I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

Warning: Yaoi (boyxboy). Sexual content and hint of Kise x Kasamatsu.

"Kagamicchi, doesn't like your costume Kurokocchi!~ Isn't he mean," Kise said, after a few minutes of silents where Kagami wasn't sure how to answer. The blond latched himself to the smaller male and hugged him tight. Kuroko didn't say anything, but kept that intense stare of his on Kagami.

Feeling uncomfortable he scowled and looked away before speaking.

"S-shut up Kise, and don't call me that. Also, I didn't say that I didn't like his costume," he couldn't help but feel the heat rise on his cheeks. He had just practically admitted to liking it.

"So you do like his costume?" the blond asked, his mischievous look still intact.

"Why the hell are you so curious about that? Who cares what I think?" he answered back with a huff, crossing his arms like an insolent child and ignoring the looks he was getting from the group.

He heard the blond laugh and he swore he would beat the crap of the clingy blond for putting him in such an uncomfortable situation. As he thought to himself, Kise slung an arm around him and whispered in his ear:

"Kurokocchi picked it out just for you."

Shocked, he broke away from Kise and gave him an eloquent answer of "huh?", before his whole face blushed a tomato red. Kise broke out in laughter and the rest of them looked at the two with confused expressions.

Kagami's eyes looked to Kuroko-whose head was tilted on the side in confusion-before he looked back at the blond who was now laughing on the floor. He kicked the blond, who didn't seem to care about the pain he got and just sat back up before smirking.

Kagami grabbed Kise arm, yanking him up and leading them further away from the group.

"What do you mean he picked that out just for me?!" he asked, making sure to whisper just in case the music wasn't loud enough to drown out their voices.

"Exactly what I said, Kagami. You see Kurokocchi called me a few days back asking me what costume you would like-"

"Why would he ask you?" Kagami interrupted, he wasn't really sure if he believed the blond and it didn't even make sense.

"Ehh? Isn't obvious," the blond asked.

Kagami just stared at him blankly, because he really didn't see why Kuroko would ask Kise of all people.

"Sheesh you're so clueless Kagami. Obviously it's because of my awesome fashion sense."

Kagami looked at him skeptically, but he did admit that made sense. Kise was a model after all, but he still didn't understand why the costume was for him.

"Aggh I don't get!" he said, impatient and confused. Kise chuckled at him and Kagami glared at him. The blond-haired male's eyes sparkled suddenly as if a light bulb went of in his head.

"Well why don't you ask Kurokocchi yourself?"

For some reason Kagami didn't like that idea, it made him feel all funny and his temperature rose at the thought of why the bluenette might have done so.

"I don't know if-"

"Yes, yes that's a wonderful idea!" Kise interrupted him this time, with an excited exclaim. Not understanding, Kagami was about to ask the blond what he meant, when his heart raced at what the blond did next.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise yelled, gaining the attention of the smaller male.

"Kagami wants to talk to you in private, it veerrry important."

"Oi! Don't go-" once again Kise interrupted with a creepy smile on his face. He had never seen that before nor did he ever think the blond was capable of making such a face that made him shudder.

"Go on Kagami. There's a room upstairs I'm sure you guys could use."

Kagami was completely confused and all he knew was that Halloween really sucked.

Kagami sat on the bed of the guest room that Kise had practically pushed him and Kuroko in. Kuroko sat right next to him-with his usual quietness-which didn't help this awkward atmosphere.

"Kagami, was there something you wanted to say or is this just another one of Kise's annoying plans?" Kuroko finally broke the silence.

Kagami wasn't really sure what to say, on one hand he really wanted to know the reason for why Kuroko wanted to use that costume for him, but on the other he also felt weird and embarrassed to ask.

After a while of more silence, Kagami made the decision to just ask and his body to face Kuroko who was already facing and looking at him. A little taking back, his eyes averted the other males eyes before he asked his next question.

"Why are you wearing that costume for me?"

His heart raced as he waited for the blunettes answer and he finally had the courage to look Kuroko in the eye. Of course he regretted it when the other male looked at him confused.

"What makes you think I'm wearing this for you?" Kuroko asked.

Feeling embarrassed, he cursed the blond knowing now that the blond had been playing with him this whole time and that he had just said something completely weird.

"O-oh um well Kise said that you asked him about- Shit never mind it was just the dumb idiot playing with me. Sorry for the weird question," he finished lamely, as he got up ready to leave the room.

He didn't get far because before he could even take a step away from the bed, Kuroko had grabbed his arm, causing him to look back at the blue haired male who was facing down.

"Kise lied. I only asked him to help me pick the most popular costume since I'm not good at those things, but..." Kuroko stopped, the blunette still not looking at him.

"But?" he asked without thinking.

Kuroko hesitatingly looked up at him, his face still neutral except for the pink crossing from one cheek to the other. Kagami swore he could imagine that comical cupid in cartoons popping up and shooting him with an arrow and hitting him straight in the heart, cause Kuroko was just too cute at the moment and his heart was racing harder than when he ran around on the court.

"Do you like my costume, Kagami?" the question was asked quietly and shyly, and it was really just too much.

