So I did a thing. Hope y'all like it. Leave me reviews or something.

She quietly walks in the front door, gently kicking off her heels. She drops her briefcase and coat by the door and follows the voices coming from the kitchen. She stands in the hallway, looking into the kitchen and a smile creeps across her face. Their three boys are sitting on stools at the island doing homework while their daughter sits on the kitchen counter watching Fitz make dinner, swinging her heels back against the cabinet. He looks up, as if he can sense her presence. He catches her eye and smiles. He bends down and whispers something in the little girl's ear and she automatically turns. "Mommy's home!" she yells, and with that she's jumping off the counter and running over to her, launching herself in her mother's arms.

She easily catches the little girl and spins her around. "Hey baby, how was school?"

She looks into her mother's eyes, "It was good, we learneded about butterflies today and snack was ants on a log." She adjusts her daughter on her hip and tries to tame her unruly curls. "Learned, Amy, not learneded."

"Yeah learned. And John gots in big trouble today." She looks up at Fitz and then at her middle son. She catches the evil eye he shoots his sister and the smirks on the other boys' faces. Amy twirls a loose strand of hair around her finger and mouths, "sorry John."

Olivia puts her down and walks around the other side of the island so she can face him. "Ok lay it on me. What'd you do this time Mr. Class Clown?"

"I didn't really do anything mom I swear." Fitz gives him a stern look, "John Joseph I know you aren't lying now too."

"Ms. Newsome was being super boring so I started playing with Tommy's laser pen."

Fitz looks at him expectantly, "And?"

He draws air quotes with his hands, "And I disrupted the learning environment of the classroom and impaired my classmate's ability to concentrate."

"John, we've talked about this."

"I know mom. I'm really really sorry. And she took away the laser pointer anyway, so problem solved."

Tommy looks over at his brother. "She what? You got my pen taken away? You're so stupid John."

Fitz and Olivia both shoot their oldest son a disapproving look and in unison, "hey, no name calling."

Amy pipes up from her seat at the table, "yeah and when you wanna call someone a bad name, it has to be a flower."

"That's absolutely right, Ames. Flower names only. We'll talk about your punishment after dinner, John."

She rounds the counter and comes up next to her youngest son. She lays a kiss on top of his short curls. "And how was your day buddy?"

He smiles up at her and kisses her cheek. "It was good, but can you help me with this problem?" He gestures down to a word problem on his worksheet. "Let's take a look. Ok, Sarah has one dollar in coins. She has three quarters, and two dimes. If she doesn't have any pennies, what is the only possible other coin she has?" She puts down the pencil and looks at her son. "Ok Adam, go get me my purse." The boy quickly runs out to the foyer and returns with her purse. She pulls out three quarters, two dimes, a nickel, and five pennies. "Ok show me what Sarah already has." Adam quickly moves the three quarters and two dimes into a pile on one side of the counter. "Now how much money is that?"

"It's, uh," he starts counting on his fingers, "ninety five cents?"

She smiles. "Are you asking me or telling me?"


She rouses his hair. "Good boy. Now how much many more cents does she need to make a dollar?"


"And what coin is worth five cents?"

He picks up the nickel and holds it up for her to see. "A nickel."

"And there you go, that's your answer."

He writes the answer and smiles, "Can I keep it?"

"I'll tell ya what, you can keep it all if you can get your brothers and sister to go wash up for dinner."

Adam gathers the coins in his hand and they all stand, making their way out of the kitchen.

Fitz walks over to her and wraps her tight in his arms. He kisses her forehead and then her temple and finally her lips.



They stand locked in their embrace in silence, oblivious to anything other than each other, forever in sync.

They stay like that until Amy comes barreling into the kitchen, Adam close behind her. She reaches out and touches her father. "Hah I win!"

Fitz lifts her into his arms. "And what did you win little miss?"

She thinks for a minute, shrugs her shoulders and purses her eyebrows. "Dunno. A pony?" And she flashes her father a bright smile.

He chuckles and kisses the top of her head before he puts her back down. "How about a sno cone at Adam's little league game tomorrow."

She puts her finger to her lips and thinks for a minute but then with a sparkle in her eye she looks back up at him. "I guess that would work."

