Chapter 60

"Do we really need the camp bed Elsie? Could you and I not just snuggle on the settee?" Charles asked, as he made them both a cup of tea in the kitchen.

"With your bad back … I don't think so … it'll seize up within the hour … and I for one do not want you out of action over Christmas …" Elsie joked, a twinkle in her eyes.

They were working out sleeping arrangements for Christmas. When Muriel and Harold had stayed with them previously, they had stayed in the spare bedroom. However, this was Beryl's room now and they did not want to move her. Therefore, Muriel and Harold would have their bedroom, and they would sleep downstairs on a temporary put-up bed.

Elsie was so looking forward to Christmas. It would be lovely to be surrounded by friends and family. Her in-laws would arrive tomorrow, and obviously Beryl would spend Christmas with them also. Their friends from Downton were also visiting them on Christmas Day afternoon, once their duties were over at the House.

"Elsie … how long will Beryl be gone?" Charles asked.

Daisy had taken their friend for a walk.

"Oh not long I shouldn't think … Beryl can only walk so far …" Elsie replied.

"It's just … all of this talk about beds … I was thinking …" Charles began, as he drew Elsie to him with a flirtatious smile.

"Charles … she'll be back in fifteen minutes …" Elsie laughed.

"You flatter me my love … that will still give us five minutes to have a cup of tea!" Charles joked, as Elsie giggled against his mouth.


"There they are!" Elsie shouted with glee, as she spotted Muriel and Harold getting off the train.

Charles and Elsie approached the elderly couple, with Elsie wrapping Muriel up into a huge, warm hug.

"My goodness Elsie … we are not American you know … all this hugging and kissing …" Muriel moaned.

"Speak for yourself my love … Elsie come here and make my day!" Harold said, his eyes lit up, as he wrapped his arms around Elsie's waist. He was such a small man that his head was at Elsie's bosom height, and if she was not mistaken, he had snuggled in rather too cosily during their welcome embrace. Elsie looked towards Charles, as she still held Harold, and he looked aghast, which made Elsie smile all the more.

"Well it is lovely to see you both … how was your journey?" Elsie said, stepping back from Harold's grip.

"Bloody terrible!" Muriel said, as she marched off towards the waiting car, and Harold shuffled behind her.

"… and Merry Christmas to you too Muriel …" Charles shouted ironically, as Elsie slapped his chest and giggled.


"Are they still at it at every given opportunity?" Muriel asked Beryl, as they all sat around the table for dinner. She placed much emphasis on the word 'it'.

Charles almost choked, spluttering wine all over himself. Elsie shook her head amused.

"… they are … I am pleased to say … although my presence has limited their options somewhat …" Beryl smiled, looking warmly at Elsie.

"… I have never known anything like it … at their age … well they are doing no harm I suppose …" Muriel continued.

Beryl stifled a laugh, as Elsie and Charles both looked stunned by the turn the conversation had taken; although they really should have been used to it by now.

"Muriel … do you think we could … for at least one meal … avoid taking about such intimate and private matters …" Charles said, as seriously as if he was addressing Lord Grantham about a household matter.

"… oh I should think we could … why don't we save further discussion until breakfast …" Muriel said seriously, with a smile curling at her lips.


The five of them were attending the Christmas Eve Carol Concert at the village church. It had been a glorious evening of festive cheer and joy. As they sang the final carol, Elsie looked along the pew, sighing happily. Muriel and Harold were singing their hearts out, with Muriel rolling her eyes regularly at her husband. It was true, Elsie thought, Harold's singing voice was unique! It was very loud and very out of tune; Elsie presumed his increasing deafness must have been the issue as he seemed pleased as punch with his musical contribution. Every time he hit a particularly excruciating note; Muriel glared at him. However, Elsie noted, Muriel did not stop him singing and the older woman looked very happy that her husband was enjoying the evening.

Beryl sat alongside Charles, and Anna and John were beside her. Beryl had progressed so well over recent months and although she would always be a little frail on her feet, she was much more independent than she had once been. She still needed help with some tasks, and Elsie and Charles would always be there for her, but she had settled into a very content and purposeful life at the cottage with her two friends.

Elsie then gazed at Charles; the love of her life. The man beside her had brought such happiness, excitement and love into her life. He had been at her side for over two decades; a constant source of support and care but this last year and a half as a married couple had taken their relationship to new heights. Charles simply completed her; he made her whole, and whether they were having a cup of tea in the garden, making passionate love in their bedroom, or bickering about some trivial matter on a walk to the village, she adored every single second of being with him. He made her smile, he made her angry, he made her laugh and, my goodness Elsie thought, he turned her on! Her gorgeous, big bear of a husband was quite the dish, Elsie smiled.

Charles caught his wife's eye as the final words of the carol were being sung, she was so beautiful, he thought, and never looked happier than when she was surrounded by those she loved. He reached down, not caring that they were in church and surrounded by others, and kissed her, wanting to pour all of his love and devotion into that kiss. Elsie deepened the kiss as the final notes of 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' rang around the church.


