This is my second story, my first one in Star Wars though. My other is in LOTR. Please Read and Review.

By: Emmithar

Rating: Pg-13 for minor violence

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to either Lucas or Watson, as is with the places and creatures. I have no permission to use them, and I am not receiving any money for this story. The story is for enjoyment only.

Summary: A threat is looming, 14 year old Obi-Wan is in danger from an unseen evil. When he is captured, he must use all his knowledge both from life and training to survive.

Note: If anything is spelled or written incorrectly, or is offensive to anyone, forgive me, and please let me know. I can not do anything unless I am told. Thank you.

Chapter 1: Evil Happenings

The sun shot warm golden rays down upon the blue lake as Obi-Wan walked through. He knew that the sun was just an illumination, but he could not help himself from inhaling deeply. The lake was perhaps one of his most favorite spots in the Jedi Temple. One of the reasons this was so was because he knew that he could almost always find his friend here. Bant had been a good friend as long as he could remember. He saw her orange from glide lightly through the water as he sat down near the bank. He let a hand trail gently through the water, letting his thoughts take him away.

"Thinking?" Bant's voice startled him, causing him to jump slightly. Bant laughed softly, hanging onto the edge of the shore. Obi-Wan nodded. He and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn had just returned from a long tiring mission. On the Planet Ohvey they had uncovered the secret as to why the Planet's resources were disappearing. It turned out to be that the King's own son was shipping them secretly off planet, trying to force the small planet into chaos, so that his father would be overthrown so he could claim the throne himself. They had come awfully close to being the next victims of an angered prince.

"Want to talk about it?" Bant asked softly, when he did not reply. Obi-Wan shook his head, a smile pulling at his lips. "No Bant, I'm fine. Just tired." Bant nodded, pushing herself away from the shore, waving her arm, beckoning him to join. Obi-Wan sat for a moment, before shredding his robe, and sliding into the cool water.


From the darkness, a figure, clothed in black watched as the two young ones swam around. He knew who the two were; he had seen them both before. Dark eyes focused on the boy. Anger surged through him for a moment before he calmed himself. He could not make himself aware to them. He stiffened when the boy looked over his way, and he retreated further into the shadows.

"What is it?" Bant asked softly when Obi-Wan searched the lake. He was certain that he had felt a slight disturbance in the force. Before he would never had been able to feel something so slight, and he doubted that Bant had felt it at all. He shook his head after a moment. More in likely it was nothing to worry about. "Nothing," he told her softly.

The figure let out a soft breath of air, unaware that he had been holding it. He had to be more careful; he reminded himself that he might have only one chance to get his plan to work right. He watched the figures emerge from the lake, and he smiled softly to himself. Now was the time. He pushed back the edge of his cloak, placing a hand on the hilt of his lightsaber. *******

Obi-wan was starting to dry off when the force surged suddenly, warning him only seconds before the attack came. He had his lightsaber drawn and he spun around to meet the threat. He was surprised to see that his attacker also carried a lightsaber.

Bant watched horrified as Obi-Wan used all his skill and strength just to block the oncoming blows. The attacker was incredibly strong; darkness surging from him as he continued to press Obi-was without mercy. "Get help!" Obi-Wan cried. "Go!"

Bant nodded as she ran lightly over the grass, toward the alarm. The attacker swore under his breath. "NO!" He had come to far to have his plan ruined. Using the force he caused the railings above to sway, and break. Before Obi-Wan could react he saw the railings break and fall; Bant had also seen it, and the fact that she could not move out of the way in time.

A cry escaped Obi-Wan's throat as the heavy metal crashed to the ground, burying the Calamarian underneath the twisted derbies. Yet that was all he had time for as he was once again ruthlessly attacked. The hood that he wore concealed his enemy, from who he was, but at this point Obi-Wan was only concerned on getting out of this alive, and he hoped deeply that Bant was also. He glanced over there quickly, hoping to see Bant pulling herself out of the rubble, but all was still. The distraction was all the attacker needed, as he knocked the lightsaber from Obi-Wan's hand. He grabbed the boy roughly, binding his hands forcefully behind his back. Obi-Wan cried out as the ropes cut into his wrists.

At that moment Mace Windu and Qui-Gon burst through the door. They had been alerted to the broken railings in the room, and had gone swiftly to see if anyone had been harmed and needed rescuing. What they saw now was totally unexpected. Qui-Gon saw Obi-Wan in the attacker's hold and quickly withdrew his Lightsaber, the blade glowing green. He advanced rapidly but halted suddenly when the attacker held his lightsaber against the boy's neck. He knew that the cloaked figure could take the boy's life with a simple flick of his hand. He could feel the evil pulsing around him.

He sought the boy's eyes, and Obi-Wan flicked his own toward the rubble, silently telling Qui-Gon that Bant was under there. Qui-Gon sighed deeply; things were going worse than he could expect. He watched as the attacker flipped his head up, the hood falling off. He smiled cruelly, watching the surprise on his face.

Qui-Gon shook his head. This could not be happening, it wasn't true. He told himself over and over again, but he looked at his face and it just proved him wrong. But how could it be? The person that stood before him was dead. He had died nearly a year ago, and yet there he was. A scowl grew on his face as Qui-Gon slowly stepped forward. The attacker held the lightsaber closer to the boy's exposed neck.

"Xanatos" he whispered softly.