When an Angel rebels against heaven, they are cast out and become one of the fallen.
Abigail rebelled, and she fell.
Hurt and betrayed by her fellow angels, she aimlessly wandered earth before she came into contact with a demon.
In 1888 Abigail took an extreme interest in Ciel Phantomhive and he in her. Using the Angel's supernatural nature to his advantage, he enlists her help to ultimately aid in discovering who massacred his parents and ruined his childhood. Sebastian x OC

T (for the time being, rating may change)

I do not own Kuroshitsuji or it's characters, They all belong to Yana Toboso. Abigail is my creation.

Sinner. Disobedient. Rebel.

These were the only words I could hear during my trial.

I tried to keep a stoic mask on, my face, devoid of any emotion to show my strength. But my eyes betrayed me as the cold silent tears fell slowly down my cheeks. Hurt and angry from the betrayal I felt, when my own brothers and sisters, my own kind gave evidence against me.

As an Angel of death, you aren't meant to feel anything, no happiness, no sadness or anger, no affection whatsoever. My actions today showed the holy judge more reason to cast me out. An angel of death who cannot control their feelings, is not to be trusted with the sword.

When the trial was over, the Angel before me, my brother a whole two leagues above me sentenced me to exile. Never again was I allowed to return to the holy kingdom.

Never again was I going to sit in the garden of eden, sing with my sisters, fight with my brothers or talk to my father. Never again will I make contact with another angel in heaven.

With the blink of an eye my surroundings, which were once decorated with clean white and shimmering gold, where now plain. Brown and green. I was sent to Earth. With the humans I have been accused of favouring over my own kind.

I was sent away from heaven and cut off from the Holy Spirit.

Like my brother before me, Lucifer, and many others of my siblings, I was cast out of the kingdom of God, my home. I became part of the fallen.

I had been placed in the countryside, somewhere in Western Europe, on farmland surrounded by a green. I wiped the dried tears from my cheeks with the hem of my sleeves and began moving my feet. Where I was going, I did not know, but I walked wherever my legs took me.

I had wandered the farmland for an hour now, the hem of my dress gone brown from the dirt and my bare feet now course and filthy.

Walking towards a large willow tree in the green, I sat below the branches and stared at the leaves. I contemplated my situation.

I seemed to still have some of my angelic powers and I could still feel my wings. I still had the basic things that made me an Angel. Yet, I felt much so much weaker.

Suddenly a large black crow perched itself on one if the willow tree's branches. I looked into its eyes and immediately I knew.

"Away demon." I snarled, "I am in no mood to converse with the likes of you."

The crow demon let out a, quiet chuckle. "My my, Angel. Aren't you a little far from home? What brings you here?"

"That is none of your business, demon. Now leave me in peace, lest you have a death wish." I threatened the bird but it simply laughed again.

"Come now. There is no reason for such hostility." It hopped down from the branches and landed, only a couple of feet away. "I haven't even done anything."

"Not yet. I know your kind. Making deals with daft, greedy, selfish or desperate humans and consuming their souls. It disgusts me."

"All living things have to eat. It's not my fault humans are my natural food source."

"There is nothing natural about you." Silence. The demon and the Angel stared at each other. "I haven't decided whether or not you're quite fearless for a demon or just stupid."

The crow cocked his head "And why is that?"

"You are awfully close to an Angel. You do know what I could do to you." I said more as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes, I am aware. But I was merely curious to why an Angel such as yourself is on earth and haven't done anything yet. What is your purpose for being here?"

"That is none of your concern." I shut my eyes hoping the blasted bird would vanish and leave me alone. When I reopened them, there it was, settled on my knee.

I sighed deeply. This demon was not going to leave unless I gave it answers. I could just kill him now, but no. There are humans nearby and I don't wish to cause a scene. If he were to reveal his true self, that would cause some panic.

"Fine. I have been cast out of heaven. Are you satisfied?"

"A fallen Angel. How fascinating. I haven't seen one in almost millennia."

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I stood and it hopped off my knee. "Is that all, or do you wish to bother me some more?"

The demon raised his head, making eye contact. He could sense the irritation in my voice. "Yes there is one more thing. I would like to know your name."

I hesitated for a moment. It was frowned upon to give any information about yourself to a human or demon unless necessary. But in my current condition, I don't need to follow a strict code anymore.

"I'm referred to as Abigail." I turned and began walking away.

"Do you not wish to know mine?"

"Demon, my patience is wearing thin. Leave now, before I change my mind about killing you."

The crow chuckled yet again, I would like to know why it found me so amusing "I do hope we meet again Abigail."

Without turning around I could hear flapping of wings and the presence of the demon had left. I was relieved.

I had to find some sort of tailor or seamstress. If I walk around in my current attire, I would stick out.

On earth filled with nearly a million humans, I have never felt so alone.

Hope you enjoyed that, and don't forget to comment. Even if its just to point out any flaws you find. Constructive critisicsm will help me improve as a writer and the experience for you guys as the readers.