Anyway, to whoever's reading this, this might be confusing to the royal blood line plot I've done on my previous story "The pain of a vampire" (which I would recommend reading first). But please stick with it, and I'll try my best to make it make sense.

Also, I WAS going to type up the whole story before publishing, but I haven't been working on it lately, and maybe knowing you all will be waiting for the next chspter will motivate me better. :) Anyway, enjoy!

An orange devils tail slowly wrapped its way around the young creatures neck, causing him to hiss at the burning sensation. His entire body had already been in pain... the fiery tail didn't exactly help. He tried to pull away... but it hurt to move.

" You're pathetic little man. "

The boy didn't say anything, afraid of getting hit again. Finally the tail left, causing the boy to let his head drop, unable to keep it lifted. Rolling his heavy purple irises to the right, his gaze was met by the ghosts pale blue eyes. Casper's eyes. The ghost wasn't nearly as beaten up as the other, but he was chained down by special ghost chains. He was completely trapped.

" Hey! "

The demon-thing snapped, using the flat end of his tail to slap the other across the face. Immediately the boy looked back down, not daring to look away again.

" Pay attention! Especially if you want to live! "

Tears began to well up in the creatures eyes, the pain starting to get to him again.

" I need you awake and alive! He will be here soon. "

'He will be here soon... ' The child mentally moaned. ' Who was "he" again? So tired... can't... stay... '

" HEY! "

The creatures head snapped up to the yell, looking straight into the demons crimson eyes and fiery hair. Said demon suddenly lifted a knife, getting a gasp of fear from Casper.

" No! "

The ghost cried.

" You can't! "

The fire demon sneered at the ghost, bringing the knife closer to the others throat.

" Watch me. "

Casper gasped as the demon lunged over to the others neck.

" Noo! Thatch! "

The young vampire awoke with a start, springing up and hitting his head on the coffin.

" Ouch! "

He hissed, rubbing his forehead.

After taking a moment to gather his bearings, Thatch slowly lifted the top of his coffin up with a creak and quietly slipped out, heading to the boys wash room. Once there, he turned on the taps and began to splash some water on his face. Particularly around his eyes. He felt so tired... yet at the same time, he didn't want to go back to sleep.

Turning the taps off, the young creature slowly made his way out into the halls. But instead of going back to the dorm, he merely pressed against the wall and let his body slide to the floor. He was, again, tired. But... he really didn't want to have that dream again. He hasn't told anyone this... but he'd been having that very dream for DAYS now. It was so strange... but it felt as if someone, somewhere, was trying to tell him something. He knew this wasn't possible of course, but he just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen.

Thatch yawned, his need for sleep catching up to him. ' C-can't... ' He mentally whined. ' ... Sleep... '

" Hey kid. "

Thatch was so tired, he'd almost missed that call towards him. Looking up, he found it was Fatch's ghostly brother Dusk. The taller creature was kneeling down to his level, looking at his softly.

" Shouldn't you be asleep? "

... The younger didn't answer the question; he'd fallen asleep. And it took Dusk a couple of seconds to notice that. But slowly he smiled, scooping the child into his arms and carrying him back to bed.

Not bad eh? I love how Thatch is dreaming of the future. Comment if you agree! ;)