Sirius heard the clanking of metal as his cell door opened, this was it, he was about to be given the dementors kiss , then thrown into the pit of bodies underneath Azkaban. The man outside his cell was tall thin and very old judging by the silver of his beard and hair. He looked up to see the wrinkled face of his old Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore. His eyes crinkled at the corners as his face lifted into a smile.

'Why was he here' Sirius couldn't imagine why.

Dumbledore interrupted his thought "you're free Sirius, you're free".

He laid his head back in his knees, this was just a dream or a nightmare or both, nothing like this would or could ever happen. He felt Dumbledore help him to his feet, he wobbled and collapsed on the floor again.

He silently laughed in his head 'this is so much like the real Dumbledore. Maybe I've really lost the plot now…Maybe they've already given me the dementors kiss….I wonder if…'

His Train of thought was interrupted as the old man lifted Sirius head, level with his own.

"I speak the truth Sirius, Peter has been caught. Aand no you are not dreaming or having a nightmare".

'Was this actually real' he questioned himself,, was this actually true' thought Sirius. examining the look on the Professor's face.

'Only one way to find out, I guess

He jumped to his feet as his knees cracked.

He had remained in a crouched position ever since he had been brought here, only moving when the food tray was passed around.

"Harry….where…is he…is he safe". Sirius wheezed as he struggled to clamber to his feet.

Dumbledore spoke again, his voice instilling a certain calmness "Harry is safe….we'll worry about him later, let's go".

As Sirius limped outside, he saw the sun, the first time in 3 years. He gazed at it happy to stay staring at it until Dumbledore nudged him.

"Huh…what is….." But before he could finish his sentence Dumbledore handed something very familiar to him, it was his wand. He grabbed it off Dumbledore and felt warmth spread through his hands.

"How did you…"

Dumbledore cut him off "It wasn't me, it was Mr Lupin he retrieved it from the ministryGrimmauld place, shortly after you were taken to Azkaban.

Sirius silently thanked Moony for grabbing it otherwise it would have been snapped in two and thrown down the gutter.

He looked behind, the grey building that towered over them, stretching as far as the eye could see. He looked to the windows that swarmed with the prisoners kept in group cells, their ragged, mutilated garments, if one could them that. Their faces were devoid of any signs of joy or happiness. But one prisoner stood out the most her face gaunt and skull-like, her once thick shiny hair in matted dreadlocks.

"Cousin, cousin so niiice to see you again. Bail me out won't you. I'm not meant to be here, it was all a tragic mistake" came the sickly sweet voice.

Bellatrix. He turned to face Bellatrix making sure she was watching, he stuck his middle finger up for all to see.

"Sounds like your birth, bitch"

Bellatrix's face fell "SILENCE" she yelled to the prisoners snickering behind her.

"You better watch your back Sirius"

"Are you threatening me?''

"No, just giving you some friendly advice"

And at that she disappeared behind the crowd of prisoners. Dumbledore was smiling to himself, apparently amused. Sirius laughed hysterically, knowing his words would have really affected Bellatrix as she was a very proud of her family name. Dumbledore nudged Sirius

"Hold on" Dumbledore murmured, knowing Sirius was too weak to apparate by himself.

He felt the familiar tightening of his chest and as soon as it had come it was gone

Sirius found himself in his childhood home, 12 Grimmauld place. He had hated this place….but anything was better than Azkaban. It looked exactly the same as when he had left at 16, elf heads on the wall and the portrait of his mother behind the curtain. He walked into the kitchen and saw his best friend, Remus Lupin, sitting on the old oak table. He smiled, what could be better, he was out of Azkaban, Harry was safe and his best friend was sitting in the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry Sirius, I should have believed you, I should have known you would never betray Lily and James" exclaimed Remus. Sirius gave him a hug.

"It's not your fault Moony, if you had of been sent to Azkaban I wouldn't have believed you either".

They retreated to the table where Sirius spoke up "when can we go see Harry'' sounding like a naughty school boy

"I want to see him, it's his birthday in a couple of days and I…um".

"No offense Padfoot but you smell like a month's worth of roadkillroad kill and you don't look much better" Remus exclaimed with a hint of a smile "perhaps you should have a shower before going to meet Harry?" "

"You're right Moony" Sirius realised "always were"

He hobbled up the stairs, eventually finding the bathroom where he managed to find a bar of soap. He gazed into the mirror and jumped back at what he saw. He was much paler than he last remembered. His hair which used to be his best feature was longer than his shoulders and was extremely matted. His body was deathly skinny and he had lost all of the muscle he had gained in his time as an auror.

"Holy Shit" he whispered

Once he was completely free of the dirt and grime that had encased him, he retreated to the living room to see Moony and Dumbledore waiting, expectantly for him.

"I don't know if it would be wise to go see him Siriusthat would be wise Sirius" Dumbledore explained.

"Where is he living" asked Sirius completely ignoring Dumbledore's advice.

"He is living with his Aunt, Lily's Sister" replied Dumbledore.

"WHAT, you've got to be kidding me, Petunia hates magic. She hated Lily. She hates Harry as well" yelled Sirius "He is NOT living there. James and Lily would be turning in their graves if they knew he was living with those tyrants".

And at the he apparated on the spot, coming to a stop ending up at the end of Privet Drive. Gasping for air he hobbled down the road, having not apparated in 3 years.

"18….12…10…4 ah that's it" he uttered to himself.

He walked up the pristine driveway and came face to face with a burly man in a pale blue dressing gown..