"Magnus," Alec screamed in ecstasy, his head rolling back as sweat rolled down his neck. He felt Magnus's hands grab his hips and the pleasure that he thought couldn't get any more intense doubled. Shit, Alec thought as his abs tightened, a telltale sign of what was imminent. Not yet. "Oh, God," Alec muttered desperately trying to hold on. Magnus, feeling his partner tense up, closed their distance by lifting Alec so his back was to Magnus's front. Was Magnus trying to torture him? Grandmas, think about naked, saggy, grandmas. However, the mental depiction did little to stop the immense pleasure Alec felt and only caused him to wonder if he was now attracted to old women. Shifting again, Magnus now reached a new angle that allowed a direct hit to Alec's prostate and the abused bundle of nerves tingled in the most delightful way, destroying Alec's last bit of self-control. With a shudder, Alec came and collapsed into Magnus's arms, completely spent. Lazily, Alec leaned his head back on Magnus's shoulders, feeling all of his tension leave him.

However, that relaxation didn't last long. "Cut!" the director yelled, marching angrily over to the young men. "Alec, how many times do I need to remind you- we need at least ten minutes of footage."

Magnus removed himself from Alec, still erect. Had all of his blood not been down south, Alec was sure he would have blushed. For some reason, Magnus had an extreme effect on Alec, one that apparently wasn't reciprocal. He shouldn't be surprised. Magnus had years of experience on Alec who was only an up and comer in the gay-porn industry.

Sighing, Alec rubbed his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry." Even though he knew it was his fault for not being able to control himself, he wanted to blame it on Magnus. The man not only oozed sex but knew the exact spots that made Alec act like a mumbling, incoherent teenager. Had Alec actually voiced his thoughts, he knew he'd be laughed out of the studio. Oozing sex was practically a job requirement, something he could hardly complain about. Instead, Alec asked for a fifteen minute break to collect himself.

Getting out of the bed, Alec threw on a pair of the boxers before grabbing a bottle of water. Casually, Alec walked over to the wall behind the cameras and leaned on it. Calm down, Alec thought, shaking from the intense release. The cool concrete of the wall caused goosebumps to form on his sweaty skin and Alec closed his eyes at the contact. What was wrong with him? Even though he was new to the industry, nobody had ever affected him like this. Usually, he had to force all the emotions when he shooting sex scenes, even having to imagine his (adopted) brother Jace to orgasm. This 'forced' ejaculation could be produced at the drop of hat, something incredibly rare and incredibly desired. This in combination with his distinct blue eyes made him a hot commodity and every director wanted to work with him, despite his inexperience. Although, working with Magnus Bane changed that, much to the chagrin of the producers. No longer could Alec come on command by picturing Jace's face. Now, in order to last a measly five minutes (if he was lucky) he had to picture disgusting scenarios and pray to God.

"Is everything alright?" asked a silky voice that sounded like pure sin. Alec didn't need to open his eyes to know Magnus Bane, the sexist and most sot after male porn star (both straight and gay porn), was in front of him, his warm breathe landing on Alec's already heated skin.

Alec nodded, cracking his eyes open and blushing when he realized just how close they were. Already, not even minutes since he had finished, he felt himself begin to harden, especially when he took in the eyes of the older man. For this particular movie, Magnus Bane had to wear cat-eye contacts for his character, something that stunned Alec to no end. Mostly, Alec was speechless, a big issue since he had enough trouble with words in the first place. Taking a shaky breath, Alec tried to calm himself. "Do you think you could... not?"

Lifting a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, Magnus regarded Alec cooly. "Care to explain further?"

Anther painful blush, and Alec felt himself stutter out a reply. "When I'm close, could you... slow down?" Biting his lip, Alec searched Magnus's face for a hint of understanding. With another shaky breath, Alec looked away, desperately taking a drink of water to distract himself from the half-naked man in front of him.

"But I thought you were the boy wonder," Magnus stated, a slightly amused grin on his face. "I thought you could control yourself, especially with the likes of little old me."

"Well, I used to be able to," Alec expressed grimly, only half realizing he'd said that out loud.

Magnus threw his head back and laughed, the sound causing a twitch in Alec's dick. Maybe him going slow wouldn't do anything, Alec wondered hopelessly. Apparently all it takes is for him to laugh and I'm weak in the knees. "Don't sound like I killed your puppy," Magnus said, a smile lighting up his face. "I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself." With a glittery wink, Magnus turned and walked away, swinging his hips in a way that showed he knew Alec would be watching. With a groan, Alec palmed his straining erection, cursing his rotten luck. Biggest break in his unorthodox carrier and now he couldn't keep it in his pants.

"Fuck," Alec screamed, his fingers clutching the sheets. Alec opened his eyes so the camera could see them, knowing they turned a stormy blue when he was in ecstasy, a look that his fans absolutely loved. However, that didn't last long as Magnus inadvertently rammed into Alec's prostate again. With a gurgling sound that was not sexy by any stretch of the imagination, Alec's eyes rolled up into the back of his head. So close, Alec thought, not even remembering that this was bad.

