So I am watching Merlin right now and I thing they stopped the series entirely too soon, so the story continues. This is set after season 2. Basically Uther is still alive and so is Arthur. Yay. So some stuff about the stories/warnings. No slash but deep Bromance, new love interests, Torture, and Rape. It's rated M for a reason. Without further ado…

~ The Hooded Figure ~

Prince Arthur had decided to teach Merlin a little lesson. Merlin had said under his breath that he could do anything a knight could do. Merlin's punishment was to take the early morning patrol bordering Camalot. None of the knights particularly liked Merlin so they had come up with a plan to get rid of him as soon as possible. "Hey Merlin, since you're such a great knight" said James one of the Knights with a laugh, "Go and tell us which direction those deer prints head" pointing to the prints on the ground. "They look like they head this direction." said Merlin pointing, he walked along the path the deer had taken and stopped when he came to a steep crevasse that was not very wide but must be twenty feet deep. "The prints they stop here." said Merlin. "So do you" said James pushing Merlin forward. Merlin felt the rush of the air and feel his heart beat against his chest, it felt like an eternity before his legs hit the ground. The pain was so great that he dazed out for a few minutes, but he could here in the back of his mind the Knights laughing and one of them saying "enjoy yourself Merlin." He heard them ride off and he was alone.

Arthur was not surprised to hear that Merlin had been frightened by a rabbit and ran off and got lost at least that is what the Knights had said. Arthur actually thought it might teach him even more of a lesson. He was mad thought that a different servant a little less qualified then Merlin had to serve him that night. "really Merlin, just took the day off did you?" muttered the Prince before slipping off to sleep.

Merlin lay freezing on the ground, he was so hungry, after all he had not eaten since dinner two nights ago. The cold air was like needles piercing his skin. He had tried magic but he didn't know how to heal broken bones, and he dared not do something magical that might attract the attention of a passerby. He heard footsteps above him. "Hello, please I'm trapped down here, can you help me. please?" shouted Merlin as loud as his chaffed throat would allow. The first rays of light were shining down on the walls of what Merlin thought must have been an old spring long since having water emerge from its depths. "Wait a moment I'm coming down" said a low voice. A rope dropped down a few feet away from Merlin. A hooded figure in black walked over to Merlin. Merlin tried to look at the person that was coming to help him, but their hood was so low he could only see her eyes which shone out, a pale grey color. This person started to feel Merlin's legs and he gasped when they felt his hurt one. "What is your name? Do not daze out on me, what is your name?" said the hooded figure. "uhh… Merlin, my name is Merlin." he stammered out. "Where are you from Merlin?" asked the hooded figure, as the person asked this they also found out that Merlin's left leg was quiet severely broken. "Camelot." said Merlin wincing. "Let's get you back to Camelot then." said the figure grabbing around Merlin's waist and holding him upright. "Lean on me, walk only on your right leg." these were the instruction given to Merlin that he followed by the hooded figure. Merlin leaned onto the other person and managed to hobble along with whoever it was that was saving him. The rope had slipped down into the hole and Merlin had no idea how this person was planning on getting them back up. Merlin looked down and heard his rescuer whisper something. When he looked up the rope was securely fashioned to a tree branch above them. The person again grabbed Merlin securely around the waist with their right arm and with the left grabbed the rope. Slowly they made it to the top of the old spring. When they got to the top they sat and panted for a while. The black clocked person stood up and whistled a high note. After a few seconds a black horse ran over. "Alright up with you." said the figure with a bit of a hard time lifted Merlin on the horse. Merlin was surprised to find there was no saddle on the horse either. The black hooded person mounted the steed behind Merlin with ease. During the thirty minute ride to Camelot. Merlin lay on the horse and the other person rode trying not to jostle the boy and keep him steady. When they rode through the gated the hooded person stopped by a guard and said, "My friend is hurt, where should I got to make sure he gets attention he needs?" "The court physician would be the best place it's that direction." said the guard pointing toward the castle. Merlin and the other rode toward the castle.

Gaius was not expecting anyone to call so he was interested to find out who was knocking on his door at such an early hour. Once he saw it was Merlin he acted quickly. "Set him on the table now." ordered Gaius. The physician was far too worried about Merlin to notice that once the silent fissure set the boy down the person went out of the door. Looking down the robed person walked straight into prince Arthur. "Forgive me." was the only thing the person said and Arthur would not stand such intolerance. "Guard take this person." shouted Arthur. The guards quickly surrounded the figure and lead them into the castle.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here. We don't often have strangers." said Uther interrogating the so called insolent person sneaking about the castle. "Minuialwen is my name, and I have no quarrel with you, or your son. I do not enjoy staying in one place for long, so if you don't mind I'll be going now." said the black cloak figure. "I am not done with you guards!" Uther said. The person had turned and was taking a step toward the door when they grabbed the person by the cloak of their coat. The pull made the hood fall down and everyone was surprised when the long layers of think brown hair fell down. Arthur especially seemed shocked. The guards saw her pale eyes widen and she jumped to the side and fell to the ground. They all quickly surround her and turned her on his back. In her right hand an arrow was embedded. Everyone looked up to the window and saw a figure running down the lane with a bow. "You need more guards to watch your prince." said the girl with a hint of a smile. She was helped to her feet my two guards. "You saved my sons life, what can I do to repay you, anything that is with in this region." said Uther. "I ask only to serve in the Kings household." Minuialwen could see it in Uthers eyes that would demand she stay so she made it easier for the King to accept. "Request granted." said Uther. "Let me take you to Gaius our court physician" said one of the guards. He was surprised when she said "I already know the way." With a smile the quickly walked out of the Kings hall.

"You're telling me that she was the one that saved me?" said Merlin in awe, looking over at the girl getting her hand wrapped by Gaius . "Merlin she's right here, why not ask her yourself." said Gaius. "I umm… sorry." said Merlin looking down. "Don't mention it." Said the girl looking up at him smiling.