!" Bloom yelled at me. I ran toward her, looking at her was like looking into a mirror. "What is it Bloom?" I asked her, "Look at what I can do!" Bloom extended her arm toward a stick and use magic to lift it in the air.

"Ofe give it try! if I can do it so can you!" She looked at me excited. "Ok here goes" I extended my arm and the stick floated in the air. "Bloom I did it! I did it!" I screamed in happiness as I hugged my twin sister, "Whoa whoa, little princess whats going on here?" King Oritel said.

"Daddy!" We both said and hugged our father. "We lifted the stick in the air Daddy" I said smiling. "That's Amazing sweethearts!" King Oritel said. "Excuse the interruption King Oritel but Queen Marion requests your presences in the Throne room." said the knight.

"Ok, excuse me my little princess your mommy wants to see me." he said kissing our cheeks. "Bloom come on lets see if Daphne wants to help us in our magic!" I said grabbing Bloom's hand running towards the palace.

"Daphne will our power ever run out?" I asked her curiously. "No Ofe, your power will never run out, if you stop using it for a long time, it might be hard at first to use it, you have to practice to get stronger." she told me. "Ok, help me practice?" I looked up at her. "Yes" she smiled down at me.

I looked out the window, and came back to reality, I was sitting in the back of the class. "Oritel my father, Marion my mother, I'm a princess with a twin and a sister, and have magic powers but why am I adopted by Mike and Vanessa?" I whispered to myself. The teacher assigned us to copy down his rules of the classroom.

I stared at my pencil and it started to shake, I looked at it with wide open eyes, I extended my hand above it and concentrated, the pencil started to float and O made it write all the rules down on the paper. I smiled to realize that the flashbacks I was getting were true. Since I had Mitzi in this class I decided to play a prank on her.

I looked at the balled up paper in the trash and I snapped my fingers and the balled up paper was thrown straight to Mitzi. "Hey! Who threw that?" She yelled while the teacher looked at Mitzi. I giggled and she looked at me "It was you Ofelia!" she scream from across the room. The teacher eyes rested on me.

"No it wasn't" I said looking at her. "Bullshit! Your just hating that I have a real family unlike you Ofelia!" I looked at her with angry eyes, "IS THAT THE ONLY GOOD COMEBACK YOU HAVE? YOUR PATHETIC!" I yelled as the windows busted open and wind busted in swirling around me.

Everyone was looking at me, but my eyes rested on the trash can, banana peals, oranges peals, and other foods in there, the trash can automatically flew up and was thrown top of Mitzi's head. Everyone in the class laughed as the teacher closed the windows. The bell rung for lunch, so I grabbed my stuff and went to the classroom room.

Half of the school day had gone by, it was lunch time as I sat down to eat my lunch when I saw Mitzi heading my way, oh great, O thought, what now. "Hey loser! Here's my homework and I want an A+ screw up and you will pay so deeply you wont even remember your own name" She told me while slamming a pile of papers in front of me, and I heard mutters around me

I knew everyone was staring at us. "Why don't you do your own homework Mitzi or are you too stupid to do it you need someone smarter than you to do it?" I asked her while standing up looking her eye to eye. I heard boys go 'Ooooooo' and not leaving their eyes off us, since they didn't want to miss a thing.

"Well at least I'm not adopted!" she screamed at me unable to think of a better comeback. There was tension in the air, I smiled evilly at her, "Well at least I won the love of your younger sister that she actually wishes I was her sister and not you!" Now everyone in the lunch room was 'oooing'.

Mitzi had a stupid face on, unable to think of nothing to say. "Ughh! I'm getting you for this!" she said while storming off. "I'll be waiting!" I yelled after her, the bell rang for the last class, I grabbed my stuff and left to class.

"M-Mommy! M-Mommy! Daddy! where are you?" I cried, seeing all the people panic and running around to get away from the witches. I was holding on to Bloom's hand, we were both crying. We didn't know what was happening, "Daphne!" Bloom screamed. We seen 3 Witches, they were heading our way, I pulled Bloom out of the witches way, we were running away from them.

I seen my dad with my mom fighting the dark creatures, and Daphne was helping everyone and fighting also. "DADDY!" Me and Bloom screamed while we were running holding our hands, he looked up at us and saw the witches after us, mother used her magic on 2 of them knocking them out of the air, and my dad shot the other witch, Daphne looked behind us when I turned around I saw a dark creature was going to get Bloom

"Bloom get out of the way" I screamed while pushing her away and the dark creature got me. "Mommy!" I screamed. "My Baby!" She screamed looking at me. Bloom ran toward me and shot a mini fire blast at the creatures face making it drop me. I looked up at saw that a witch was going to get my twin. "DARGON FIRE!" I extended my hands toward the witch.

And a dragon attacked the witch saving my twin. I felt dizzy that I fell and saw my father and mother running towards my side while the Knights protected Daphne and Bloom. I saw Bloom and Daphne screaming trying to come towards my side, I fell into someones hands, I saw my mother crying/screaming, my father tried to get me.

