Prelude to the turmoil….

"Echoes and artifacts of dilapidated lives."

Ok, here it goes.  This is a prologue to the story "Fallen Heroes."  It's an agnsty little action story about how things change, but how people can overcome the obstacles in their way to save the world, and themselves, yet again. 

Basically two years have passed since we last saw our heroes.  Many things have changed and so have many people.  Wakka and Lulu have put their differences beside them and have been happily married for a year now, and are expecting a little bundle.  Yuna, well, you're going to have to read to find out.  Where would the fun be if I told you?  Spira itself has changed rapidly though.  Al Bhed and their machina are no longer thought of as heathen ways.  Their machines are accepted and even promoted in all facets of life.  Al Bhed rifles are used by Crusaders who guard the cities and towns.  Their medicine and equipment are used by hospitals.  Their spheres are used all over Spira.

Due to this and the general happiness caused by the Eternal Calm, towns and cities are becoming more and more populated.  Many of Spira's inhabitants who lived inland trying to get away from the dark veil of Sin, can now move to the islands and the beachside villages without fear.  The shape and feel of Spira has changed in the two years that it has been freed of the death and destruction of Sin.

Anyway, this story is divided into three parts.  Part One is focuses on the changes and is a little boring (by my standards) due to the fact that so much time has passed and I have to develop the characters a bit.  Things will pick up very, very soon though.  Also, I know that Chapter One is very short, way too short by my standards.  Believe me when I tell that after about the third chapter, they become VERY long.

Special thanks to all of those who have reviewed and supported me along the way.  You're the reason that this story has went from just a few chapters of unplanned and unstructured nothingness, to the ambitious story that it is today.  Shout to Sanguine Guardian and Trey-Loose, who've helped the most with their suggestions and/or support.  Also I have to recognize Blithering Bard, No One, and Amber Lee.  Although you guys may or may not have really read this one, the inspiration for writing (which I have never really done before) has came your stories.

Anyway, enough of my rambling.  Without further ado…I present to you the now edited version of "Fallen Heroes."


Chapter One

It's been two years now.

The more things change, the more things... well, the more things really change.

"I worry about her" came a deep feminine voice.

For a few moments, her only reply was the steady sound of the summer breeze.

"Ya.  I do too." The ex-Auroch paused before adding "E'ryday."

Wakka's voice trailed softly down the beach of Besaid, only to be intermingled with the sounds of the pounding surf and the chirping of the birds.  To most anyone, it would seem like a pleasant afternoon.  The air was warm, but not yet hot.  The sea breeze cooled your skin as it lifted your hair backwards.  The sounds of abundant life in the jungle are making an orchestra of sounds that would make anyone smile and enjoy the moment.

Almost anyone. 

She hasn't smiled and enjoyed the moment for two years now.

She was out there doing what she normally does about every couple of days.

She was whistling.

A gust of wind picked up from the sea and streamed by her.  Her hair, light brown with stark streaks of gray and white, whisked back out of her face.  As she whistled again, fine lines formed on her face, right below the eyes and in the corner of her mouth.  Even her eyes, which were usually bright blue and turquoise green, seem to have faded a couple of shades.

"She's aged so much," Lulu said.

"I know ya'.  Much more than any of us."  Wakka shifted on the blanket a bit.  He knew that wasn't the supportive answer Lulu was looking for.   He then rolled over on the hot beach, turning his back to Yuna for a moment.  He gazed at Lulu.  She had on a pair of black slacks, which she seemed to not mind in the hot Besaid summer.  Above that she had a dark gray sleeveless shirt.  Her trademark blue and red necklaces were dangling on the blanket.  But the two things that Wakka was drawn to, was her hair and her belly. 

She had let her hair completely down this morning.  Her raven-like hair was somehow smooth and coarse at the same time.  It flowed down her features and went all the way to her stomach.  That was the other thing Wakka was drawn to, because it was unusually large and rounded, as their child lay in there, waiting to take it's first breath of air.

"Lu." He started.  "I know we promised to look after her, ya know.  But after all this time, I get the feelin' that there ain't much we can do." He paused while looking away from his wife.  "Or that we ain't done all that much."

Lulu reached out and took his hand.  "I know Wakka, I know."

Behind them, another whistle floated down the beach towards them.  Then another, and still another.  Whistles from an aging summoner, and a lost cause.


Author's notes

1—Two fics at the same time?  I must be completely losing it.

2—All names, characters, places, and events referred to are copyrighted by Squaresoft.

3—To tell the truth, I have ABSOLUTELY no idea where this story is headed.  I just had a couple of ideas and I'm running with them.  So any ideas or feedback would really be awesome.

4—I may update this one next, or I may post another Full Circle chapter, depending on my mood and the amount of time I have.