A.N: sorryfor the wait i had to study for my exam and after that i had a writter block has to know how i was gonna continue this story. but now it's okay and i think i know were i'm going.

Chapter 5

No one p.o.v

It's not going to be like that! What does she think she is going? I'm not going to let her do this. She would never have done this normally, they probably brain washed her and I'm not going to let them get her. They would heard about me. I'm gonna hit them and they never will see it come.

First stop find the family...

C p.o.v

We all know the outcome that Tanya had with the Volturi. Sadly it was still heart breaking to saw Izy reach to her and try to comfort her and Tanya stepping away from her. With a disappointed look on her face, she turned around and left the room without a look behind for her mate. Izy looked completely confused and rejected. Despite all that the brunette still tried to go after her wanting to comfort her.

''babe let her go. She need time to think and come to term with all this.'' said Kate, restraining Izy in her place. ''but I don't understand, what did I do?'' the poor girl looked distraught and almost in pain. Well it's habitually what happen when you are rejected by your mate, but she seemed more fine than what I heard of. Maybe the effect are lesser with three mates.

''you didn't do anything dear.'' I stepped in. ''you see Tanya, as a bad past with the volturi. Some time ago they applied a law, but the consequence were pretty big. This day we lost someone who was very close to us and particularly to her. She always thought it was to excessive and stayed as far always as possible from the person who's responsible.''

''I didn't do it or order it, I swear. I had never heard of your coven. It's been long since I was there. Look I know I done some really bad thing but this is not my work.'' Izy said looking lightly hurt and angry, but her mate's instantly hugged her, calming her down.

''we believe you baby, don't worry we all done some terrible thing in our past, we don't judge you and neither are Tanya. She just need to cool down and process all that.''

''I think we should all take time to process it. That enough for today.'' said Irina. We immediately nodded and after saying goodbye the three left to go upstairs.

B p.o.v

the girl lead me to a room that must be Kate room by the smelt. The girl cuddled into me trying to ease the pain they knew I felt. Hell did it hurt, I couldn't imagine what single mated person must felt when rejected. In all my life I felt a lot of physical pain but nothing like this, it was a real torture precisely because it wasn't physical. Not something who faded, not something who you could stop thinking about, because it were always there.

I'm abitualy a very confident person but when she turned her back on me I was lost. Kate and Irina was there to help me but the feeling was still there. That I would never be complet again, and it hurt probably less because I still had two beautiful mates with me. No wonder vampire got insane when they lost their mate. Wanting something that could so easily destroy you but couldn't resist it.

Even if Kate and Irina was sure it wasn't definitive and that she just needed time it feel like the end. probably because I always was a pessimist person. I still wanted to believe them but the more it was hard to believe.

I p.o.v

I went to Kate room where she was with Izy. They were cuddled calmly, Kate was talking about all and nothing just so she was doing something. Our mate seemed to appreciate her voice. She always relaxed when she was licening to our voice. In the month that Izy had came in our life our leader still hadn't done a move to talk to her.

And now I had more than enough of her child like action and that is why I am here now to talk to Kate.

''I need to see you privately Kate, I hope you don't mind babe?''

''you can talk to her, I don't mind.''

''ok well we won't be long.'' I said slowly approaching her side of the bed. I placed a chaste kiss lips. She tried to deepened it like every other time. Normally I wouldn't say no, because it was one of her way to find comfort and we were always so happy to help her. I didn't harm that she was an amazing kisser. But Kate and I really needed to talk.

''later baby, I promise.'' I said pushing her away slowly.

''yeah, OK.'' she said laying down on the bed again. ''you are sure you will be alright?'' Kate asked.

''yes mom stop worrying so much I will be alright alone for some time.'' she replied smirking lazily. ''oh I assure you, dear mate that y intention are far from motherly.''

''ok that enough. You can continue your flirting game later.''

''you are just jealous that she is flirting with me and not with you.''

