Oh my gosh, I'm sorry this took so long! Onto chapter 3! In which pretty much nothing happens...

Akihito wakes up to a familiar, but certainly not unpleasant sensation coming from his groin area. He hums and stretches luxuriantly, "Morning," he mumbles.

"Good morning," Asami replies, continuing his languid stroking of Akihito's cock.

Akihito instinctively presses his hips back against Asami, only to find that Asami's member is apparently disinterested in the proceedings. Akihito's eyebrows furrow ever so slightly until he remembers the tea and smiles.

Asami quickens his pace slightly, "You're in a very good mood so early in the morning.

Akihito squirms, "Hard not to be when you're..." he blushes, "doing that."

Laughing, Asami moves his hand even faster, rubbing his thumb over the head of Akihito's arousal with each stroke, "So modest still, my cute Akihito."

Akihito pants and wriggles under Asami's touch, "Sh-shut up, jerk," he stammers out with no bite behind it at all.

"Jerk indeed," Asami squeezes just tight enough to send Akihito crying and writhing over the edge, spilling into his hand. He watches intently as pleasure washes over the boy's face and holds him tightly as he trembles and twitches on his way back down. He extricates himself slowly from Akihito, trying to ignore the fact that his body simply will not respond to the erotic display before him.

"Wait. Where are you going?" he sits up as though pulled by an invisible string connected to Asami.

"To work."

"Oh," Akihito flops back into the pillows with a Cheshire cat grin and stretches languorously. "Well, have fun."

Asami finishes getting dressed and shrugs on his suit jacket and turns around, almost caught off guard by the sight of Akihito's naked form stretched out across the bed. His mind darts to the bottle of pills in his nightstand drawer, but there are meetings to attend, Diet members to blackmail, and kneecaps to break, so he strides for the door, one fist clenched at the thought of his unresponsive member.

Akihito, for his part, is valiantly oblivious to the empty ache in his body. He squirms a little as he heads for the shower, stretching as if trying to ease sore muscles, but finding none.

"Alright! Aki's playin' hookie!" Takato claps his friend hard on the back, causing Akihito to choke slightly.

Koh shakes his head and pats Akihito more gently between the shoulder blades. "He can't play hookie when he doesn't have a real job."

"He-hey!" Akihito protests.

"Sure he's got a job," Takato states, ignoring Akihito. "He's that Asami-guy's pleasure boy, ain't that right, Aki?"

Akihito sputters. "What!?"

Koh laughs, "I don't know that he actually gets paid for that...er... job."

Akihito puffs up, "You're damn right I don- HEY!"

"So how'd you get your sugar daddy to let you out of the house for the day?" Takato prods him between the ribs.

"Ouch! Will you guys quit it?" Akihito folds his arms over his chest and definitely does not pout.

"Yeah, Takato, quit it or he'll send his boyfriend's goons after us," Koh snickers.

Alright, so he pouts, but it feels good to be out with his friends. It's been a couple weeks since he's seen them and he never realizes how much he misses them until he sees them again. Asami has a rather brilliant way of driving pretty much all other thought from Akihito's head.

"I should get me a sugar daddy," Takato muses idly.

Koh snorts, "I didn't exactly know you swung that way, Takato."

"Hey, for access to all Tokyo's nightclubs, fancy rides, a penthouse and shiny new camera equipment, I could swing that way."

"Watch it, I paid for that camera stuff myself," Akihito exacts his revenge and pokes Takato in the side.

"Sure you did, Aki. Sure you did."

"Let's just go to the arcade, okay? Last one there pays for the first round!" Akihito takes off running for the door.

Takato takes off running after him "Aki, wait up, that's not fair!"

Koh strolls leisurely behind, shaking his head. When he catches up, Takato and Akhito are standing on the Dance Dance Revolution platform holding out their palms for money. Koh grins as he hands it to them, "What, didn't you get your allowance yet, Aki? Or did you spend it already?"

Akihito sticks his tongue out at his friend.

"Promises, promises," Koh smirks.

Akihito promptly pulls his tongue back into his mouth. "Whatever, let's just get this game started."

An hour later, Koh and Takato are collapsed on the floor as Akihito gloats from the platform. The three of them are covered in sweat and breathing heavily, but Akihito is clearly the winner.

"Man, you haven't schooled us like that in a long time, Aki," Takato says.

"I know, what's gotten into you today, man?" Koh continues.

Akihito blinks for a moment as he realizes that it's just what hasn't gotten into him that's made him so energetic. He smirks, "Nothin', just feeling good."

Takato's face breaks into a wide grin, "He probably got some real good last night."

Koh rolls his eyes and Akihito's face turns bright red. He lifts his chin and crosses his arms. "You guys always have your minds in the gutter. Is that all you ever think about?"

Where Kirishima's morning reports are normally just tedious for Asami, today they are absolutely, mind-numbingly laborious. He'd much rather still be in bed, doing all the terribly unspeakable things to Akihito that make him cry out Asami's name until it's a litany of nonsense.

There's still the image of Akihito naked, face flushed, whimpering and writhing, burned in Asami's brain. But a foreign sense of shame and failure mars the beauty of the memory. Normally, all Asami has to do is allow himself to think of Akihito in such a state and he's almost instantly hard. He rakes his hand through his hair and folds his hands on the desk before unfolding them and drumming his fingers against the polished mahogany. A sigh slips out more heavily than he intends.

Kirishima pauses, noticing his boss' fidgeting, "Sir?"

