Why Do You Hate Your Dad So Much?


Dan rushed down the road and flew past houses, excited to finally see his boyfriend after such a rough day. Marduk went to a different school, and he lived with an aunt a few streets away from Dan's school.

Trying not to look too eager, he knocked on the door and waited a moment, until he heard the clinging of chains and heavy leather boots, which symbolized Marduk coming to the door. They had been dating for nearly two years. Dan knew the sound of his boyfriend very well.

The door opened and Marduk leaned against the frame, a casual smile on his face. "Well, I was hoping to see you."

Dan couldn't hold the excitement any more as he forced his boyfriend into a hug, "I missed you..." He whispered into his ear.

"I missed you, too..." Marduk stroked Dan's hair.

"So," Dan straightened up, "How is your dad?"

Marduk shrugged as he moved aside to let Dan in, "I really don't care, but Marie," his aunt, "insists I go to see him once a month. He's so damn far away, I hate wasting my time at that dump." He slumped down onto the bright red couch, scoffing, "he never gave a damn about me anyway. Basically I go down there to check if someone killed him yet and sit in front of a man I hate for three hours. It's a waste of my damn time and I'd much rather be here with you."

Dan frowned at Marduk's harsh words. "Aw, c'mon Marduk," though he was flattered at the last sentence, "criminal or not, he's your dad. Don't you love him?"

"Yeah, that was a long time ago."

Dan tilted his head. "We've been dating for nearly two years, and you still won't tell me why you the your dad so much."

"You still haven't told your friends we're together, so I don't want to hear any of that."

Dan blushed, embarrassed, "That's different. I told you I'll tell them when they're ready to hear it. But this has to do with me and you. I feel awkward hearing you trash your dad without even knowing why you're doin' it."

Marduk put his feet on the table, and his one visible eye stared at the ceiling. Dan tried not to laugh, he looked so cute while he was thinking.

Finally, the Gothic male answered, "When I was seven, my dad told me he hated me."

The smile washed off of Dan's face like a wave had taken it. "Oh..."

"Not only that. He lost his job the day before he said so, and he blamed me for it. He said because I was so much trouble, it stressed him out and it carried onto his work. So it was only fair he took his frustrations out on me..." He knocked on his half-mask, "This isn't just for fashion, you know."

Dan gasped. "What'd he do to you?" He asked softly, curling his fingers around Marduk's hand.

"He..." Marduk shook his head, "I don't remember..." He sighed, "But it doesn't matter."

"Your mom never helped you?"

"No. All she did was sit in the corner and smoke." He closed his eye, "That's why I was so close to Vlatidor. He was the only living being that cared about me any, he was the father I never had."

"That's why you cried when he died?" Marduk nodded in response as Dan hugged his arm. "I'm so sorry, Marduk."

"There's no need to be." He kissed Dan's forehead, "I've got you, now."

"You'll always have me." Dan hugged him closer, "Always, always."
