A/N -

Bitches, you thought I was dead, didn't you?!

Surprise suckers!


Previously -

He sighed. No matter what, his thoughts always went back to Merlin and his incapability to live without him. He stood and walked to his window, staring out into the courtyard, as if he was waiting for his warlock to walk across the courtyard at any given moment, stare up to the window and smile the smile only reserved for his prince, and make everything better.

"But Merlin isn't here. And when he comes back, Father will die." He said aloud, eyes still looking outside towards his people.

They milled about, but seemed to lack the happiness that radiated when Merlin was here,

'It seems even Camelot's people can't live without Merlin either.' He mused to himself, before turning away from the window. He walked towards his door, took in a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

Camelot needed her King and her Warlock, but for now she'd have to deal with just her King.


Prince Merlin of Mageia




"….EAR US, SIRE?!"

Merlin groaned as the sound slowly filtered through his mind, his face started to scrunch up and he covered his ears as the noise grew louder with every bang to the door.



Merlin groaned again, and slowly lifted himself up into an upright position, now finally aware of his surroundings. His eyes widened at the mess his room was now in and he scrambled off the floor to stand up. He looked around his room and saw the chaos his magic has caused. His windows were shattered, shards of glass lying on nearly every piece of floor surrounding him, his table and chairs were now just broken pieces of wood lying on the floor. The doors on his cupboards and wardrobe were barely hanging on and his bed was snapped in two and the curtains seemed to have scorch marks on them.

"How the hell did that happen?" He muttered to himself and he stared at his curtains. He tried using his magic to clean it up but it just caused his head to explode with pain and he groaned as he raised his arm to rub at his head.


The warlock jumped in fright and turned to look at the still locked chamber door, finally remembering that the voices that woke him up weren't a part of his dream and he really did have people trying to break down his door.

"Or more specifically, Melanie is trying to break my door, by the sounds of it," He thought to himself, and he was right, he could hear her through the door threatening him to open it or she'd just blast it open and wring is neck. "From what I've seen and remember of her, that threat is very much a real problem."

He slowly walked over the bits of glass and wood on the floor, wary of standing on them too quickly unless he wanted to buy a new pair of boots and made his way over to the chamber door.

His mind started wandering as he made his way, and he accidentally stepped on a piece of glass, the glass sliced through his boot and nicked the bottom of his foot. He stopped himself just in time for him to place his foot flat on the floor, so the glass didn't slide all the way in.

He hissed in pain and grabbed his foot with both hands and started to hobble over to the door carefully, not taking into account that his foot was still in his hands and he could barely walk in a straight line with two feet and now he was attempting to hop with one.

Needless to say, he really hadn't thought it out very well as he started to tip to one side and in a moment of panic he braced one arm out to catch him, but left his leg go, and instinctively went to put his injured foot down to balance himself out. His foot went down flat, the shard of glass impaled his foot even further and he toppled over onto his side, hissing and whimpering in pain and discomfort.


"I'M FINE!" He shouted back, cutting his sister off and making the pain behind his eyes worsen. The banging and shouting stopped and for a moment, silence reigned a comfort for Merlin. Too bad that his sister wasn't as comforting and she started to screech at him. Her words washed over him as the pain bloomed once again behind his eyes and he could feel the blood seeping out of his boot and onto the floor. His eyelids began to flutter and all too soon Merlin fell back into dreamland, unaware of his sister finally unlocking to door and her face filling with horror as she took in the room and her brother's form, the guards behind her, some running in to secure the exits, others leaving to bring the servants to clean up the mess and a few running off to inform the King and to collect the physician.

"Oh, Merlin," Melanie whispered, kneeling down beside her brother's sleeping form and brushing some hair off his forehead. She could feel that it was warm to the touch and prayed that he had not caught a fever.

"What am I going to do with you, brother?"


Prince Arthur of Camelot


Arthur stood outside his father's chambers, his heart feeling like it was close to beating out of his chest.

He stared at the door, debating whether he should go in or not.

Not so long ago he had decided to call a meeting explaining his decision and the council spoke their doubts to him but overall explained that what he would be doing would be essential and good for the kingdom.

That allowing a foreign King to murder the King of Camelot for revenge was seen as a good thing.

Arthur snorted, his face twisting. 'Are the council members here so cowardly, that they would leave their king to die?' He thought bitterly to himself, 'Has my father done so much wrong and disgusted them so that they would turn their backs on him? That they would step back and allow this to happen?'

He sighed sadly, his head falling forward. No matter what he thought, the decision has been made, and he couldn't take it back now. He had signed his father's fate, and it seems that the men who once stood beside Uther have now turned from him.

It seems that no one sees him as the King any more.

And the council have spoken that the people see Arthur as the king now.

Arthur shook his head, as if to dispel of the thoughts. He straightened his back before stepping forward and opening the doors. He was thankful that he had already dismissed the guards outside of his father's chambers, lest they see their prince having a small meltdown.

He walked in quietly, closing the doors behind him as his eyes were drawn to the figure sitting in a chair next to an open window.