''don't listen to her Irina, she is the jealous one because you get to kiss me.'' she said running to my side and giving me a thorough kiss. ''go now, the faster you go the faster you came back to me.''

we rapidly ran to the forest stopping just when we got out of hearing rang. ''what do you want to talk about?'' she asked me. ''we have to do something about Tanya. It's killing me to see her like this and I know it's killing you too. We we gave her enough time to come to terms with it, now it's just ridiculous.''

''I know but do you think she will listen to us? All she ever wanted for this last thousand year was a mate and revenge on the volturi.''

''and she is a volturi and not just one of us but the person who started it I know. But she isn't just that and she told us that she wasn't there when it happen and I believe her. But Tanya never got to heard that because she ran before Izy could place a world. That is exactly why we need to talk to her because without this precious information she will probably never come around. She just need to see the marvelous person that is our mate.''

''you are right we need to talk to her. She is acting like a child, I just hope that she will listen to us and that she won't be as stubborn as she used to be.''

we found her on the edge of her creek. She always came here since the death of our aunt to think, so it wasn't a real surprise to find her here. Her gaze fixed on a point in the horizon. She looked terrible, like she hadn't moved from there for a week. She probably hadn't. We sited on each side of her, slowly catching her attention, ''hey.'' looking in her eyes, you could see the war ragging inside her.

''you had to do something about it you know. You can't stay like that and most important you can't let her like that.'' her eyes instantly showed a great among of fear. ''tell us what got you so afraid sist.''

''I want so much to be with her, the pull to go to her is hell to resist, but i'm afraid that it will be a betrayal to our aunt. I want so much to believe that she is not like those monster. That she would never do such horrible thing. That I would never mate with someone who can do such bad, but what if she was just like them, like the king, and like every person who carry the volturi name. I can't bear the though of life without our mate but I don't know if I could accept her being a monster.''

''so you ran, because staying away from her is less painful than the though of losing her?'' she turned away her gaze from me and shamefully nodded. I looked at Kate and I could see she was sad about the whole story too. ''it's ok.'' she said hugging Tanya, ''everything will be alrght. You don't have to fear this.''

''we will be there for you,'' I rassured her, hugging her myself, ''and I don't think that Izy is this bad of a person.''

''how can you be so sure?'' Tanya asked me. ''other than all the time than I spend with her and the fact that she told us so. Well do you remember when she came here for the first time?''

''yes she was a total mystery. So young and old at the same time. A strange mix of confidence and submission was emanating from her.''

''exactly.'' having lost them completely I explicated my point. ''she must be the most powerful vampire to never have existed. From the time Carmen and Eleazar approached her in the forest at when she mated with Tanya she had more than enough time to kill us all over again, and she had the power to do so. And it's not like we would have been ready, we were ready for a crazy newborn not for THE vampire. Hell we didn't know such danger existed before her. But she showed nothing but her entire submission and cooperation to person who's under her...''

''yes but Eleazar was still careful around her resting ready to defend himself or his mate if the need ever arrived.''

''yeah but he thought she was a newborn,'' Kate continued seeing where I wanted to go with my idea. ''and he is always overprotective of Carmen that is not new and that would never change. But when he discovered who she really was, he instantly growled at her ready to attack her because he had just realized how dangerous she was...''

''and,'' I continued, ''even there she didn't as much as raised a finger to harm him. Who know one volturi who wouldn't have replicated? She may be confident and even a little cocky sometime but she had every right to be and it isn't the same confidence almost too much that it's turn in arrogance that the volturi display. And she would do anything for us. She really don't want to anger us, it's like she never had a relationship.''

''plus you can't hold her past against her because god know that our past is ugly just has hers.''

''look give me a moment please... i'm gonna talk to her it's just that I need a moment.''

''of course we will give you time and space. Come kate we will go to izy.'' I said getting up and returning to the house. We couldn't really do anything more for the time. We just had to wait and hope I guest.

A.N 2: i'm really sorry for the mistake english is not my first language but sadly i'm worst in my first anguage than in english. i don't really have a beta, there is some one who is correcting my mistake but they are not officially a beta so i would like the help. and this chapter was not corrected because i got no reponse from my no-beta and i don't want to be to cingly. in short if you want to help me i wouldn't say no...