Chapter Six: They came, they saw, they were awesome.

After school was done for the day Setsu waited by the front gate for Cain to show up. She had her back propped up against the brick column that the gate was attached too. Her arms were folded across her chest and her legs were crossed at the ankle. To pass the time she thought about her Nii-san.

Nii-san sleeping on the couch, Nii-san sleeping in the chair, Nii-san eating food, Nii-san reluctantly eating food, Nii-san in the tub making bubble people, Nii-san acting out a scene, Nii-san curled next to her in bed, Nii-san wrapping his arms around her….

Setsuka was so busy thinking about her Nii-san that she didn't notice the boy walking around the corner of the school building and coming to a sudden stop.

Tsumura Tadashi came to an abrupt halt. He had club practice tonight and was headed for the gym when he noticed the stunning blonde leaning up against the gate. He took a moment to admire her and all her glory. Today her hair was piled on her head in a ponytail with two stray strands framing her face. Her hair being up exposed her long, delicate neck. He gulped in a thick breath. His mouth started to water.

He wanted to do things to that neck, things that would appall Setsu if she could read his mind, but Setsu was a strong, independent girl and on second thought she might not be appalled. His mind wandered thinking about how she would react if he approached her and told her about how he had been thinking about her lately. How he wanted to take her in his arms and he pictured her face filling with interest. He let out a raspy breath and a he felt an all too familiar tightening in his pants.

He wanted her. Him, Tadashi king of the school, was left speechless by this one delectable female. He wanted her to be his, but first he had to finally talk to her. With that thought in mind he started to walk toward her.

Setsu caught a movement in front of her eyes and she looked up. She gave a once over passing glance at the boy steadily approaching her. She mentally shrugged her shoulders and was getting ready to think more about her Nii-san, when she heard the familiar rev of an engine. She stood up straight and headed toward the sound.

Tadashi watched confused as Setsu looked at him and then walked away, heading for the school parking area. He followed her path and saw a motorcycle parking in an open spot. He suffered an involuntary shutter of fear as he recognized the figure straddling the bike.

He looked at the man on the bike and then he gave one last longing look at the girl heading straight for the bike. He shook his head. He decided he couldn't talk to her today. He was smug, but he wasn't completely stupid. He recognized danger when he saw it. When the man took off his helmet and looked straight at Tadashi; the only conclusion Tadashi could come to is that, that man was nothing but pure danger.

Tadashi turned and walked the other way. No, he wouldn't talk to her today, but he was far from cowed. He would talk to her and she would be his. One way or another Setsuka Heel could count on it.


Setsuka approached Cain and waited impatiently for him to finish removing his helmet and turn off the bike. When he had put his helmet on the back seat she restrained herself no more. She simply launched herself at his arms, having complete faith that he would catch her and keep the bike upright.

Cain caught Setsu around her waist and then tucked her into his lap. He had a hand resting in the small of her back and one rested on the back of her thigh. Her arms were locked tight around his neck and he buried his face into her hair, inhaling deeply of a smell he could only call sunshine and moonbeams. The smell was a heady combination of radiance and mystery that seeped from Setsu's pours and was her scent alone.

They stayed like that for a minute. Then Setsu looked up with a small glare. She hit him on the shoulder and demanded, "What took you so long?"

Cain chuckled in his head and he let a smirk settle on his face. "I had to work, remember?"

Setsu pouted with her bottom lip poking out. "Why do you have to work? I didn't get to see you the whole day. That isn't fair."

"You're the one who insisted you go to school."

"That's not the point. Next time just be here quicker."

"Whatever." Cain chuckled out loud this time. Setsuka was unreasonable, and pouty, and cute, and too delicious for her own good. Cain reached out and pinched the bottom lip that Setsu had poking out. She gently licked his thumb. Gathering her close again he kicked out the kickstand, rested the bike on it, and then stood up with Setsuka in his arms. Once they had reached the school gate he set her down again. She locked her arm through his and started walking toward the entrance of the school. Cain looked down at her. She really was too adorable.


Tsurami Mariko waited in the classroom for Setsuka Heel to arrive. Setsuka had said she would stay for the tour of the school and Mariko fully expected her to keep her word. Mariko pushed her glasses up her nose. She didn't know who Heel-san's Nii-san was, but she hoped, with some futility, that he would be less anxiety inducing than Heel-san was herself.

Finally, Setsuka walked through the door. Mariko stood up from her desk, brushed off the imaginary dirt on her skirt, took a stabilizing breath, plastered her best smile on her face and headed toward where Setsuka stood in the doorway.

"Heel-san are you ready to go on a tour of our infamous school?" Mariko said in a falsely pleasant voice.

Setsuka raised her eyebrow at Mariko's tone. Setsu raised an eyebrow and then plastered a mocking smile on her face. Mimicking Mariko's tone Setsu said, "Why yes Mariko I would love nothing more than to go on a tour of the school. I have been waiting for weeks. I am surprised and shocked you haven't asked me sooner."

Setsu watched as Mariko's face turned an exasperated red and huffed out a small breath. Setsu could have sworn that if Mariko wasn't with people she probably would have stomped her foot in annoyance. Setsuka smiled a full smile when she heard the unmistakable snicker from behind her. Suddenly turning, now completely ignoring Mariko, she leaned out of the doorway and saw Nii-san leaning up against the wall. His face was now composed and he didn't reveal any emotion, but Setsuka could see the tiny glimmer of amusement reflected in his eye. Her heart swelled and she couldn't hide her own emotions as her joy shone from her face.

Mariko gasped in awe as she watched Setsu's normally bored and annoyed expression turn into pure magnificence. The stunningly beautiful girl turned into the sun and it was hard to look at her. Mariko was curious now, but she tried to hide it, instead she tapped Setsuka on her shoulder. She jumped back when Setsuka turned and glared at her. Clearing her throat and pushing her glasses up her nose, she tried to remain in control and said, "I assume your Aniki is in the hall way and I would greatly like to meet him."

Setsuka gave Mariko a once over, like she was trying to decide if Mariko was worthy of meeting her Nii-san. Mariko blushed hot. She hated feeling inferior and this girl made her feel that way without even doing anything. Finally, Setsuka nodded in confirmation. She stepped back into the hall and waited for Mariko to step out.

Mariko composed herself and put her best professional smile on. She walked into the hall prepared to meet the guardian of the troublesome Setsuka Heel. She turned to see Setsuka with her arm, now, wrapped around the arm of a dark figure. Her eyes stopped at the dark figures chest and started traveling up and up and up. Her eyes finally stopped and her professional smile fell from her face. She turned white. The first thought she had was, yep this person was definitely more anxiety inducing then Heel-san.