Hm, so I know I said in my latest story A Castle on the Edge of The Hill that i wouldn't be updating this story... but then received countless PM's, tumblr messages and emails asking me to please continue... and what can I say, i was swayed! I love you all! Thank you so much for your kind words - and some death threats (; (you know who you are *love you!*) you have really inspired me, and I just found some of the ideas that I had had for this fic and I at least wanted to see them come to fruition, especially since we only have 30 days to go until our dearly beloved Queen and Savior return to the screen!

To TipsyBecky 123 Yes, I completely agree! fanfictor40 thank you doll! *heart* and talkswithherhands here's some ice cream for that cherry(;

David Nolan sat in silence, deep in thought. Thought the dense jungle around him might suggest a calm and peaceful atmosphere, the area between his ears was just the opposite buzzing in memory.

How could the Pirate be so sure? It wasn't like the man to open up and share feelings, so when the dark rimmed man had approached him earlier outside their camp that night he had initially drawn his sword.

"There's no need for that mate."

"Why are you following me?" David replied, eyeing the pirate with his one hand and hook raised in the air in mock surrender, above the hilt of his sword.

"This jungle isn't big enough for the both of us?" The man asked, raising a thick eyebrow almost suggestively before continuing, "I can assure you that I am not following you."

"Prove it."

Hook sighed, reaching his good hand ever so slowly down across his torso in an attempt to draw his sword out without alarming the already armed party. Gripping it, he slid it out of its containment and dropped it to the ground a few feet from where he stood.

At the gesture, the light haired man relaxed his grip on his raised weapon.

"We good?" Hook asked.

"What do you want?" Charming found himself asking.

Without hesitation the pirate took a few steps closer, "We need to talk."

He kept replaying the moments before, when he and the rest of the unlikely crew had first stepped foot out of the small rescue boat and onto the island.

Emma had just began giving her speech about how they needed to put aside their differences in order work together and save Henry. And what was it Regina had said? David racked his brain. She had asked something that had thrown Charming's fatherly guard up full speed.

She had asked if they had wanted to be friends.

"With her? With him?" David had said almost instantly, pointing from one person he didn't trust to the other, "No Emma, we have to do this the right way."

"No, we don't," She responded, taking a step closer, her whole body language exuding that she was the one in charge. If he hadn't have been so taken aback by the notion of working with two people he highly distrusted he would have been proud at seeing his grown daughter stand up for herself so blatantly. "We just need to succeed, and the way we do that is just being who we are, a hero, a villain, a pirate. Doesn't matter which, because we're going to need all those skills whether we can stomach them or not."

Charming closed his eyes, focusing on replaying the memory.

Out from the corner of his eye he barely saw her say it as a timid and completely un-Regina like voice asked, "And what's your skill, Savior?"

His daughter turned toward the woman, "I'm a mother."

A quick smiled quirked up the in the corners of his mouth. His momentary frustration was switched with instant pride that swelled up in his heart at the words of his daughter accepting the role of being a mother and telling the other woman to get out if she wasn't committed to help find her son. She had then proceeded to turn and venture on into the dense jungle, trailing behind Mary Margaret already on her heels. Removing his sword from it's hilt as to be proactive in protecting himself and his family he gladly followed his new found daughter.

Sitting on the rock David racked his brain. There had to be something that he had missed.

Turning for the just the briefest moment, he gazed over his shoulder to see Hook exchanging a look between himself and the dejected queen before following suit as well. He hadn't even spared more than a moment looking at them before turning back, but he would have sworn he had seen the dark brunette woman hang her head as she began to walk, one crystal looking droplet rolling down her face.


"Um where's Emma?"

Regina turned, the quietness of the small cave that had once been home to the pre teen Baelfire had been grating on her nerves for the past hour.

"I thought she was with you?" Hook responded, directing his words at the adult Charming's sitting in the corner, David's arm wrapped around his shivering wife in an attempt to comfort her.

"Um, I don't know. We followed her out there to talk and that was the last I saw of her," Snow replied. Her red rimmed eyes, raw from recently shed tears teetered on the edge of spilling over again as they had been for the past hour.

