Author's Note: Sadly we've reached the end of this story. I am very happy with it. Especially the beginning of this last chapter. Some may not be happy with the way I've ended it. But good news is I am planning a sequel. Thank you all so much for following, favoriting and reviewing! Here's the end!

Disclainer: I do not own Glee.

The first time you stand staring out at the ocean, you wonder if they were right about the Earth being flat. This body of blue expands into the horizon, blending in with the equally never ending sky. You think, if you go far enough, you'll just fall off the edge. Disappear into a silent veil.

He remembers sitting alone on the sand, that first day in California, before Puck made an appearance, and his career took off. Traveling the world had opened his mind and given him a new perspective. But choosing the West coast was a gamble. Everything he knew was in Lima, and what he loved most was on the opposite side of the country. He was alone. And oddly, while he was terrified, he was okay with it.

A loud buzzing comes from the bedside table. Shaking the lamp, before falling to the floor.

Fumbling, he somehow manages to grab it in his sleepy state. Glancing at the number he's suddenly awake, it's the call he's been waiting for.

"Hey Kurt. So what did they say?"

"The tumor's gone. There are things that could still happen, but for right now, it's gone."

"That's amazing. I wish I could be there right now."

"She understands Finn, you're not exactly within walking distance. But now that she has the all clear, she's dying to come visit."

"Yeah, of course. Just let me know when and I'll find a good deal on flights."

"You know you we can afford plane tickets. Not that the gesture isn't appreciated."

"Hey, I got that promotion remember, might as well spend that raise on something other than take out."

"You really need to learn to cook. All that Chinese and pizza cannot be healthy. Anyway, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Thanks again for calling Kurt, I'm really happy mom's okay now."

"Me too Finn. I'll talk to you soon."

He set his phone back on the table, breathing in relief. They'd waited two months for this kind of news. All the while he'd been in California getting updates via phone calls and text messages.

Leaving Lima and going back to work hadn't been easy. He couldn't afford to take any more time off and was forced to fly back immediately or risk losing his job. The record company had been understanding, but three weeks was all they were willing to give. So with his mother's insistence, he flew back to the life he'd chosen.

His promotion afforded him a better apartment. It's got two bedrooms and is a block away from the water. It's nice, a far cry from the one he shared with Puck, it makes him feel like he's succeeding.

The phone call came early, but he knows he's too excited to sleep. So pulling himself out of bed he heads to his small kitchen to make coffee.

The coffee maker gives him a fresh cup five minutes later and he sips it gratefully.

He used to hate the stuff, until sleeping in was no longer an option.

Sipping his coffee he walks to the window watching the people on the sidewalks and the shore in the distance. He likes Los Angeles in the mornings, before everything becomes congested and cars start to move.

They're nothing like Lima mornings though. Where a sunrise shows its purest colors and life is calm as it opens its eyes.

But he's got California now, where it hardly rains and there's nothing familiar. Sure it's been two years, but now it feels more like a new start then when he first arrived.

Truthfully though, he's a bit tired of new starts.

Rachel stayed in Lima. No one's asked what happened and he never says it out loud. His heart isn't aching and he's not sad about it. Just disappointed. It was a long shot really, they'd only just reconnected, and if she were to go anywhere in the world she'd want Broadway.

So he kept on living, because he could do that without her. Could he honestly say he was happy? No. But he was getting there.

His phone rang, almost causing him to spill his coffee down his front. The number flashing on the screen wasn't familiar.

"Hello? Finn Hudson speaking."

"What is wrong with you?"

He knew that voice.

"Santana? How did you get my number?"

"That's not important. What is important is what you're going to do about Berry."

"Look, I appreciate the concern-"

"Concern? Hell no. This is about a hundred texts a day, filled with these nauseating laments about love and shit. I've got more important things to deal with."

"What exactly do you want me to do about it? She has spoken to me since declining my offer to come to California. Clearly she doesn't want that. And I really can't blame her."

"So you're giving up?! Just like that?! What the hell Hudson? I swear if you don't fix this-"

Three knocks echo off his apartment door.

"Hold on Santana, there's someone at the door."

"Fine but I'm not finished yet!"

He knows it's not his landlord, he's paid up for the month and has only spoken to a few of his neighbors.

Nervous for reasons he can't explain, he opens the door.

"Hey Santana, I'll call you back."

"You better have good excuse for this-"

Standing in the doorway is the one person he never expected to see.

"What-how are you here? I thought-"

"Look, I know it's been too long. And you have every right to say no, send me away and never speak to me again. But before you make that decision, just listen."


"Before you, I never had anyone. I was so headstrong it turned away every person that might have been my friend. But then at sixteen, I met you. Finally I had a friend and then we were both a part of this special thing and I had more friends. Because of you I wasn't lonely anymore. And I will always be grateful for that. I'm not asking for you to love me or for us to be as close as we were. I'm just asking not to feel lonely anymore."

He could have said no, called a taxi, never to speak again. But then he thought about the person he was, how he'd tried so hard to push all of it away and never be that person again. The truth was, he wasn't pushing away that past life, he was pushing away who he was with her.

So he said the only thing that made sense. No longer choosing to be alone.

Remembering and keeping hold of everything good and happy and letting go of the rest.


AN/2: So yes, there was VERY little romance. While there's still a whole lot of rebuilding, I felt this part of the story was complete. I may try to start writing the start of the sequel tonight. So stay tuned! Thank you all again!