Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or SM. DBZ belongs to Akira Toriyama, and Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi. If I owned either series I'd be too busy swimming in my Olympic-size pool full of cash to write this.

A/N: The DBZ stuff is during the time between the defeat of Buu and the final episodes; the SM stuff is during the SuperS series.

“"Hey dad!"” called Trunks. "“Check this out!"”


“"It's a web site called , apparently some people think some magical school girls are more powerful than the Z Soldiers.”"

Vegeta sat down and read a story. Trunks then showed him some Sailor Moon tapes of his sister's.

“"Somebody's going to suffer!"” shouted Vegeta while incinerating the TV. "“Either those dumbass authors, or the miniskirt sluts for inspiring this crap!”"

"“Why don't you ask Mom to build a inter-dimensional travel machine?”" suggested Trunks. "“She was able to build a time machine, this shouldn't be much harder. Oh, and the authors are just human kids, so fighting them would probably put you to sleep. Oh, and being nice to her will greatly increase your chances of her doing this.”"

Vegeta went to find Bulma.



“"I'd like you to build a machine so I can travel to the reality of Sailor Moon.”"

"“Why? So you can kill them all?”"

"“Now why would I ever want to do that?”"

"“I have a few ideas why.”"

"“So, will you do it?”"

"“Yes, but it may take a few months.”" A/N: WTF did she agree to this?

After four months of running calculations on the supercomputer, Bulma and Dr. Briefs began construction. During this time, Trunks googled all he could on the enemy. After two months the machine was ready.

Vegeta sat in the cockpit.

"“It's already been programmed with the necessary data,"” said Bulma. "“Just make sure the video screen is showing your desired destination and hit the biggest button on the control panel. It only has enough energy for two trips, so unless you find Washuu in the Tenchi Muyo dimension or something, you get a trip there and a trip back.”"

Vegeta activated the machine. He saw a bunch of swirly colors, akin to what someone overdosed on LSD might see, then his destination came into view. When the hatch opened, he was outside the Hikawa Shrine. The brat told me this is where they like to hang out, thought Vegeta. I wonder if anyone's home. Vegeta decided that the main entrance was too far away (two feet from directly in front of him), so he decided to make his own. All the main Senshi were there debating who the hottest N-Sync member was. That is until they were nearly blinded by the flash of light coming from the east wall. When their vision returned, they saw everyone's favorite spiky-haired badass stepping into the new doorway.

"“Who are you?”" asked Rei, obviously scared shitless. "Partially due to the insane amounts of evil power she was sensing from him."

“"I am Vegeta, almighty prince of the Saiyans. You shits have annoyed me enough to convince my wife to build a transport to your reality. Which, by the way, is going to be very different very soon.”"

His wife must be some amazing genius if what he says is true, thought Ami.

What a dreamy hunk! thought Minako and Makoto. "“Wait a second,"” said Makoto. "“He's from that Dragonball Z anime my old boyfriend was crazy over.”" None of the Senshi had ever actually seen an episode of DBZ, including Makoto, and the only thing they really knew about it was from Sailor praising crossovers on .

“"Hurry the hell up and transform into those lame excuses for warriors so I can pound you into pancakes!"” yelled Vegeta.

“"Pancakes?"” said Usagi, suddenly paying attention. "“Where? Ow! What was that for?"”

"“For being an idiot,"” said Rei. "“There are no pancakes.”" Turning towards Vegeta, she then asked "“How did you know we were the Sailor Senshi?”"

"“Lucky guess,”" said Vegeta with a smirk.

“"Moon crisis, make up!"” yelled Usagi, holding up her compact. Chibi-Usa did the same.

"“Mercury crystal power, make up!”"

"“Mars crystal power, make up!”"

"“Jupiter crystal power, make up!”"

"“Venus crystal power, make up!”"

Their combined ki is about one half Raditz's,
thought Vegeta. Vegeta had already decided that SS1 was the proper balance of speed and energy use to most gruesomely kill them, and had done his own transformation while waiting for them to finish. A/N: Yes, I realize this is overkill. I didn't think Vegeta used certain signature attacks in normal mode.

"“I am the pretty–”" began Moon.

"“Yeah, yeah, in the name of the moon, you will punish me,”" interrupted Vegeta. "“Shut up and fight!”"

Jupiter was about to try a flying roundhouse, but Vegeta's kick came first, sending her flying through several trees. She was screaming all the way until she hit the first tree and blacked out, and was barely alive when she landed. In the next 0.01 seconds his fist went through Venus' chest and out the back. The brat told me they had self-healing abilities above those of normal humans, thought Vegeta. I can't sense the blond's ki, which means they aren't powerful enough to bring them back from those kind of wounds.

"“Mars Flame Sniper!"” shouted you-know-who. Vegeta easily sidestepped it while punching Mercury in the side of the head, transferring the kinetic energy of his fist to her skull, much like that thing with the metal balls on the string. This caused it to explode, showering everyone with blood, bone and brains. Vegeta then proceeded to shatter Mars' ribs over his right kneecap, chunks of rib driving themselves into her heart and lungs. No amount of doctors would be able to save her.

Vegeta didn't care about the blood that was covering his clothes. He would make his wife wash them when he got back.

They're going to need help!
Pluto was watching the ensuing carnage from her post at the gates of time and set to work gathering the Outer Senshi from whatever time they were last seen. Including Saturn. Pluto knew they needed her power in order to have a hope in hell.

To be continued...