"That was an hour ago." Regina stated.

"We know," Charming replied.

"You know and you don't think it's odd she hasn't come back by now?" The Queen threw her hands on her hips.

Charming sat up straighter, "We had a talk and she walked off. We thought it was best to give her some time."

The brunettes temper started to flare as she stared incredulously at the two idiotic parents in the corner.

"No one should be alone in that jungle by themselves, mate" Hook interjected, looking cross in the direction of the Charming family.

"For once I agree with the pirate." Regina replied.

"It was an attempt to let her cool down and come to her senses." David defended, the form of Mary Margaret now buried more into his embrace. "She was upset over the loss of Neal."

"Lot of good that did," the small fairy who had been quietly sitting on the opposite side of the cave piped in.

Charming looked up, shooting a look at the outspoken fairy.

"Well you all just sit here." Regina said as she grabbed for her formerly discarded coat and began to head towards the exit of the cave.

Hook and Charming both yelled after her as she stepped foot out of the room, "Where are you going?"

"To find Emma."


Regina's heart jumped into her throat. Her mouth turning completely dry as she looked over the small scrap of paper in her hands again.

Come quickly. I can't get you, she is watching. You need to jump.

Utterly confused she stood up looking out the window. The message itself was short and clear, clearly the fairy had written in in haste, judging by the scribbled penmanship, but the meaning behind it was a blur. 'She was watching?' Regina thought, who was watching? And what did she mean by jump?

Regina looked around the small room again, still not noticing any door or possible exit save for the small wrought iron barred window. She wasn't sure whether to disregard the message as just another way to toy with her state of mind at the present moment until another lightning strike flashed outside the window. In the glare of the bright light the illumination caused underneath the window happened to hit upon something Regina hadn't yet seen. A smile vile lay there, turned over on it's side, clearly when it had hit the ground and fallen off of the plater moments before.

It wasn't the ribbon wrapped vile itself that caught her, but the delicately written description written on the tag hanging off of it.

Drink me.


"What is it that you want to talk about?" David asked as the pirate before him rested his foot up on the rock he had been sitting on.

"Your daughter-" The leather clad man heaved out a sigh, "and the Queen."

"What about them?" Charming said, his eyes moving towards the direction where he had left his daughter sitting alongside his wife, trying to decipher the map from Pan.

"She is in love with her."

The prince's mind snapped. All of the thoughts that had been twirling around in his head stopped. His head spun so fast towards the seemingly clam pirate he was sure it should have flown off if not for his neck.

"Who is in love with who?!" He stammered.

"The Queen, she is in love with the Savior."

"What?!" Charming snapped. He found himself momentarily out of control over his body as it he gestured insanely at the other man who stood still, seemingly unfazed.

"The Queen - Regina, is in love with your daughter - the Savior-" the bearded man enunciated.

"I know who they are!" David yelled, his usually schooled temper rising for reasons he could not explain.

"Look mate," the dark swashbuckler said making a move to grab the other mans arms and steady him, "for what I am going to tell you, you are going to need to keep your voice down as we don't want the wrong person to overhear. Even the trees have ears in this jungle, and for what you're going to hear you're going to need to be completely cognoscente because it is of utter importance so control yourself!"

David retracted his arms, bating away the unwanted grasp while schooling them by his sides.

"There you go," the thinner man said as Charming released a breath. The former prince rolled his eyes.

"Now, you might just want to take a seat."


The Queen stared at the small bottle in her hands. She knew she had seen one's like it before, but how and why it was in her hands she did not know.
A sudden fear ripped through her body and gripped at her heart as she tried to piece together the information she had received in the last hour to decide whether to follow the directions and down the substance or not.

Another wave of blinding light shook the small room she was trapped in.

Without a further thought she ripped the seal, popping the cork out of the container and swallowing the liquid whole.

As her hands became smaller and the cracks in the walls became bigger, she took advantage of her position on the window seal and jumped into the freezing night.

Again thank you for your love, know that it does motivate me - so here's your chance(;

Cheers, Queen