Without any second thought Kagami cupped Kuroko's face with both his hand and sat back down as he brought the smaller male on his lap and kissed him. It was a simple kiss, just lips meeting lips, but he was ecstatic when he felt Kuroko lean into the kiss. After a few minutes they pulled away, both flushed and already hazy with what can only be described as need.

At that moment he was aware of every delicious detail.

The way the smaller male's hands were gripping the front of his Fireman jacket and how the blunette's mouth was slightly open giving him a glimpse of some sharp fangs. How Kuroko was squirming a bit on his lap, causing for some friction he found oddly pleasurable.

Still his focus laid on the small plump lips that had felt incredibly good against his and all he could think of was how much he wanted to feel them again, and possibly taste what they kept hidden.

"Kagami," the other murmured softly, and he took it as another invitation to kiss him. Bringing their lips together, Kagami didn't waste much time in swiping his tongue across the crease of the smaller males lips.

They opened invitingly and he took the invitation with much greed. Tasting every corner of Kuroko's mouth, he hummed in satisfaction as the other swirled his tongue against his own. It became slightly awkward because of the fake teeth Kuroko had, but neither seemed to want to stop as they clung to each other as life lines.

Somehow they ended up laying on the bed, Kuroko underneath and Kagami over him still hungrily eating the others mouth. Needing air, they separated, both breathing harshly as arousal kept them from being too far apart. Their breaths still hitting each other, they stared at each other and that smile that Kagami loved so much made its way to the others lips.

"Kagami," Kuroko said.

"hmmm," he answered.

"I want to have sex."

With eyes widening, he stammered as he looked for the right way to answer the blunt way the other had proposed their next step.

"Damn it Kuroko! Y-you can't just say it like that!"

The blunette didn't saying anything else, just grabbed the back of his head and smashed their lips together. Kagami didn't protest as their lips moved together, creating a slight smacking sound as they opened and closed.

He shivered as he felt the others nimble fingers work on his fireman jacket and before he knew it Kuroko was taking it off. Not one to be out done, he began to take off the smaller males suit jacket, growling in annoyance as he succeeded in taking the jacket but noticed that there was still other parts to the outfit. Feeling impatient, he pulled away from the blunette and began to undress him.

Kuroko didn't seem to mind, letting him take control over undressing him and watching him behind hooded eyes, but he chuckled when Kagami ran into trouble with his button white shirt. Probably knowing that he would rip the shirt from his lack of impatience, Kuroko stopped his fingers and calmly unbuttoned his own shirt.

Watching hungrily as expands of porcelain skin began to show, Kagami's hands twitched along with another part of his anatomy. Once Kuroko finished with his shirt, he allowed the red-head to finish what he started. Slowly Kagami's hand moved the material off a shoulder as he showered each unraveled patch of skin with nips and kisses. Feeling the blunette shiver he did the same with the other shoulder until he finally threw the shirt out-of-the-way.

Hovering over Kuroko, his eyes roamed around each contour of the smaller males chest and stomach. Mouth watering at the sight of dusky pink nipples, he lowered his mouth giving the left one a small peck before lapping it with his tongue. The other moaned at the sight, his body arching as if needing Kagami's mouth to envelop it and he did. His mouth sucking on it slightly before giving it a nip and then soothing it with his tongue once more.

He had Kuroko writhing.

Kuroko's small hands tugging on his strands of hair, as he continued to assault each nipple and occasionally a whimper would fall from the smaller males lips.

It was driving him crazy and once he finished with the right nipple, he worked his way south. Sucking and nipping occasionally as he left soft kisses behind on his journey. Making it to his destination, Kagami looked back at Kuroko who was now on his forearms and intensely looking at him.

He chuckled at the way Kuroko looked, needy and with hair in disarray. The other male wasn't pleased and bucked his hips, the bulge of his pants hitting his chin and he would have gotten angry if it hadn't been for the slight moan Kuroko let out.

Taking pity on the cute little vampire, he unbuckled his pants before unzipping them. He smiled at the small sigh the other let out before his breath hitched when Kagami nuzzled his tented underwear.

Enjoying the noises the other was making and wanting more, he licked the clothed erection before sucking on it. Kuroko groaned as his hips buckled at the feel of his underwear becoming damp and the bit of suction Kagami's mouth was making. But it wasn't enough.

The smaller male wanted more and he made sure Kagami knew it by pulling at his hair.

"Kagami please" Kuroko couldn't help but plead.

Stopping his ministrations, his erection ached at the way Kuroko looked as he pleaded with him. Kuroko's eyes dropped a bit with cheeks fully flushed and misused lips open as he was breathing harshly. Those fake fangs making his mouth somehow more appealing as they glistened with saliva.

Hooking his fingers on the waist band of Kuroko's pants and underwear, he pulled them off along with his socks and shoes.

Kagami couldn't help but stare. He looked delicious and more sweet than any candy he would ever get, and at that moment he was conflicted with wanting to savor it or just devour him whole.