"Well I think it is my bedtime … Elsie … could you give me a hand to get upstairs?" Beryl asked.

"Yes of course Beryl … are you sure you don't want another sherry?" Elsie asked.

They had returned from the carol concert about an hour earlier and had enjoyed a sherry and a mince pie in front of the fire.

"No thank you Elsie … I think I have had quite enough …" Beryl giggled, her cheeks a little flushed.

"Yes … remember that we English cannot drink as much as you Scots … drunks the lot of you!" Muriel crowed, as Elsie rolled her eyes.

"Oh … I don't know Muriel … you have put away a fair few drinks this evening …" Beryl joked lightly, wanting to defend her friend.

"I have hardly touched a drop …" Muriel replied snootily, her voice slurring due to the effects of the half bottle of sherry she had downed.

"Well let's see if your head agrees with that statement in the morning …" Elsie smiled, taking Beryl by the arm to give her some support.

Muriel did not respond, she knew only too well that she had drunk quite a lot, and she smiled good-naturedly as she watched Elsie gently guide her friend upstairs.


"You go first Muriel …" Elsie said excitedly, as the five of them gathered in the sitting room on Christmas morning.

They all sat in their dressing gowns as Elsie handed out the gifts. They had already had an eggnog and a mince pie to start the day.

Muriel was trying not to look too excited but she was finding it difficult; she could not remember when she had last enjoyed a family Christmas such as this. She opened her first present from Charles and Elsie and burst out laughing as the wrapping paper fell away to reveal a charming book called 'The Beauty of Scotland'. They all chuckled as she beamed delightedly at this gift. She then turned to her second gift and unwrapped it with haste.

"What's this?" she asked happily.

It was a beautiful leather-bound album.

"Look inside … I thought it might be nice for you to have a family album …" Elsie said.

As Muriel flicked through the pages, tears welled in her eyes. There were photographs of her and Charles as young children, photographs of Charles in his music hall days and Muriel and Harold at their wedding, right through to the most recent photograph of Charles and Elsie on their wedding day. Muriel was truly touched that Elsie and Charles had gone to such effort for her.

"Thank you so much … this is wonderful …" she said, as she embarrassedly wiped a stray tear away from her cheek. Elsie gave her sister-in-law a little wink.

"Your turn Harold ..." Charles said, as Harold delightedly opened his gifts; a bottle of finest Scottish whisky and a box of cigars, as well as a hot water bottle to help ease his leg cramps. Charles had been relieved to be updated by Elsie following their last visit; he now knew that the groaning noises from Harold had been due to leg cramps rather than other exertions.

They continued to exchange gifts, with Elsie receiving a lovely silk scarf and a broach from her in-laws, whilst Charles received a book on gardening and some handkerchiefs. Elsie passed Beryl her gifts, as the Cook smiled enthusiastically.

She opened her first gift; a lovely, ornate frame with a photograph on one side of Beryl as a young girl with her parents, and a second photograph of Beryl with her sister.

"We thought you might want to put it on the mantelpiece with the rest of our photographs … just so you know that this is your home now as much as ours …" Charles said tenderly, with Elsie squeezing his hand for such a loving gesture; the photographs had been his idea.

Beryl teared up, as with Muriel, as she felt quite overcome. She whispered 'thank you' to her friends, a delighted smile on her face, as she swallowed back the tears that threatened and hugged the frame to her chest. Her second gift was a pretty handbag, as Beryl had mentioned the fastening on her old handbag was difficult to open.

Charles then passed Elsie her gift, as he stroked her face and kissed her devotedly. He had bought this gift well in advance of Christmas; he would never make that mistake again! As Elsie opened the small box, with the beautiful bow, she gasped. Inside was the most exquisite pair of gold, heart-shaped earrings, both with a solitary diamond set into the design. They were the perfect match for her first anniversary gift.

"Oh Charles … I love them …" she said, giving her husband a warm hug and kissing him on the lips.

"Now … now … at least wait until we have all left the room …" Muriel said cheekily.

Elsie smiled and handed Charles his gift from her. He opened it with a broad smile, to find a handsome pair of silver cufflinks, each engraved with a heart and the letters 'C' and 'E'. He kissed Elsie once again,

"They are magnificent Elsie … I shall never take them off …"

Now that the presents had all been unwrapped, another drink was in order before they got changed and began to prepare Christmas lunch.

"Right … how about a wee dram of whisky?" Elsie said, in her broadest Scottish lilt.

"Why not?" they all cheered in unison.


The Christmas lunch had been a triumph with all credit to Beryl Patmore. She had been ably assisted by her helper Elsie, and she had outdone herself with a splendid turkey and all of the trimmings. Even Muriel had complimented Beryl on her cooking skills; she was either softening at last, or the eggnog, sherry and whisky were having a mellowing effect, Elsie thought.

