Hi, Maxine's back With a new thingy majiggy.. Still I don't have experience in writing so spare me! :) This will be a only one chapter or many chapters, whatever you want, you can request too, i'll see what I can do. But don't expect too much that is, on exams, so I'll really try hard. I'm too young to die after all. This just came to me like a wrecking ball! Get that?! Maybe I should befriend Izuki-senpai. :/

Anyways, Enjoy! :D

After the victorious game of Seirin with Rakuzan, the GoM got back to who they are then. Kuroko asked the GoM for a meeting and they accepted, anything for their Sixth Phantom Player. They met in a certain place... At Teiko's rooftop, their old hangout place.

"So Tetsu, what're we gonna do here?" Aomine asked

"Yeah, why do you need us anyways? Not that I really wanted to be here." Midorima stated

"I just want to sing my feelings for you all when I decided i'm gonna change you all back to who you have been." Kuroko said bluntly but his words were out of character

Akashi raised a brow at what Kuroko said but he still let him "Very well, Tetsuya. You may start" he then smiled genuinely

"Yey! I get to see Kurokocchi sing-ssu!" Kise chirped

"Kuro-chin singing~ Kuro-chin singing~" Murasakibara said in a singsong voice

Kuroko started to sing.
"I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it

I won't give up on us
God knows i'm tough, he knows
We got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up"

After singing, he noticed his friends have tears on their faces and their reactions are:

Akashi wiped a teardrop, threatening to fall with his finger "You're so good at singing, Tetsuya. I'm so proud of you and touched in your choice of song... It relates so much."

Kise hugged Kuroko "KUROKOCCHI! I-It's s-so t-touching-ssu! I'm so sorry for changing-ssu!" As he cried a river on Kuroko's shoulder
"Kise-kun, you are getting me wet" as he detached Kise off of him

Aomine just sat on a corner muttering 'I'm sorry, Tetsu' over and over again like a mantra

Midorima, well, let's just say he left wailing then came back after he composed himself

In Murasakibara's case, he just stood there crying, eating snacks while whispering "Kuro-chin's so sad"

"What's wrong?" Kuroko asked, worried washed over his face

"N-NOTHING!" The GoM said while crying

Review please and you can drop a request. Till next time -Maxine