Here is the second Toothcup, enjoy! Thank you all for reviewing, it means a lot!

Warning: This chapter is rated T, no Smut or anything like last time, but definitely fluff. And as always, Yaoi, which is boyXboy, if you don't like it, (and if your reading this right now I think we have already established that you do in fact like it) please don't read!

Disclaimer: HTTYD belongs to cartoon network and pixar studios, not me. I make no profit off this story, it is mearly for your enjoyment! :D


Hiccup snuggled deeper into the covers, trying to envelope himself in as much heat as possible. It was winter in Berk, and the cold that had come with it was almost unbearable. This year was colder then any other he could remember, and as he curled himself in a tight ball under the covers he silently cursed the gods for freezing him to an ice cube like state.

It was about 1:00 am, and the stinging cold had woken the boy up from his pleasant sleep. Unable to fall back into his peaceful dream, he layed on his side and gazed at his dragon across the room. Toothless was laying on the floor, his wings and tail wrapped around him snuggly, oblivious to his rider's restlessness. At that moment Hiccup wanted nothing more then to just melt into the dragon's chest and let the heat blanket him securely. He would have gotten up and dragged Toothless into his bed too if it wasn't to cold to even think about leaving the small warmth that the comforter provided.

Hiccup pulled his head under the covers, letting his warm breaths heat up the small space under the blanket. Though it didn't last long, he found himself desperately needing fresh air in a matter of three breaths. Hiccup was never good with confined spaces, which was probably why he loved flying so much, there was so much room, the horizon went on like a vast sea, never ending and never getting smaller.

His toes were the coldest part of him, they felt like ice would form on them any second. He reached down and held his toes in his hands, leting a wave of warmth surround them before he let go of them again, his toes almost getting worse from the deprivation of heat. The boy sighed and tried his best to get more warmth to them in some way.

He tucked the covers in closer around himself, and stuck a pillow under the covers so his feet would keep some heat in. This helped a little, but the covers were not thick enough to keep the body heat in, and he became cold in a matter of minutes.

Hiccup groaned in frustration, closing his eyes and mentally giving up. He just wanted to be warm, was that so much to ask?

The boy was to upset and cold that he didn't notice that Toothless has woken up and was now looking at him with concern. The dragon didn't like the look of discomfort on Hiccup's face, he could definitely tell that something was bothering his lover. He studied the way the boy was curled up, and saw him shivering under the thin covers.

Almost immediately Toothless sprang up from his warm position and stepped over to Hiccup's bed. He jumped on the bed, surprising the boy, that was the last thing he expected. Toothless plopped down on top of Hiccup, letting his warm body engulf the human's cold form. He spread his wings out and shifted so he wouldn't be putting to much weight on him.

Hiccup smiled up at the dark dragon, petting his face softly. "Good dragon..." he half whispered.

Toothless smiled a small toothless smile and gently licked Hiccup's face, the boy laughing a little at the show of affection. The dragon rested his head on Hiccup's chest lightly, making sure not to press to much weight onto the boy.

Hiccup smiled and stroked Toothless's head, he was glad to have such an amazing creature as his lover. He was smart and caring and understanding, his first real friend. He loved the dragon with everything in him and more.

Oh, and he wasn't that bad of a heater either.

-end of oneshot-

So , how did that turn out? I like it a lot better then the last one I did, I think I was a lot more descriptive this time! Sorry it took so long to come out with another, I had several different ideas and I really haven't felt like writng lately. Sorry.

Oh, and as of right now I am taking oneshot requests for this collection, face it, I have no ideas what so ever for this thing anymore! So if there is something you would like to see, don't hesitate to PM me!

Oh, and the more reviews I get the more motivated I am to continue! I know you can do it, I have seen how many people are following this! ;)

Till next time,