Bloom got angry and I was able to hear her say 'Dragon Fury', all the dark creatures disappeared, she fell into Daphne arms, I wanted to run to her side but I felt weak. I looked up to see who was carrying me and I saw it was a witch, I was being carried towards a dark portal.

I screamed in horror, I managed to jump over her shoulder and grabbed the chandelier I look down towards the ground and I seen my mother running under the chandelier. The witches were flying toward me. I screamed out what had came to my mind "Dragon Fire Fury!" a Fire dragon attacked the witch knocking them out cold

I felt super weak that I slipped and started to fall, I heard everyone scream, and then a dark creature caught me and flew toward the portal, I before I was thrown in I screamed without thinking "Teleport!" and I appeared on earth in front of a family, they were running to my side as I fainted.

I jumped, screamed at the top on my lungs and sat up, I was in class, I was sweating with tears down my cheeks. The teacher was in front of me looking at me, not mad, but worried. "W-what H-happen?" I said to the teacher, everyone in the class was staring at me worried.

"You had fallen asleep and started to sleep talk and then started to scream out names, and we tried to wake you up but we couldn't, you were making faces as if you were in pain and started to cry, so I called your parents, they should be passing through those doors in a few minutes... Ofelia I know its none of my business but did something terrible happen to you when you were younger?" he looked at me concern.

"Ofelia!" Vanessa, Mike, Macy and even Mitzi walked into the classroom. "So what did the freak show did now?" Mitzi laughed. I got up and balled my fist and swung at her face, punching her so hard that it echoed, and making Mitzi crashed into the wall and falling, she looked up at me with her hand on her cheek. "Ofelia! How dare you hit you sister?" Vanessa bent down to Mitzi side.

"Ofelia what's the matter with you? You don't hit family!" Mike said helping Mitzi up. "She is not my sister!" I yelled. "I'm adopted, and after all these years I remember my real family, they didn't leave me I ran away because they wanted to kidnap me!" tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Ofe.." Macy hugged me. I started to feel weak, "M-Macy...?" I started to fall. Macy tried to hold me up but then one of my classmate jumped out of his seat and caught me before I fell on the ground and I blacked out.

"Mom! Dad! I sensed her! I sensed my twin sister!" Bloom ran into the Throne room almost tripping since she had a gown and heels. "Really? Bloom? Where is she? Is she alright?" Daphne came walking fast toward Bloom

"Bloom! Where's my baby?" Queen Marion asking staring at Bloom. "Bloom, please where did you sense your sister?" King Oritel approached his daughter. "On planet Earth! I must go! I can find her!" Bloom walked fast by her family getting read to teleport there."Wait Bloom I'll go with you!" Daphne walked toward Bloom.

"Please bring her to us Bloom, so we can be a happy family again" Her mother said with hope in her eyes. "I will mom." she said while Bloom and Daphne changed into a mini skirt and some cute tops, Bloom grabbed Daphne's hand and transported to Earth. "How will we find her?" Daphne faced Bloom.

"She is my Twin sister, no matter how long we been separated I can still sense her power, all these years she hasn't used her power once but today she used it quiet a lot. I will find her and bring her back to our home." Bloom told her older sister. "This way!" Bloom grabbed her hand and pulled her toward where she was sensing her power.

I woke up and Mike was carrying me out of the school with his family behind, then I felt it, I felt a familiar power close to me, I tried to get free from Mike's arms, then suddenly the memory of Bloom came to my mind, "Stop!" I yelled

I squirmed out of Mike's arms and put my feet on the floor, the power was close, it was burning inside of me, I looked around to see where it was coming, "Ofe what are you looking for?" Vanessa put her hand on my shoulder. Then it hit me, I started to run up the road, with everyone running behind me screaming and asking what was wrong.

And then, she was there, with someone behind her, we were face to face, it seemed like we were staring into the mirror but with different outfits, her hair was almost orange and mine was bright red. Mike's family gasped in shock

We were staring at each other, Bloom was trying to find the words to say, since she didn't know if I remembered her. I swung my arms around her neck and I screamed out 'Bloom', I back away and she was confused and I looked at the girl behind her, I walk toward and hugged her 'Daphne' I pulled away and turn to Bloom.

"You... You remembered?" she asked me. "Well actually I been having flashbacks of when we were kids, and I remembered everything a few minutes ago, the invasion in our home, the 3 witches, me teleporting so they wouldn't get me, I remember Bloom!" I told her.

"Omg!" Bloom threw herself at me and hugged me tight not wanting to let me go. I pulled back "I want to come home Bloom, I want to go back with mother and father." I looked at her and Daphne they smiled and laughed and we all hugged each other.

Oh BTW, they are around 15/16 years old, I wanted to put that out so the readers wont be confused! And Ofelia was teleported to Earth when she was 8 and the flashbacks she get are when she was younger, the first one she was a baby in the cradle, and the others are around 4-8 years old