Luckily Kuroko made the decision for him, sitting up and hands going to the tight black shirt Kagami was wearing. Even though the material blocking the direct skin contact, he shivered as the small hands went from his abdomen to his pecks before separating to each elbow taking off the suspenders he was wearing.

"Kagami, I was right. You look good as a fireman," he said, his eyes focused on his toned chest. Kagami smiled at the obvious praise before cupping Kurokos face and caressing the others lip with one of his thumbs. Sweeping it across the soft bottom lip, the hairs in the back of his neck stood when blunette used his fake fangs to nip at his thumb before his tongue playfully soothed it.

"Yeah, your costume was good too," he responded.

Kagami shivered in anticipation when Kuroko's hands pulled on his shirts, soft hand (or at least softer than his) went underneath and caressed him. Soon the smaller male pulled it off and began to work on his pants.

Once they were naked, Kuroko laid back down, his legs opening invitingly for him and he took it. Kagami spread them slightly more so he could fit in better, but he stopped when he realized that they weren't exactly prepared for the next step. Once again Kuroko surprised him as he grabbed his hand and began to suckered on three of his fingers.

He watched transfixed at the attention each three finger got as they became wet with saliva. Kagami almost pouted when he stopped, but didn't protest knowing that this was just the beginning of his treat.

"Not the best type of lubrication, but try to loosen me up as much as possible okay," the blue haired said and he nodded.

Pushing the other males legs back, he inserted one saliva coated finger inside Kuroko and carefully wiggled it around. Making sure that Kuroko was fine with adding another finger, he inserted his second finger and began to scissors them around. He took it slow noticing the uncomfortable look Kuroko was making, but he wasn't going to lie, he really wanted to hurry up the process.

Kagami had never been a patient person, but for the sake of the other male he reminded himself to not to rush.

After a while he was able to fit in the last finger, thrusting them in and out as well as curling them as he tried to find the prostate in hopes to relax the blue haired male further. With one last rub of his fingers, he was able to find the prostate and almost lost it when Kuroko jerked and moaned loudly.

He kept messaging the area and soon the brunette was begging him for more. Taking that as a sign to take out his fingers, he smirked when the smaller male gave annoyed grunt but didn't protest when he positioned himself with Kuroko's opening.

Pushing slowly inside he didn't stop until he was fully inside. Once inside he did his best to keep himself from moving. Both of them breathing heavily, the distracted each other by kissing.

Kuroko was the first to make a move, rolling his hips and gasping at the feel. Kagami still kept himself still, the forearms on either side of Kuroko's head shaking from the suppressed need to thrust into the tight heat but not wanting to hurt the smaller male.

"Kagami" Kuroko gasped as he rolled his hips a few more times.

"Please move!" Without a second thought, Kagami pulled out before pushing back in with a grunt.

It felt so good. The clenching of the inner muscles as he went out and the way it opened up as he want back inside had him both tense and in bliss. Kuroko was no better of, his arms brought him closer to the smaller body and the blunettes fangs had a hold of his left shoulder.

But he didn't mind, cause all he could think of was of the tight heat and how sweet Kuroko sounded as he moaned and called out his name when he occasionally hit his prostate right on. Their movements became more frantic, both getting closer to their release. Neither really wanting it to end they tried to prolong it, kissing and biting at each other skin, while they slowed a bit down.

But the friction had them throbbing and soon their thrust became faster and uncoördinated. It wasn't long before Kagami's body stiffened and he grunted loudly from his release. Lazily he grabbed the smaller males penis giving it a few tugs before the other released. Kuroko's mouth bit his abused shoulder once more to quite down the moan.

Tired they stayed as they were, sweaty and sticky from bodily fluid, but completely satisfied.

"Kagami," Kuroko said after a while of silence.

"Hmmm," he answered while nuzzling the neck of the other male.

"Happy Halloween."

With a smile he lifted his head and gave Kuroko a peck on the lips before thinking:

This is the best part of Halloween.

"Hey Kise. What are you doing up here?"Kasamatsu asked.

The blonds ear was pressed against a door and when Kasamatsu spoke, he smiled happily.

"Oh nothing just making sure Kurokocchi and Kagamicchi enjoy their Halloween present," he answered.

"What are you talking about?" the other asked with eyes narrowing in suspicion. Waving his hand as if he was innocent, Kise latched himself onto his coach and said.

"Just showing Kagamicchi that Halloween is the best. Can you believe he doesn't like it!"

"You don't say," Kasamatsu answered, before hitting the ace on the head for being to clingy.

"So mean~ Kasamatsucchi!" he whined, once more hugging the other who looked at him with a frown.

"Neh~ Can I have my treat," he purred in his coaches ear, earning a blush and a whack to the face.

"Idiot!" Kasamatsu screamed, before stomping.

Kise smiled thinking to himself that yes Halloween really was the best.

umm this turned out longer than I expected (especially the smut). Sorry for taking forever to write the last chapter, got distracted with my new obsession with Aomine x Kagami idk how it happened (but you can guess what my next couple will be lol). Anyway I tried to make it up with smut (though I don't know if it's any good -_-"). So thanks to everyone who has been commenting/faving/following, love you guys.