"Good. Now can you help Tommy get drinks for everyone?"

She runs over in front of the cabinet where the cups are stored. "Tommy help, I can't reach." And she reaches up and jumps as if to emphasize her point. Tommy comes up behind her and lifts her so she can grab six cups. He fills them with ice water and she carefully carries them one by one to the table as the other boys put out plates and silverware. Olivia goes and changes as Fitz puts the meal on the table.

They all sit and John says the blessing. They eat, and talk, and tell stories, and laugh. They have family dinner, because that's the policy. Family dinner, every night, without exception. Because no matter how busy their lives get, nothing is more important than their little family, than watching their kids grow, than being there for them everyday. Jobs come and go, positions come and go, but family doesn't. Family is forever.

And no matter how stressful running a city and a family proves to be, she's never been happier. Being the mayor has its perks, but being a mom, it's her dream job. And she loves every minute of it.

They finish dinner, and she declares that John is to clear the table tonight, a small start to his punishment. Fitz sends the other kids upstairs to put on their pajamas so when they fall asleep watching the Friday night family movie they can be carried right off to bed. John eventually finished the table and runs upstairs to change.

She starts loading the dishwasher, but he stops her. He grabs her hips and pulls her to flush to himself, letting his lips fall to hers. His hands roam down her back as hers intertwine in curls at the nape of his neck. Breathlessly, they break away.

She's smiling. "Hmm what was that for?"

"For being such a good mom." He kisses her neck. "And for being such a good wife." He kisses the other side of her neck. "And for giving me the best life." He kisses behind her left ear. "And for being the most kickass mayor Montpelier has ever seen." He kisses behind her right ear. "And for not letting them make us watch Toy Story again." He kisses her lips.

She smiles against his lips. "But Toy Story is a classic. That's what we watched on our first movie night so many moons ago."

Tommy walks in. "C'mon it's starting. And Amy asked for popcorn."

She turns back to the dishes. "I'll be right in, go ahead."

"No. I'll finish up here. Go spend time with our little brats, I know they missed you today."

She salutes him and walks out, calling behind her, "don't forget the popcorn Mr Grant." And he hears Adam add, "with extra butter please."

He puts the popcorn in the microwave and finished the dishes. He walks into the living room with two big bowls of popcorn. He hands one to Tommy, Amy, and John who are sharing blankets on the floor. And he puts the second on the coffee table in front of Olivia. She has her arm secured around Adam as he's snuggled tight into her side. Fitz takes a seat on the other side of her, and Amy comes up to sit in his lap.

The two younger kids quickly fall asleep, per their usual, and they're carried off to bed. Olivia and Fitz return to the living room in pajamas of their own.

John looks back at them. "Can we watch Harry Potter now?"

"On one condition, no more getting in trouble at school. Promise?"

He shakes his head in agreement. "Sorry."

"It's ok bud. But no more." And she thinks to herself.

"Actually there's two conditions. We have to watch the third one. It's my favorite."

"But mom we always watch that one." All three are pouting, lips pushed out in an exaggerated fashion.

She touches her pointer finger to John's nose. "Well mister, you should have thought about that before you decided to become the class clown." And she looks over at her eldest son. "And you, Tommy, should have thought about that before you gave your brother the idea." And finally, she looks back to Fitz. "And you, Mr. child at heart, should have thought about it before you gave Tommy the pen in the first place."

She smiles. "Now put on Prisoner of Azkaban or march yourselves off to bed."

They play the movie and she snuggles into Fitz's lap. She quickly drifts off to sleep and when they're sure she's dead asleep, they change the movie. They put on the eighth one and watch it straight though to the end. He looks at the clock and finally realizes how late it's gotten. "C'mon guys, Adam has an early game tomorrow. Time for bed."

John takes the empty popcorn bowls to the kitchen as Tommy half folds, half throws the blankets back on the couch, and Fitz carries Olivia up to their bed.

He goes to check on each of the kids, kissing their foreheads and making sure they're all tucked tightly into bed. He strips off his T-shirt and climbs into bed, placing himself directly behind Olivia. He pulls the covers up over them and drifts off to sleep, completely content with their life. Their normal, happy life.