Asami levels Kirishima with a withering glare. "What?" For the first time in a long time, he imagines throttling Kirishima by his neck before taking a deep breath.

Kirishima adjusts his glasses and considers carefully before answering. Whatever Takaba has done now is really bothering his boss, but Kirishima knows better than to ask and only hopes that Asami isn't about to issue a kill order on the kid, "Nothing, sir."

"Good. We're done then. Leave now."

Kirishima hadn't finished, but knows better than to argue with that tone. He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him, wondering if he should speak to Takaba and than further wondering what he could even possibly say that wouldn't get him fired or shot by Asami. To accuse Takaba of cheating to his face would surely be a fool's errand, the kid would insist he didn't know what Kirishima was talking about either way. To reveal the obvious distress Takaba's antics were causing his boss would be a vile breach of both the written and unwritten contracts of Kirishima's relationship to Asami.

And yet…

The bespectacled man leaves his report with Asami's secretary and exits the office.

Behind the closed double doors, Asami stands and paces the room like a caged panther. He glances at the door and then out the window and as he has many times before, contemplates having Akihito brought to him. In his mind, he slams Akihito forward against the desk and doesn't even let his jeans fall down all the way before thrusting his fingers into the boy's body, followed just a little too shortly after by his cock. He can almost hear Akihito scream, almost feel him rocking back against his hips. Asami braces his hands against the front of his desk and imagines pounding into Akihito's tight little ass.

But his body does nothing. His cock will not respond, no matter how he wills it too. It's almost painful and Asami growls, releases his grip on the desk and stalks over to the couch. He sits down, mind racing, trying to find something, anything that will excite him.

He flicks open his trousers and takes hold of his flaccid member. Stroking gently, he tries to banish Akihito from his mind and instead pulls up a memory of a girl he knew in another lifetime. She's as fresh and beautiful in his mind as ever with long dark hair and soft eyes. A small smile plays on his lips as he remembers how she squirmed and writhed and how he had to shush her by kissing her or else her parents would hear. He squeezes himself a little tighter to mimic how tight she had been and dripping wet, just for him…


Asami snarls and lets go of his still unresponsive cock. It's useless. And what's worse is there's a small voice in the back of his head making him feel as though he's now been unfaithful to Akihito. As if he's ever cared about being faithful to anyone before. As if Akihito is special. As if he's the only one Asami wants in his bed for the rest his life. As if that insolent brat had the audacity to make Asami love him.

He pulls the comforting black pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and smiles wryly to himself as he lights one and puts it to his lips. He takes a long, deep drag and some of the tension flows from his body, but it's not enough.

There's a dull ache in his chest that begs a question he's not sure he wants the answer to. What if he cannot satisfy Akihito any longer?

Ever since Asami found out that sex was a thing one could be good at, he has strived to see to each one of his lovers' needs. It's not exactly the first time Asami has questioned how much of his relationship with Akihito is based on mind-blowing sex and that alone, but it is the first time he has had to risk losing his boy over the answer.

He slides into his desk chair and takes another puff from his cigarette, tapping the ashes off into the crystal tray at the corner of his desk. What would Akihito say if Asami told him that he could no longer take care of him sexually? Would he accept all else that Asami could offer him? Not likely given his steadfast refusal to do so thus far. No, it is more likely that he would laugh, as he did before. Laugh and leave. Maybe even run off to Fei Long, who is indeed younger than Asami.

But there are little blue pills in his nightstand drawer at home.

"I'll see you later, guys," Takato throws his arms over his two friends' shoulders and then releases them. "I've got some work I need to finish. It was good to see you today, Aki."

Akihito smiles, "Yeah, you guys too."

"You're not leaving yet too, are you, Aki?" Koh asks.

"Nah, man, I'll walk with you," Akihito waves to Takato as he disappears around a corner.

"Today was fun," Koh says.

"Yeah, it sure was," Akihito agrees, folding his arms behind his head and stretching. "That dance game gave me a really good work out."

"You know, Aki, we could have more days like this." Koh's face begins to turn pink and he doesn't dare look over at his friend.

"I know, I need to make more time for you guys."

"That's not exactly what I-"

"I mean, it just gets so busy with work and all… and then Asami…" Akihito trails off.

"That's what I'm saying, you could… never mind."

"Huh?" Akihito glances at Koh with a puzzled look on his face, but his friend doesn't look back.

Koh shakes his head. He shoves his hands into his pockets and stares at the ground. "What's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"You know… like, being with another guy…"

Akihito starts suddenly, "Uh… why do you want to know?"

Koh stops walking, "I just do."

Akihito stops beside him. He puffs out a sigh and leans back against the wall of the store they've stopped in front of, not noticing Koh's step closer. "Well, it's, you know… I mean. I don't know, really." Koh reaches for Akihito's hand, but Akihito pulls away at the last second to rub the back of his neck sheepishly, ignorant of Koh's intent. "You know, I guess… I don't know. It's hard to explain."

Koh shifts on his feet for a moment before leaning in closer to Akihito, wanting to do something romantic, like smooth Akihito's hair off his face or… anything, but as he presses forward to kiss his friend, a voice rings out from down the sidewalk.


Akihito pushes away from the building, still unaware of what Koh had been trying to do. "Hey, Kirishima," he waves, "how's it going?"

"Takaba," Kirishima's voice is low and almost lethal. "We need to talk."

I hope it was worth the wait! I'll try to have the next chapter out sooner!