When the team made it back to Cat's mansion they found Laura waiting for them. She had an irritated look on her face, which reminded Tori of Jade.

"There's a bit of a problem." She said.

"Rachel?" Jade questioned.

Laura nodded. "We've got her in one of the guest rooms, but once she wakes up she can just use her scream to render us useless and possibly escape. I don't think you would appreciate it if we gagged her."

"No. I wouldn't but we may have no choice."

Tori put a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder, "Maybe we can figure out what's wrong with her before it comes to that."

"We thought you would like to look her over, because you're her family." Laura said. "You would know if something was amiss."

"Take me to her."
Laura headed up the stairs, the group following her. Laura stopped at an open door. "In here."

Jade stepped inside to see her cousin laid across the bed, with her hands tied to the headboard. She gave Laura a look. "Why'd you tie her to the bed?"
"Well, if we don't she could just slip out the window."

"If we had a cell or something to put her in we would have done that." Laura said, looking pointedly at Cat.

The redhead crossed her arms, "This is my house not a prison."

"Yet it's your headquarters." Laura stated.

Jade walked over to her cousin and reached into her pocket retrieving the voice box. She held it up to the others, "Do you think this has something in it?"

"Unlikely because she pulls it off when she screams, but I can run it through the lab. Maybe it's got a serum in it or something like that. Hey, speaking of serums maybe I should run a blood test. See if there's anything odd in her blood stream."

Jade frowned in thought but nodded, "Okay. Do it while she's out."

Tori patted Jade's shoulder, "I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"It'll take a day or so before we get the results." Cat said.

"That's fine. I'll check her over and see if there's anything weird on her. New scars or any electronics attached to her neck or something."

"I'll go get the needle."

Jade didn't find a trace of anything suspicious anywhere on Rachel. Now all they had to do was wait for the lab results. Which was easier said than done. When Rachel woke up an hour later she immediately tried to escape. Jade's ears started to bleed before she finally clamped her hands over Rachel's mouth. No matter what she said Rachel wouldn't come around, but after awhile she did stop trying to escape.

By the time night rolled around Jade was disheartened. As a precaution she gave her a sleeping pill to make sure nothing happened during the night before she went to bed with Tori, who had to force her to get some rest. It wasn't a restful sleep for Jade. She was up at four a.m. and was checking in on her cousin. Thankfully she was still out. She sat on the bed next to Rachel and ran a hand through her hair.
"Isn't it a bit early for you to be up?" A voice behind Jade made her jump.

The Goth turned to see Laura leaning against the door frame. "You're one to talk."

Laura shrugged, "I had something to do."

"Calling your boyfriend?"

"Ha. No. Since you're going to be nosey I had to get some food." Laura rolled her eyes.

"Night hungers?"

"Yep. I was also having some flashbacks." Laura's eyes drifted to the floor.

"Yeah. I didn't tell you did I?"
"Tell me what?" Jade looked at her curiously.

"You must know I'm a clone like you correct?" Jade nodded and Laura went on, "Unlike you, I did not get away. I was trained as an assassin for years. They trained me to be emotionless, but lately...I've been feeling emotions, mostly guilt. Before I felt nothing but now it's haunting. Even the people whose deaths were unintentionally caused by me."

"That isn't your fault. They made you that way you didn't have a choice."

"You realize it could have been you correct?"

"If it were me you wouldn't be here. It may sound selfish but I prefer you here."

Laura gave her a barely there smile. "Thanks. Anyway it just… keeps me up sometimes."
"You wouldn't do that to someone now right?"
"If I had no choice I would have to." Laura crossed her arms.

Jade gave an exasperated sigh. "That's not what I meant and you know it. If someone gave you a target to take out would you do it?"

"You're not the same person you were then." Jade said, getting up and walking over to her. "You can't do anything about it now. There's no changing the past. You just have to worry about the future."

Laura nodded, "I know. It's not that easy though."
"Hey, your my sister. You're tough. You can get through it."

Laura smiled, "You're right. Again."

"Yeah, the big sister usually is." Jade gave her a playful grin.

"Yeah, yeah. So, how is she?" Laura nodded towards Rachel.
"She's unchanged. Still asleep thankfully."

"No mind control devices on her?"
"Not one."

Laura frowned thoughtfully. "I'm not sure then. Perhaps it's internal?"
"I didn't see any scars."
"Sometimes they don't leave scars. We could get a metal detector. May work."
Jade nodded. "Yeah."

"I'll work on finding one." With that she was gone before Jade could say anything. Jade went back to the bed and sat down. Her hand went back to stroking Rachel's hair.

A/N So, I'm starting a new story. WEll the prep for it at least. There's a poll on my profile to vote for characters. If you like Total Drama and want to see the cast compete with the Victorious crew go vote!