He walked towards his father, dragging a chair with him as he got closer and placed it in front of Uther's still form. He took in his fathers' ragged appearance, the colour fading from his hair, the worn and ageing face, and his callused hands as he took them in his grasp and rubbed his thumb over his father's knuckles. His heart gave a painful pang as he looked into his father's face and saw no recognition in them and for a second, his hatred of Morgana's betrayal bloomed in his chest like a knife had just been plunged into his chest. His anger at her spread until his hands shook and tightened around Uther's, and although his father didn't react, feeling his father's bones grind under his grip was enough to snap Arthur back, and he quickly softened his grip, apologising quietly to him as he opened his hand wide enough to see if he had bruised his hand.

He smoothed the back of Uther's hand gently, as he didn't see any bruises, and took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tried to forget about his sister's betrayal.

He sat there for a while in the quietness, sometimes speaking to his father of small matters with the kingdom that needed to be dealt with, or reminiscing of memories of when he was younger, being careful not to mention any with Morgana in, just in case.

He never mentioned the council's decision.

Arthur's head snapped up, his hand going for the sword at his waist as the chamber doors opened loudly, and Gwaine stumbled in. He looked to his father quickly as he rose to his feet, noticing that his father was sleeping awkwardly in his chair, and quickly made his way out, dragging Gwaine with him by the arm.

He bumped into Gwen as he walked out of the door, and apologised before moving to the side, pushing Gwaine into the wall outside the doors as he waited for Gwen to close them.

He turned to Gwaine as he heard Gwen moving away from the door, most likely checking up on his father, and glared at him when he saw the knight smirking.

"What the hell was that for?" Arthur questioned angrily.

Gwaine leaned back against the wall he was pushed up against before answering, "No reason, really."

Arthur groaned, "Gwaine..."

Gwaine huffed, before straightening, "Word has reached the knights of your decision."

Arthur tilted his head in question.

"About your father."

"Oh." Arthur said quietly, "And what of it?"

Gwaine hesitated, "Most of them are accepting of it. I mean, they cheered when they heard of it, which is a bit worrying if I'm honest, but understandable, I mean, it is Uther we're talking about." He rambled.

"Why do I sense a 'but' coming?" Arthur moaned quietly.

"But," Gwaine began, smirking, before pausing. He chewed his lip wondering if he should tell Arthur.

"Just spit it out, Gwaine." Arthur demanded.

"There were a few who... disagreed... with it." Gwaine sighed, shaking his head, "They think that you made it out of weakness. And they said that they disagree with your decision to let... um...," Gwaine paused, unsure if he should finish.

"Gwaine." Arthur warned.

The knight grimaced as he realised he'd have to tell him. He swallowed, his throat bobbing as he tried to push down the anger he felt when the other men said those things about his friends.

What they said about Merlin.

Arthur clicked his fingers in his face impatiently, "Well...?"

"They said somethings, sire, about you...and Merlin." Gwaine watched Arthur's face flitting through passing emotions before his face cleared of them.

"And what did they say?" Arthur asked calmly.

Gwaine said nothing, his eyes flitting to the exits wondering if he could make it before Arthur kills him.

He knew he should have let Leon tell him.


"They said that you shouldn't be letting 'sorcerer scum' back into Camelot. That you shouldn't be letting enemies back in again." Gwaine told him, "They went into some details about your relationship with Merlin, I'm not repeating it because, just thinking of it makes me want to go back to them and kill them. Percival had to drag me away before I started a fight."

Arthur stood there calmly, as his emotions raged inside of him. He breathed in deeply, his eyes closing as he leaned on the wall beside him and Gwaine. He stood there trying to keep calm and felt Gwaine's hand on his arm. He thought to himself on what he should do before deciding on two things.

Either confront them or ignore them.

Easier said than done.

Arthur clenched his jaw, fisting his hands together. He hated being a prince sometimes.

"Sire?" he heard Gwaine say, "Arthur?"

"I'm fine." Arthur opened his eyes. He straightened up, and dragged his hand down his face.

He wondered what Merlin would do in his place, before scoffing quietly, 'Merlin isn't here.' He thought to himself.

He started to walk away from his fathers chambers. He heard Gwaine stumbling and shouting after him as he raced to catch up. He pulled away from the grip Gwaine put on his arm as he spun around.

"What are you doing?" Gwaine blurted.

"Where are the knights?"

Gwaine gulped, "Arthur..."

Arthur grabbed Gwaine's arm, his grip tightening as he said "Tell. Me."

Gwaine winced as the grip tightened even more, "The weapons chambers. Last I saw, the others were rounding them all up in there. I don't know why." He grabbed his arm, as Arthur let go and rubbed it where it hurt as he watched Arthur storm down the corridor.

"I really should have let Leon tell him." He quietly told himself, before he ran to catch up with Arthur.

A/N -

If you see any mistakes, please point them out, this site is kinda ruining my formatting.

Review, if you'd like. We'd love to know your thoughts.

We're back on track, so be prepared for more chapters for this story and the other ones, if you follow them also.

Can't guarantee that they'll be uploaded as soon as, but we'll try to keep you updated on the updates.

We're great full you guys stayed with us after our very very veeeeeerrrrryyy long hiatus.


Thank you.

We're officially up on AO3. Uploading soon there as well. And an account on Wattpadd.

Join us, please.

Until next time, My Lovelies.

- AllThingsMagical321