Chapter 20: Animagus

Alex knew that she had to hurry up. Otherwise her godfathers Sirius and Remus would catch her sneaking into the library, which was strictly forbidden. There weren't many rules in the household of Sirius and Remus, but their only holy rule was to avoid the library because of all the several 'Dark Arts' books. She obviously didn't intend to read them, no quite the contrary, she was looking for another book. She remembered Sirius telling her about it when she was younger and it had been in the back of her mind for quite some time now.
She looked over the shelves carefully, hoping that she hadn't missed it. Her eyes scanned the titles and about 10 minutes later, she saw it some feet above herself. Climbing the leader up the red-haired girl grabbed the book and secured in happily in her arm, every now and then she turned to the door, making sure that nobody was there. With the book secure in her hand, she made her way out of the Black's library onto the corridor, a triumphant grin plastered on her face, this couldn't have been any better, everything had worked out just fine –
Needless to say, her grin disappeared just as fast.
"Oh – um – hi Siri" she tried to put the book behind her back to hide it from him but her actions caught his attention and he seemed confused.
"What are you hiding?"
"Nothing" she responded really quickly, way too quickly for his liking.
"You're hiding something behind your back" he stated the obvious, still very confused.
"I'm not!"
"Why are you so weird then?" he narrowed his eyes and tried to look behind her back. She squirmed against the wall now and looked at him anxiously.
"I'm not being weird."
Sirius sighed, "Alex, honey. You know that I don't like to play the role of the strict parent."
"Well you don't have to, I'll just go back into my room"
Her godfather stared into her eyes, trying to read her. His expression turned very serious, "Have you been in the library?"
"What' No!"
His eyes got darker and he tried to stay calm, begging her through gritted teeth, "Please telI me that's not a book from the library, in which if I may remind you, you shouldn't put a foot in!"
She swallowed hardly and tried to think of an excuse, her mind had gone blank though. If she showed him the book now, that it would be over, their plan couldn't work without this.
"I – um – need it for my homework, which I by the way should be doing right now" she tried to get past him but he wouldn't let her go just like that.

Sirius stretched out his hand, "Be a good goddaughter and hand it over, kiddo."
She sighed, knowing that there was literally no way out of this situation and did as she was told.
His eyes widened at the title. Out of all the books she could have taken, it was "The complex way of transforming into an Animagus"
He gaped at her. "No." he said shortly and shook his head, his curls falling into his gray eyes. "No, you definitely won't do that"
"What? But Sirius-"
"Alex no! Do you have a faint idea of how dangerous this is?"
She crossed her arms on her chest and glared at her godfather, "Don't be such a hypocrite! You did it too, even at the same age!"
"No, look honey that was different we did it for Remus, to help him!"
She raised a brow challengingly, "Oh so you only transformed on full moon?"
Satisfied she noticed a slight blush on his cheeks, "Well not exactly only on full moon but we had a different inducement!"
She didn't say anything at all, only starring at the ground.
He looked at her softly, "We may have not only transformed when Remus needed us, but we did it for Remus in the first place, to help him and not because we wanted to play around."
Alex glared at him now and whispered, "You're not getting anything, are you?"
Again she tried to make her way to her room only to be stopped by her godfather again.
"Wait, wait. What am I not getting, pup?" he asked softly, looking into her eyes.
"We didn't want to do it because we want to play around! We just thought that it would make it harder for Voldemort to find me"
His gray eyes widened in shock. He definitely didn't think about that, at all. He sometimes just forgot how mature Alex was and that she wouldn't do such a big thing as transforming into an animal for the sake of having fun.
"Oh, I understand. Ok" he nodded, nevertheless he sighed.
"What-what do you mean 'okay'?" she stuttered. He surely couldn't mean…could he?
He started explaining a slight smile on his lips, "I know you long enough to guess that you'll probably continue doing this behind my back anyways. And probably not good enough, considering you couldn't even get the book without me knowing it."
He grinned at her now, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes and continued, "That's actually a good idea…so I'd rather help you because one thing's for sure, Alex. It's not easy, and you need all the help you can get."

She eyes him wearily but she couldn't deny being relieved. Sirius could really help them, he knew what he was talking about and they didn't need to sneak around anymore.
"Really?", she whispered with big eyes.
He smiled at her, "Of course, honey."
"What about Remus? I mean should we tell him?"
Sirius nodded his head, "Yes, he'll understand"
She now grinned at him too, "Thanks, Siri"

This chapter is short I know, but the idea popped up into my head and I just wrote it down. Let me know what you think :) x And if you didn't know already I'm also writing on another story called "Alexandra Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" so you could read it as well and let me know your thoughts on it?

Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget: Reviews are - as always - love.