Baby, We'll Be Counting Stars

He lay in bed, the familiar sensation of silk sheets against his skin and a warm body wrapped comfortably around his. It was a familiar body, one he knew well, one that fit perfectly against his. "Mmmm Magnus," he whispered softly, rolling over to snuggle his face into the Warlock's chest. He felt Magnus start to purr, a slightly weird, unseen sign of his being a warlock that came along with his cat eyes. It had weirded Alec out at first but he soon came to find it adorable, loving when it would happen in his sleep, or when they'd be content on the couch. Magnus was more cat-like than he'd ever admit, but Alec knew, and loved that part of him. "I had the most horrible nightmare." he murmured pulling Magnus closer into him. He felt Magnus run a soothing hand through his hair. Alec opened his eyes with a smile and looked up into the face of the man he loved, intent on kissing him awake. He wasn't sure what time of morning it was, but after the dream he'd had he needed physical reassurance that he and Magnus were alright, and Magnus had never complained about waking up to sex before. As he looked up though he was startled by what he saw.

Magnus was pale, sickeningly so, and his eyes were glossed over and distant. Suddenly the warmth from his body wasn't so warm anymore. "Magnus?" Alec whispered hesitantly, then something in his mind clicked. He's dead Alec, look at him. Panic shot through him and he pushed himself to his knees, scrambling backwards. The Canary Yellow sheets were soaked in blood and Magnus lay still among them, a wound clear on his chest where his heart was. Alec reached out hesitantly. "Magnus, oh dear god no." He brushed a little bit of hair from the Warlocks face, feeling tears slide down his cheek. "No. No. NO. NO." He repeated over and over, breaking down and pulling the limp body of his lover into his arms. "Magnus please, wake up," he pleaded, cradling him, holding him to his chest as though his own life was dependent on the contact between them.

"You're too late little Nephilim."

Alec's head snapped up, looking for the source of the voice that had spoken. In the corner stood Camille as he had last seen here, except that now her hands and face were covered in blood.

"You," Alec breathed, gently laying Magnus back down, and protectively crouching over him, with a dagger that he wasn't sure how he'd gotten a hold of. He didn't think on it though, choosing instead to focus on Camille. His only thoughts now were the million ways in which he could kill her.

"Time to wake up Alexander," She said looking now at Magnus. Alec flowed her gaze for a moment, then he threw himself at her, his rage overcoming his grief.

Alec woke with a start, gasping for breath as he realized that water had been thrown on him.. He blinked a few times, trying to get his bearings, and trying to shake the horrid feeling that had come along with the dream. That was a new one, one he hadn't had before, and it had been vivid. So vivid he'd managed to believe that he and Magnus were still together. He mentally checked himself over. A few bruises and a cut on his forehead. What had he been doing before he'd gotten here? He found himself chained to some sort of metal pipe, arms behind him of course. Well isn't this a bit cliche. He thought grimly, trying to see just how much of the dark room he could make out. Not much, it was nearly pitch black and of course he had now sight runes on. He tried to move around some and froze as a soft, feminine laugh filled the small room.

Magnus woke up with a groan. There was a pounding in his brain he couldn't quite explain. He's fallen asleep on the couch, the TV on a random station, and a pizza open on the coffee table. It had been light out before, near dinner time, the sun had still been up. Now it was dark and he had to blink a few times to see anything. The TV channel he'd been watching was now running infomercials. A quick glance at his phone told him it was around 3 am. He looked around, trying to determine what had woken him up. His curiosity was answered by a loud and insistent knock at the door.

"Go away," he moaned, flopping back down on the couch. His customers were often late night visitors, but the regulars, who paid well, were the only ones he took on the weekends, and they all knew better than to knock at his door. The banging came again, more insistent and urgent than before. With a sigh Magnus got up and stomped over to the door, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Pajama pants, a t-shirt with a few holes in it that was probably his ex-boyfriends, and a brightly colored knit jacket. What a wonderful way to great people. I look fabulous. He sighed again, attempting to smooth out his hair, compose himself, and put his bitch face on.

"This had better be good foolish mortal or I swear by all that is holy I will smite you where you stand," he said opening the door. He found himself face to face with Jace Lightwood. "Oh, it's you." he said in disgust. "I'm sorry but Saint Magnus's Home for Wayward Shadowhunters is closed to you. We reserve the right to refuse service, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc." He moved to close the door and Jace put his hand up to stop it.

"This is important."

"Are you deaf?"

"It's about Alec."

"Oh lovely. Go find a Warlock that gives a fuck."

"I'm not looking for another warlock."

"Well then, I guess you are screwed aren't you?"

"I'm not playing here Bane."

"Neither am I, now be gone from this place."

"By the Angel Bane! I swear I will-"

"Please Magnus."

They both stopped, their attention shifting to the soft plea that had come from behind Jace. It was Isabelle. Her face was tear streaked and her hair hung limp and tangled at her shoulders. It was clear from the bags under her eyes that it had been days since she slept. She was far from her usual composed self. Magnus looked over the faces of the others. They weren't as tattered looking as Isabelle, but their distress was clear, especially in Jace. Jace, Izzy, Clary, Simon… he counted off in his head, but where was Alec.

"What happened to Alexander?" He asked, slowly looking around their faces again, watching their reactions, before letting his gaze settle on Isabelle again. "Isabelle, where is your brother? What happened to Alec?"

((Look for the Sequal to Counting Stars, Little Talks!))