Magnus did have a usable memory and recalled the conversation from earlier, slowing down to a painful speed, causing Alec to whimper pathetically but collect himself nonetheless. Focus, Alec begged of himself. Only... 4 more minutes. Damn. Alec brought up the image of saggy, old women again and was pleasantly surprised when his pleasure decreased a bit and he was able to form rational ideas.

Well, until Magnus flipped him. Now, instead of staring at the white wall in front of him, he gazed up into the incredible eyes of his lover. Something changed in that moment, an almost palpable shift. The world around them disappeared and the cameras, the plot, and the people seemed miles away. Then and there, it was only Magnus and Alec, clutching each other tightly, sharing a pleasure so unique and special, it rocked both of them to the core. Magnus, eyes glazed over in rapture, leaned forward to kiss Alec so sweetly, it made the staff want to look away as if they were interrupting a deeply intimate moment rather than a typical sex scene for a porno. Alec buried his hands in Magnus's hair, tugging lightly before deepening the kiss. With a whimper, Magnus's movements became erratic and then he was the one shuttering, Alec following soon after.

Even after they were done, they remained embraced, sensuously kissing. Finally, Magnus broke away and studied Alec, smoothing down the hair of the inexperienced man. Placing one last kiss on Alec's nose, he pulled out and collapsed on the bed.

Alec's eyes fluttered closed, wondering what had just happened. It felt too real to be acting, although even if it was, Alec didn't think he'd ever admit it. Whatever that had been was powerful, something Alec couldn't forget or discount easily.

Suddenly, Alec was reminded there were other people in the room as a slow clap started somewhere behind the camera. "Bravo," the director yelled. "Fucking A, that's going to get us big bucks right there."

Alec turned his head to stare into their audience. Mostly, he saw looks of arousal and was embarrassed when he realized he'd caused that. He wasn't an idiot, he knew that's what his job was, to get people off, but he'd never really seen the reaction before. It was always some abstract idea he could distance himself from. Suddenly, Alec felt dirty and used. A feeling of shame and disgust crept over him as the bewitching memory between him and Magnus was tarnished by the sex-crazed ogles.

Alec hopped out of the bed and pulled on the boxers again, this time running off to the changing room before anyone could say anything else. It was the last scene of the day and Alec wanted nothing more than to forget it had ever happened.

Quickly, Alec threw on his bulky sweater and pulled up his baggy pants, wanting to hide as much of his body as he could. He stared at himself, dragging a hand through his tousled hair. Even though it was his face that looked back at him, he felt like a stranger. The Alec he knew would never become this. The Alec he knew would go to college, find a girlfriend, protect his siblings, and be silently miserable but content in the fact he was making his family proud. Instead, he was a little better than broke, taking off his clothes so he could be objectified by creepy old men, and hopelessly lonely. It was moments like these that Alec wished he had never told his father he was gay, that he had never moved out because he couldn't stand the way his parents looked at him, and that he had never answered the add for the amateur porno which seemed like easy money at the time. All he had to do was lay there, right?

A quiet knocking interrupted his pity party and he opened the door, surprised to see Magnus on the other side. "What?" Alec asked, slightly shocked.

The contacts were out, revealing human eyes that still shined an ethereal green and managed to knock the breath out of Alec. "I don't usually do this," Magnus began, his face lacking any of it's usually sarcasm, "but I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me."

"What?" Alec repeated, eyes widened in even more shock.

Magnus stepped inside the dressing room, his hands finding Alec's hips as if they were meant to be there. "I find you captivating, Alec. And I'm not just talking physically," Magnus clarified, a downright cheeky smirk on his face. "There's an innocence about you that doesn't normally exist in this business. I'd like to get to know you better, perhaps over dinner. If you're not interested, tell me now and I'll leave you alone, but if you are..." Magnus left the sentence open ended, eyebrows raised fiendishly as if daring Alec to say yes.

For a few seconds, Alec could only open and close his mouth like a fish, so many words stuck in his throat, not able to make it past his vocal cords. "I've never kissed anyone before," Alec finally said, only realizing afterwards just how stupid the statement was after what had just occurred. "I mean for real, not for the camera."

Now it was Magnus's turn to stare at Alec incredulously. Then, slowly, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Alec's, groaning when Alec responded. Before it could get too deep, Magnus pulled back. "Now you have."

Dazed, Alec pulled Magnus back down passionately, even knocking their teeth together. Their tongues clashed, fighting for dominance, and their hands clutched each other's bodies firmly. Finally, Alec pulled away to breathe and gently removed himself from Magnus's embrace. "How does this Friday work?" Alec asked, flushed.

Magnus grinned devilishly and nodded, leaving Alec to muse about what exactly he was getting himself into.


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