Hai minna-san, welcome to another chapter of Regret in the Rain. I was quite sad that I only have 1 review, but I shouldn't let that get me down, I should work harder and make more chapters. Let's begin chapter 2

Chapter 2: Will you become my butler?

Hayate POV

I wondered how long have I been in this everlasting nightmare. It always comes and goes, comes and goes, I almost see it every night. It always ends the same way. Oh hang on, you guys don't know what was I talking about. Sorry then, I think I should tell you guys.

It always begins with me standing in the middle of a big hall. I seem to be like… 5 or 6 years old. I always seem to be in a fight against a girl around the same age. I can't remember who she is, or how she looks like, nor can I remember why are we fighting?

Our swords clash, like both of us cannot afford to lose. We never let the other gain the upper hand. But after one last clash, our swords broke.

The girl then threw the handle of the sword away. Then she shouted to me "Fine, do as you wish. From now on, don't ever come back here!" as she walked away.

I tried to chase after her, screaming her name, but no voices came out nor could I move ahead. Suddenly, many swords appeared in front of me, blocking my way. When I tried to go around it, I was blinded by a bright light, which then hit me. Everything I saw onwards was a lot of blood which blinded my vision.

Athena POV


Why? Why doesn't he remember me? Never mind. It has been 10 years since I chased him away; I suppose he has the right to forget about me. But why fate has to be so cruel for us to coincide with each other again. And why did he faint after hearing my name. Does he hate it?

I should just check it out with him when he wakes up.

I walk towards the guest room. It was a simple room I think. Well, details don't matter since e total cost of the furniture is only 50 million yen. I walked towards the bed where he lays. I was about to put a wet towel on his head when he started to shake violently.

"I am sorry." He then murmurs. What is he sorry about? I have many questions to ask him but it seems that I have to wake him up first; he seems to have a nightmare.

Hayate POV

Suddenly, I woke up. That dream always hurts me like it left a hole in my chest. But suddenly, I saw the girl from the park right next to me. "Are you ok? You collapse right in front of me?" she asked with a worry face.

"Yeah, I am fine. I have fainted a few time before." I replied. True I usually collapse due to over working, but this time it felt different. The only time I ever fainted like that was when…

"Where is the ring? "I asked. I practically almost shouted.

"Don't worry, it is right here." the lady told me before showing the ring sitting on her palm. I slowly took the ring back and put it in my pocket.

"May I ask, is that ring important?" she asks with a somewhat worrisome look on her face.

"I… don't know about it myself. It seems valuable and I could sell it for a high price, but I felt that I should keep it close, almost like if I separate from it, I would regret it for the rest of my life." I replied.

I turned towards the lady only to see a tear dripped down her face. I was about to ask her whether she is alright before I was interrupted by her.

"Sorry, I just felt a little moved form that story." she replied. Why would anyone be moved from a weird reasoning like that? When I looked at the clock, it was almost 1 o'clock. It is best I don't disturb her anymore.

"Sorry, but I think it is time for me to go home. Sorry for bothering you." I said as I got off the bed, only to be pulled by the arm by her.

I was about to ask her to let go of my arm before she quickly let go of her hand.

"So sorry, I didn't know what came over Me." she frantically said. She was almost blushing by embarrassment. How cute. Wait? Did I say cute? Well… whatever.

"I should really get going now. It is best not to disturb you anymore." I said before walking out of the door.

"Wait!" she said I turned around to face at her and to ask why should I wait.

"Um… this house is short on workers, and you seem to be free. Will you work here as my butler?" she said. "Of course, you will be rewarded more than what you normally earn if you do well."

I was about to consider the option, since the pay seems to sound good, but then I realised she said butler. My head ache again, not as bad as before, but still quite painful.

"Daijoubu?" she asked with a worried look.

"Ah, gomen gomen. It is just a sting, nothing to worry about." I tried to reassure her that I am alight. She seems reluctant, but she decided to accept it.

"I think I accept this offer. As being a butler of course." I agreed. Though she tried hard not to show, but I noticed she whispered a soft "yes" behind my back. Wondered what that is all about.

"Well, it is getting late. It is best you get some sleep. I will tell him to show you the ways tomorrow morning." She said while going out of the door. I then heard a small whisper that said "I hope you will remember." I wondered what does she mean by that? But I decided to stop pondering about today and get some sleep.

3rd POV

As Athena was walking down the hallway of her incredibly huge mansion, she felt the presence of someone else in the area. She dismissed the thought since she already knew who it was. But that figure kept on creeping towards her, she decided to stop and trip the unknown figure.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"That was for trying to creep up on me. How many times have I told you to stop doing that." Athena said

"Well, if my memory is correct, then it has been 204 times since you warn me that" the mysterious intruder replied, which then earned a fist to the face

"Then let that be your 205th warning."

"Ouch, not again." The intruder replied "So how does it feel to be reunited with him after a decade."

"Do not speak of this again." she threaten while shedding a tear

"Well, not like we can do anything about it. After all, it is the only way to save him after all. It was part of the agreement I made to you both." The mysterious man said with a smirk.

Before the intruder turned away, he was interrupted by Athena's words "What are you planning to do with us. I have known you for quite a long time and you must have a reason for this. You know he has one of that with him, do you?"

The mysterious man smirk before replying "It doesn't matter if he does or not. What it means that the revamped version of this pitiful tale will be better than its predecessor" then he walked away.

"I wonder what he means by a revamped version of the original. What does that have to do with me and him?" Athena silently asked herself before she went to her room.

And so that brings chapter 2 to a close. Who is the mystery figure? What is his connection with that? And what does the 2 main characters have to do with this? Stay tune for more of this mysterious fanfiction.