Memories: Book 2

It was once said that there would be two. Two to be different. The two would cross dimensions together, in search for one thing.


Family is undoubtedly the most important thing you can have, and because of this, it is important to keep it safe.

If you don't know much about your family, you probably don't know yourself very well either.


I'm Ashley White.

I'm here to introduce you to my family.

"ASHLEY! I told you to get out of bed twenty minutes ago! You can't be late again!"

I groaned and rolled over to see my mom standing in the doorway of my bedroom, shaking her head.

Let's pause a moment.

You see, my mom isn't like most moms, and neither is my dad. Especially my dad.

My mom, she's about thirty five, really young to have two twin teenage daughters. Her black hair falls just past her shoulders, though she's always liked it shorter. Now, let's go back to another boring school morning.

I rolled out of bed, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I am NOT a morning person...

Suddenly, something, or more specifically SOMEONE came flying at me.

"Wake up, ya lazy bum!" the person screamed in my ear.

I recognized my twin sister, Ami, right off the bat.

Ah, Ami. She's my identical twin, sharing my brown curls and pale skin. We can do this weird thing, some might call it 'twin telepathy' or something similar, but it's not, really. If one of us is feeling an extreme emotion, the other can feel it, no matter how far apart we are. That's how my sister found out about the bullies. But, we'll get to that later. Back to the present.

I shoved my sister off of me and made my way downstairs.

"Food..." Was all my brain could process at the moment, so I immediately found my dad. He was no pro chef, but a heck of a lot better than my mother's tendency to burn things. Heck, she even found a way to melt my ice cream completely as she was preparing it once! Yep, my mom's a special one...

My dad smiled at me. "Good morning, sunshine" he said sarcastically, seeing as I was still half asleep and in my pajamas.

You probably get the drill by now.

A word about my dad: he's a strange one. He always acts kind of mysterious and I don't get to see him often. He works for a company that makes games, I'm not sure which, and works late. Practically the only time I get to see him is in the mornings for a little before he leaves. I think that's about all you need to know for now.

I had eggs for breakfast, and already I felt much more awake. I walked back upstairs to my room, while trying to figure out what to wear. It was picture day, and I didn't really have anything planned, so I just grabbed a random pair of jeans and a black T shirt with silver stars on it. I put in the matching earrings, and I was ready to go. I don't wear makeup, it makes me feel like a fake, or like I was trying to hide my face.

I do need to do one thing, though. I reached over across the counter to my contacts. I noticed that my sister's set was gone and I had just seen my dad wearing his.

Again, we're not your normal family. I had been wearing my contacts since I was very young, three maybe? Not because I want to, but because I have to. Believe me, if I didn't have to wear them, I wouldn't.

I sighed, looking at the mirror, mentally saying goodbye to my glowing white eyes.

It's finally here! the long-awaited (okay not so much) sequel to You, Me, and the Blockhead!

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