Loki's POV

I awoke with a start, Eden's name on my lips.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows as I allowed my heart to return to a normal pace. Somehow I knew my Eden's dreams were far more innocent than mine. Or perhaps they weren't. I let out a small chuckle at that. Oh, what I would give to know her dreams. If she dreamt of me at all.

In truth, my thoughts often drifted to her when I didn't keep them in check. For all the disrespect I gave to the human race on Midgard, my Eden was the only exception. I berated Thor for falling for a mortal when I had gone and done the same long before he was exiled and met Jane. Still, I'm sure she was a weak and pathetic being when compared to Eden. Most women are, after all.

Odin had been less than pleased that I had fallen for her and thought to throw any woman at me in an attempt to make me forget my fierce beauty. He was a fool. How could some harlot of a princess turn me from my love? He truly never knew me. I should have guessed he wasn't my father long before I discovered the truth in the weapons vault.

I lay back in my cell, staring blankly at the ceiling.

'Your birth right was to die'.

The Allfather's words echoed in the empty cell. I was relieved to see that Moth- Frigga had gone by then. It would have broken her heart to hear Odin's cruel words. But at least she would have seen him for what he was – a monster, far more so than I could ever hope to be. Yes, I could have done it for him, destroyed the Jotuns as he planned to all those years ago, but his evil lies in the aftermath, in the bitter deception and betrayal of everyone who holds him dear.

Shaking my head, I tried to clear my head. Dwelling on such thoughts wouldn't be the best course of action so late at night. I was still recovering from my... incident, with the Hulk. I was in no shape to carry out whatever revenge I would plan. Save those thoughts for when I was well, so that I wouldn't drive myself mad with waiting.

What would Lady Eden think of you now?

Oddly, it is Thor's voice I hear next. Even here, committed to the bowels of the palace away from the residents of the nine realms that oaf still bothers me. As much as I hated to admit it, my inner voice seemed to have a point. She would be less that pleased with this train of thought. It was always Eden that ground me back to the good, my anchor in the light.

Try as I might, my mind would not rest that evening. I was constantly playing over my last moments with her, a kaleidoscope of memories and sensations and emotions and love. So much love. It was surreal that one could contain so much love and be so willing to give it. What was more shocking was that she was willing to give it to me. There was no hesitation to give such a sacred and treasured gift and I was unimaginably grateful every single day.

I watched the light creep into the dungeons through the cracks in the far door. It would not be long before the new guard came to take over from the night watch. Closing my eyes, I let visions of Eden cover my eyesight. I might as well try to get some rest before the constant abuse from the Allfather's staff.

My last thought before I managed to fall asleep was a vow. A vow that I had already made to Eden once and never seemed to be able to hold for very long. But this time I would make it right.

We would meet again, and this time I would make it right.

Aaaand... that's it! The final part of this story. I would just like to say a massive thank you to every one of you that spent the time to read this all the way to the end despite my inconstancy at times. While it sounds cliched, it really does mean a lot to know that I'm supported and that people out there like my work. I'll be taking a break now from writing during exams, and might not start the final installment of Eden's story until after the summer. We'll have to see where time takes us. Until then, Fronk x