Anna and John had just arrived with Lizzie and Charles immediately scooped his favourite little girl up into his arms, as Elsie got their guests some drinks. Daisy had accompanied them too.

"Did it all go well at the House?" Elsie asked Anna. John was talking to Muriel and Harold, as Daisy cuddled up to Beryl on the couch. Charles was standing looking out of the front window with Lizzie, chattering away about Santa Clause as he held the young girl lovingly.

"There weren't too many crises … although the new footman almost came a cropper with the bread sauce … he almost spilled it over the Dowager!" Anna replied, as Elsie laughed loudly at the thought.

"And are things well with you and John?" Elsie asked.

"They couldn't be better …" Anna smiled, and Elsie noticed a certain bloom in the younger woman's cheeks. A thought crossed her mind.

"I was surprised that you wanted lemonade Anna … rather than a glass of wine on Christmas day …" Elsie beamed knowingly, smiling at the girl she thought of as a daughter.

Anna laughed; she never could keep any secrets from Elsie.

"John doesn't even know yet … it is not confirmed … not yet …" Anna whispered with a smile, as Elsie hugged her warmly.

Elsie then heard a snippet of the conversation John was having with Muriel and Harold. Muriel had started on the Irish, now that she knew John's heritage. Elsie thought she best step in before she denigrated the entire Irish race.

"Muriel … could you help me in the kitchen …" Elsie interjected, as Muriel reluctantly followed her.


"You are very close to that young Anna aren't you?" Muriel asked, as she sat at the kitchen table whilst Elsie prepared some more drinks.

"I am … to be honest … I think of her like a daughter … and we have become surrogate grandparents to Lizzie … Charles adores her …" Elsie said affectionately.

"I can see that … I have never seen him so soppy!" Muriel joked.

"Did you ever want children Muriel? … oh I am sorry … that was a very personal thing to ask …" Elsie said, taking the weight off her feet for a moment and sitting at the table with Muriel.

"No … no … its fine … I did want children … I would have particularly loved a daughter … but it never happened for Harold and I … probably just as well … I am not sure I would have made a very good mother …" she said sadly.

"I am sure you would have made an excellent mother Muriel … you don't fool me … underneath that gruff exterior … lies a soft and loving heart …" Elsie smiled.

Muriel blushed and shook her head with a smile.

"Let's get these drinks into the sitting room … Beryl will be climbing the walls if she doesn't get more eggnog soon …" Muriel jested, changing the subject entirely. She was embarrassed by Elsie's kind words, she was not used to such compliments; she did not know what to do with herself.

Elsie smiled as she looked at the flushed face of her sister-in-law.

As Muriel reached the door to the hallway, she turned back to Elsie. She looked anxious and deep in thought, Elsie noted. Muriel then looked at Elsie,

"… if I had been blessed with a daughter Elsie … I would have wanted her to be just like you …" Muriel whispered and then scurried out of the room.

Elsie was astonished but very touched by Muriel's words.


Elsie was chatting to Beryl on the sofa, as Charles came to join them.

"I almost forgot ladies … I have one more gift for you both …" Charles smiled proudly.

Elsie looked surprised; he had never mentioned another gift.

"There you go …" he said, handing an envelope to Beryl.

Elsie motioned for Beryl to open the envelope as she looked on excited.

"A trip to London!" Beryl cried, a look of childlike excitement on her face.

"Oh Charles!" Elsie cheered, as she cupped his cheek in her hand and kissed him sweetly.

"Well I seem to remember you ladies had plans for a girls weekend in London … and I know they had to be postponed … but I thought it would be something nice to look forward to in the new year …" Charles finished.

Beryl and Elsie held hands excitedly.

"Shall we?" Beryl asked, as Elsie nodded.

Both women reached up and kissed Charles on each cheek, as he chuckled delightedly wrapping his arms around both women.


Elsie and Charles sat on their garden bench, cuddled up closely and gazing happily at each other. The stars twinkled brightly, with the moon lighting up the night sky. Elsie rested her hand on Charles's chest, feeling his comforting warmth through his shirt. Charles gently stroked her side as he held her to him. They could hear their loved ones from inside the cottage, with sounds of laughter and joy filtering outside. They had enjoyed a wonderful Christmas day with their family and friends but they cherished this quiet moment, just the two of them, as they sat silently, enjoying the peace and calmness. Charles kissed Elsie's hair lovingly, planting the tiniest of kisses to her hair, her cheeks and then a final sweet kiss to her nose. Elsie murmured happily as she enjoyed her husband's attentions. They both felt utter bliss and contentment, as they stroked each other's face so tenderly, kissing each other under the stars.

"Merry Christmas my love …" Elsie whispered between kisses.

"Merry Christmas sweet pea …" Charles smiled.

The End.

A/N: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and reviews, both on tumblr and on this site, and thank you for following this story so loyally. I never envisaged it would reach 60 chapters but thank you for sticking with me and this gentle tale. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas x