The world was cruel to Jean. Not only was he poor, but his parents always argued and to release their anger, they would yell at Jean. He had every right to hate the world if it wasn't for Marco. Oh, Marco, his only friend. Everyone else hated Jean. They thought he was a douche and he has such a scary face. Marco and Jean has been friends since 4th grade, a year after his parents started have bad terms.

Jean always admired the way Marco was able to make friends so easily. It's as if he attracted everybody. He wishes he could at least be half the man Marco is.

Everybody always told Marco that being around Jean was bad and he should just stay away. But Marco disagrees; he says if you stay long enough around him you see a whole different person. They start ignoring Marco, thinking Jean is going to be a bad influence on him and eventually he'll turn to Jean. But Marco doesn't care. He likes being around Jean, knowing the real him. This is why Jean fell in love for the first time. Marco was the reason Jean actually tried. Whether it is socially or academically, Jean just wants Marco to be proud of him.

A year later, Marco finds out about Jean's parents and how they treated him. Marco immediately forced him out of his home. Marco's parents didn't hate nor like Jean. But they wanted their son to be happy so they let Jean live with them until college. The only thing the parents disliked was the fact that Jean was always lazy and dirty. Sometimes they ask Marco if he's sure if he wants Jean to be here. Marco always says yes instantly.

It seems Jean is ready to confess his love. His love he's been holding in for years. He comes back from a flower store, using up the very few money he has. Jean stands in front of the door, flowers behind his back. Even though they have been living together for a long time, they've seen each other change, they know their secrets, Jean is still very nervous.

Jean rings the doorbell, hoping it will be Marco who answers the door. He hears shuffling and loud whispers coming from the door. It was his parents. Jean groaned, oh well, this won't affect his confession much.

The parents open the door and Jean is shocked by the sight he sees. Marco's parents, who are always smiling just like Marco, are crying. The eyes aren't that red, and one of them was holding a phone, so Jean concluded they only started crying recently.

"Umm… Mr. and Mrs. Bodt? Are you guys alright?"

"No! We're not! M-Marco! He- he…" the father trailed off and started to sob more, burying his eyes on his wife's neck.

"My baby, he's i-in the hospital. H-He got into a car accident and they say half of his brain is d-damaged and he'll p-probably be in a c-coma for awhile," the wife finished, stuttering profusely.

Jean stared at the two of them, hoping they were joking. He didn't hear a response after a long awkward pause. "No, no, no… This can't be I was about too-!"

"Please leave, Jean," the mother whispered.


"We only l-let you here because we wanted M-Marco to be happy. Just go, you'll only remind us of him."

"But wait! Please, don't just let me go because of this!"


Jean stared at them for a good five seconds before dashing into the house. He ignored the yells and the feet chasing after him. He went inside the room he and Marco shared and slammed the door close, locking it. He realized he had no time to get his things, because the parents could easily knock the door down before he was done. So he just grabbed a few drinks, stuffed it down his jacket, grabbed an object from the shelf, and jumped out the window.

Jean ran as fast as he could, bumping into people and hearing profanities being yelled at him for doing so. He knew he could stop now, it's not like they were even going to bother chasing him. But he wasn't running from them. He was running from Marco. The past that they had together, the future they could've had together, and the thought Marco will never wake up and be with him again.

There was no place Jean really wanted to go to. He can't just go back to his parents, they probably divorced by now. It was then he realized, he probably won't be loved again. By someone he trusted. Jean ran into an alley and sat down next to a dumpster. He was about to cry in his hands, but something pricked him. He opened his eyes to see the flowers still in his hands. Rage instantly coursed into him. He threw the flowers at the brick wall and stomped on it many times.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Jean yelled that word every time he stomped on the flowers. "Thank you God! Thank you for removing the only person in my life that I loved! The only person who cared! I guess you don't care about me, huh? Don't worry, because I'm fucking used to it already!" Jean slid down against the wall and looked up at the cloudy sky.

"Mother did say I would eventually end up on the streets and die alone," Jean mumbled. The never ending anger fueled him up again, so he punched the dumpster as hard as he can. Jean looked at the dumpster for a moment, realizing what he just did. There was a dent in it. Maybe, just maybe, if he's lucky, he can use this strength.

The only way to survive with no money and no job was to fight, do things illegally, and show people they should be scared of him. Jean never thought he would go underground, fight to show dominance, but he has no choice. His candle leading him the correct way has been blown and now he is lost. Jean remembered when the kids used to whisper about how he had the face of being mistaken for a thug. He laughed softly. Now, if he doesn't die, he might end up being a thug.

"Let's see how this goes."

I've seen many fics of the other characters living shitty lives, but now it's time to mess with Jean.

Everything probably is confusing right now, but just wait til everything makes sense. Might take a bit, haha.

Remember, this story will have yaoi. The planned pairings are JeanEren, and as you have seen, a bit of JeanMarco.