'' Zia, stop teasing the Lillipup! '' Amelia Xavier said to her daughter, who was the spitting image of her mother, with lovely brown hair, and bright blue eyes. The 5-year old looked up at her mother. '' I'm not teasing it, Mom! I'm playing! '' She argued. Their Lillipup barked excitedly, chanting it's name. '' See! He said so!'' Zia pointed out. She was an extraordinary child, having the rare ability of being able to communicate with Pokemon. '' Alright, I'll just watch the fireworks by myself. '' Amelia said, walking out to the back yard. '' Wait! I wanna see the fireworks too! '' Zia yelled after her mother, following. Amelia. She chuckled to herself. She sat down on the garden chairs they had out on their patio, Zia climbing onto her lap and looking at the sky over Aspertia city. The first fireworks started almost immediately, blasting overhead. '' Wow! '' Zia cheered, gazing at them with glee. They went on for a full hour, bursting into shapes of pokemon and other things. The grand finale showed the three legendary dragons, Zekrom , Reshiram, and Kyurem.

'' One day I'm gonna catch one of those pokemon! '' Zie declared, bringing laughter from her mother.

If only she knew how right she was.