'Happy Fullbuster Family'

Chapter 5: Waterfall

Summary: Gray and Lucy Fullbuster are happily married. Everything is going smoothly until Lucy noticed she is pregnant. What now? [A companion to 'The Day That Everything Changed but you don't have to read that story if you want to read this one.]

A/ N: I had a small writer's block on this story but I'm back! Yay~! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

A/N 2: I'm on vacation right now and I'm updating. Yeah… I'm the kind of girl who takes her laptop on a holiday to write and I'm the girl who is sitting in a restaurant (for Wi-Fi) with a laptop to update this story… People are looking at me…

A/N 3: And btw sorry it took me so long to update this. The last time I updated this story was in December! I'm just so busy with my exams and I was broken when I heard that Kris is leaving EXO. Yeah… I'm fan of K-pop…

My native language is not English. I apologize for the mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail - Hiro Mashima does.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes. She blinked and rubbed her eyes with her fists. When she could see a little better, she saw Gray's bare chest. He was holding her close with and arm draped around her waist. Lucy was lying with her head on his other arm. Her arms were trapped between her bodies. Lucy sighed in content. She was just so happy. She slowly trialed Gray's abs. He was so handsome. She smiled happily.

'Goodmorning, beautiful.'

Startled Lucy looked up to find her husband's black orbs looking at hers. Lucy blushed. 'Sorry, did I wake you?'

Gray chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. 'No need for worries. I will make you some breakfast, okay? Stay put.'

Gray stood up and walked to the kitchen. He stretched and scratched his head.

He got some bacon and eggs from the fridge and sliced them in a pan. It started sizzling and it smelled good.

Suddenly Gray heard some noise from the bedroom. Something was wrong with Lucy.

He ran back to the bedroom to find his wife crying rivers in her bed.

'I'm such a bad person. I even let Gray make my breakfast. I'm going to be a bad mother. My child is going to hate me forever. I'm so weak and I'm like the most stupid person on earth.'

Lucy continued to ramble.

Gray stood there dumbfound. What was wrong with her? She was lying above the blanket. Her limbs wide. He could clearly see the baby bump now.

He gave Lucy a tissue. She stopped crying and rambling for a second to blow her nose in the tissue. She dumped it on the floor and started crying and rambling a second later.

Gray reached for Lucy and held her in his arms. She was still loud sobbing with unintelligible words. He glanced at the calendar. He wanted to smack himself. Today was the day that Lucy's mother died. And she obviously was pregnant so that must be the reason for her overly crying.

'Ssst~! Stop crying, you are ruining your pretty face.' Gray sussed the blonde mage.

Lucy giggled a little but still sobbed. She hide her face under the blankets.

Suddenly Gray had the perfect idea. 'I know it! Lucy, we're going on a date!' Gray sprang up.

Lucy sniffed. 'A date? I don't think I'll like that now…' She buried her face in her cushion.

'Come on, Lucy!' Gray wined. 'We haven't been on one in ages.'

He was begging her with his puppy dog eyes. 'Please?'

Lucy couldn't resist does eyes. She just couldn't. 'Argh, alright.' She groaned.

Gray cheered like a little kid. Lucy shook her head. And he was going to be a dad?

She sjued Gray out of the room and changed into "date clothes". Stil, Lucy didn't feel like changing out of her comfortable clothes


Gray dragged…no dragged isn't the good word…took her sternly by her wrist.

Lucy was complaining. Her feet hurt and she was hungry. 'Gray~! Where are we going?'

Gray just sighed and stopped. Lucy didn't see that coming and collided with his back. Gray was just quick enough to hold Lucy by her waist. 'Wow easy there.' Lucy blushed a dark red. 'S-shut up. It was your fault.' There started to form tears by her eyes. 'You are so mean!' Lucy began to sob loudly again.

Gray started to panic and he wanted to give himself a punch. Why in the world did he make his wife cry? He hugged Lucy and patted her head in a soothing manner. 'Sst~ it's going to be okay. I've got a surprise for you.' Lucy suddenly stopped crying. 'Really?' she beamed. Gray looked surprised. If he knew sooner that he got a something for her he would have told her earlier.

'Babe, look around. Where are we?' Gray asked to the blonde.

Lucy looked around. 'Don't know. In the middle of nowhere?'

Gray chuckled and ruffled her hair. 'Yeah you are actually right. But we aren't here for no reason.'

Gray took her hand and led her to a big willow tree. At the feet of the tree was a basket and a bouquet of flowers. He made Mirajane prepare a basket full of food.

'I think I've been here before.'

Gray smiled at his wife. He took her by the hand and went left from the big tree. The stopped by a hill. Lucy looked up and gasped. Her eyes were teary again but not from sadness. Gray gave her the flowers. Lucy flung her arms around Gray's shoulders. 'You are seriously the best.' Lucy captured Gray's mouth with hers. Gray smiled in their kiss. When the parted, it was Lucy's time to drag Gray up the hill.

When they arrived by the cross they sat down. 'Hello mother.' Lucy whispered and she lied the bouquet of flowers on the grass in front of the cross stone. 'How are you doing?' Lucy sobbed and laughed at the same time. Gray comforted her by drawing circles on her back. 'Did you know I'm pregnant, mom?' Lucy talked to her mom for a few hours. Lucy cried her heart out and she felt relieved when she was done talking. Lucy hugged Gray before she fell asleep. 'I love you.' Gray chuckled and replied back. 'I love you too, honey.' Gray took Lucy in his arms and walked carefully off the hill. He knew Lucy would be tired. Heck even he was tired and he wasn't even pregnant. He was proud of Lucy. He was glad she was his wife. He looked forward to seeing his child. He loved them both already very much.

Wait. Did they just forget to eat?

His stomach made a noise in responds. Gray sighed. He left the basket by Lucy's mothers grave.

Did you like it? I hope so. Tell me what you thoughts were in this chapter! Thank you so much!
