A/N: Hiya guys, so the reason I didn't update the story was because I GRADUATED COLLEGE! (I still gotta do Grad School next, but hey, at least I got my bachelors) Anyways, sorry to have left you all with such a cliffhanger, but I finally wrote what happens right after our last chapter! I wanted this chapter to be a lot longer, but I figured I should just post what I have now, so you guys have something to read. I am working on the next chapter as we speak, so ENJOY! :D

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who follows and favorites my story! Also a big thank you to those of you that review my story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time, except for my own original characters.

It all happened so fast.

Killian felt a pair of hands shove him back onto the side of the road. A sudden piercing screech filled his ears, followed by a loud bang. When he managed to look back up, he felt his whole world suddenly tumbling down.

The car struck Clarissa with resilient force. Killian watched helplessly as she hit the hood of the car and then rolled onto the windshield. Her body twirled in the air like a lifeless doll before being dumped onto the pavement.


Killian ran rapidly to her sprawled body and fell to his knees. He lifted her from the concrete and cradled her close to his chest. Her slightly parted lips began to lose their rosy color as her once hazel eyes were now shut closed. Even her breathing was low and faint, he could barely make out a heartbeat.

"Clarissa wake up," he softly shook her, "please love, answer me."

He began to shake her slightly harder, still in denial of this dreadful situation. "No, no, please Clarissa…"

His attempts to awaken her went unanswered as she remained unconscious in his arms. He moved strands of hair away from her face which was now pale and stained with various cuts and blood.

"You can't leave me, not now." Killian lowered his forehead onto hers, as he continued sobbing. "Not after finally being reunited again."

Footsteps scurried across the street as Belle and Mr. Gold reached the couple on the ground.

"Oh no, April!" gasped Belle, raising her hand to cover her mouth in terror. "I'll call for an ambulance!"

While Belle turned around to make the call, Killian lifted his tear streaked face and stared at his enemy with a frantic look in his eyes.

"Heal her." Killian commanded, his voice as serious as ever.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Gold was instantly taken aback by this outrageous demand. He wondered to himself if he heard him correctly. Was his enemy actually asking him for help?

The pirate raised his voice angrily. "You have magic crocodile, you can heal her."

Mr. Gold didn't even try to hide the wide smirk growing on his lips. "And why on earth would I wanna do that, dearie?"

"Because if you heal her, I'll let you kill me!" Killian held Clarissa's body tightly as more tears streamed down his face. "Please!" Desperation was clearly audible in his tone. At this point, he didn't care what saving her would cost him. He would without a doubt give his life for her.

Mr. Gold stared at the defeated pirate on the floor gleefully; Killian's begging was like music to his ears. "It's no fun to kill you if you're asking for it. I rather just see you suffer."


Mr. Gold turned toward the young women who had just heard his wicked remark. He hated whenever Belle saw the true darkness inside him. She always hoped he'd return to being good and he honestly wanted to bring her happiness by doing so.

"Don't go back to being the old you," she said softly, in hopes of convincing him. "Please save her, she's my friend. If it weren't for her, I'd probably be the one bleeding on the ground."

He thought about it over in his head, she did have a point. The young woman did save Belle from being shot. Mr. Gold was not one to ever give mercy to his enemies, but when he gazed at the loving brunette in front of him, he knew he had to make an exception.


Killian's heart leaped with joy at this new found hope of saving his true love. Mr. Gold kneeled down besides Killian and slowly waved his hand over Clarissa's body. His hand started glowing blue and with that, Clarissa's wounds magically began to heal. Color soon returned to her cheeks and her breathing returned to normal, yet she didn't open her eyes.

"That's the most I can do," replied Mr. Gold, "the doctors have to handle the rest."

"Thank you." Killian never thought he would ever give the Dark One his gratitude, but as he just saw, maybe the power of love was slowly changing the Dark One as well.

Almost immediately after, sirens were heard in the distance, trailed by a few cars. Killian didn't bother to look as he kept his eyes solely on Clarissa. Voices emerged as everyone arrived to the scene. Killian soon felt a strong hand fall on his shoulder. He turned around and found himself glaring into a familiar face.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" David asked with concern.

Killian shook his head, his voice still breaking as he explained what happened. "She got hit by a car… Rumpelstiltskin healed her, but she still won't wake up."

David swiftly turned and waved toward the ambulance. "Over here! Hurry!"

Paramedics rushed out of the vehicle and came toward the trio with a stretcher and medical kits ready in hand.

"Sir, you're going to have to step away from the victim." directed the paramedic.

Killian tightened his hold on Clarissa as he watched the strangers before him with a doubtful expression. David noticed his hesitation and so gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"She's going to be alright Killian, but you need to let the doctors see her."

Knowing he was right, Killian stepped away from the blonde woman with a heavy sigh and let the professionals do their job. They placed her onto a stretcher and wheeled her toward the ambulance.

"There's someone in the car!"

Killian and David turned to Emma's scream. That's right. The driver. Instinctively, Killian began to make his way over to the car; ready to unleash his fury.

David caught notice and followed right behind him. "Hey where are you going?"

"To make that bastard pay for what he's done to her! He's a dead man." Killian replied heatedly, eyes targeted on the crushed vehicle.

"Stop!" David stood abruptly in front of Killian and put his hand on his chest. "I know you're hurt, but you can't go straight to violence!"

"Just watch me." Killian shoved past David and continued his pursuit to the car.

"What would Clarissa want you to do?"

At the sound of her name, Killian came to a halt. Why was it so easy for him to return to his old ways…to the darkness within him? If he really wanted to be with Clarissa than he had to stop acting like this. He felt his heart shatter at the thought of failing her again, or worse, losing her altogether.

"I can't lose her again, mate…" he wept, "she means the world to me."

David gazed at the saddened pirate with sympathy. Anyone who cared this much about a person truly couldn't be so bad. If it were Snow who was hurt, he knew he would be just as upset.

"Hey, she's going to be fine. But you need to be strong for her." David placed an arm on his back and guided him toward the ambulance. "Come on, I think they'll let you ride with her back to the hospital."

Killian nodded and went along with David, finally calming down. Nonetheless, he could still hear voices yelling in the background about the mysterious car.

"I've never seen him before…" mumbled Mary Margaret.

Emma looked at the front of the banged up car. "The car has a Pennsylvania license plate, so he must be from there."

"How did he get here?" questioned the short haired woman. "From the outside?"

"Looks like the world just came to Storybrooke."

If you don't know already, Greg Mendall (season 2) is the mysterious person who is in the car.